Jay3016's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Jay3016's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Thank you for sharing your artwork! It has been so wonderful being your art teacher at Middleton, and I've missed seeing you in the art room! Have a wonderful summer and KEEP CREATING! :) Ms. Beatrice
- Michelle (teacher at John Middleton Elementary School (1-5)) on June 4, 2020
Great job drawing your own version of our school mascot, CHAMP!
Keep creating,
:) Ms. Beatrice
- Michelle (teacher at John Middleton Elementary School (1-5)) on May 26, 2020
Hi Jay,
Excellent variety of tints and shades in this skull painting. You captured a lot of depth, it looks very 3-dimensional. Have you ever heard of the artist Georgia O'Keeffe? We didn't study her in art class this year. She is famous for her flower paintings, but she also painted some interesting skulls. I am going to email you an article about Georgia O'Keeffe that you might enjoy!
Keep creating,
:) Ms. Beatrice
- Michelle (teacher at John Middleton Elementary School (1-5)) on May 26, 2020
You used a pattern to create a repeating design from shapes and lines. I hope you enjoyed this project, did you draw it in Procreate? You can try it with other shapes too!
Keep creating,
:) Ms. Beatrice
- Michelle (teacher at John Middleton Elementary School (1-5)) on May 18, 2020
You have been putting a lot of effort into your portraits! It's great to see how you are evolving and growing with your art skills, Jay!
Keep creating,
:) Ms. Beatrice
- Michelle (teacher at John Middleton Elementary School (1-5)) on May 18, 2020
Excellent self-portrait in Procreate! I just started learning Procreate myself :)
- Michelle (teacher at John Middleton Elementary School (1-5)) on May 13, 2020
This is a wonderful example of a semi-abstract style! Sometimes abstract art represents something from real life, but it doesn't look exactly like what you'd see in real life. The body reminds me of the famous artist Piet Mondrian!
Keep creating,
:) Ms. Beatrice
- Michelle (teacher at John Middleton Elementary School (1-5)) on May 13, 2020
Hi Jay,
What did you think about creating a sculpture with foil? Did you enjoy the book about Keith Haring?
:) Ms. Beatrice
- Michelle (teacher at John Middleton Elementary School (1-5)) on May 4, 2020
Hi Jay,
You were able to create the illusion of overlapping with the lined paper! The coloring looks so smooth that I thought it might be digital? Thank you for sharing your art!
Keep creating,
:) Ms. Beatrice
- Michelle (teacher at John Middleton Elementary School (1-5)) on May 1, 2020
You have mastered all of the elements of art! The idea of creating space from outer space gave me a smile! Excellent work this week! Keep creating :) Ms. Beatrice
- Michelle (teacher at John Middleton Elementary School (1-5)) on April 24, 2020
The way you used light and dark values to create the 3-dimensional qualities of the face is stunning. Portrait drawing has always been a strength for you. I would encourage you to continue drawing and shading more portraits like this! Excellent work this week! Keep creating :) Ms. Beatrice
- Michelle (teacher at John Middleton Elementary School (1-5)) on April 24, 2020
Wasn't it fun learning how to fold a book from just ONE piece of paper? Great job designing a unique cover! :) Ms. Beatrice
- Michelle (teacher at John Middleton Elementary School (1-5)) on April 14, 2020
-- dada
- on October 27, 2017
Hi June! I love everything about this guy. Nice shapes and great placement on the page!
-- ChrisandJames
- on March 14, 2017
Wow, I love this picture! I love how the snake wraps around and the beautiful colors! Nice work!
-- Mom
- on October 27, 2016
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