Johnathan2737's Comments (34)

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Below are comments about Johnathan2737's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey J-man! I love this one! The colors and design is awesome. My favorite artwork of yours is the first one you did and this last one! You are quite the artist. I love you! Aunt Sue
-- Sue
- on July 5, 2017
Beautiful work!! You're a budding Impressionist Master! Love the colors and Ballance!
-- Ed grandpa
- on June 21, 2017
Wow! I love all the colors. I see heir aircraft is way up in the clouds. What kind of aircraft are they in? Looks very roomy! Do all Sky Pirates have ot this good?
-- Ed grandpa
- on May 27, 2017
I hope they are conquering evil and not starting it! Love, Mom
-- Cori
- on May 23, 2017
Oh Jman how I love you so...Great family pix! Love, Mom
-- Cori
- on May 23, 2017
This would make Uncle Doug proud!! Love, Mom
-- Cori
- on May 23, 2017
I LOVE your dalmations-especially their eyes and the expressions on their faces! Their ears are perfect too- if you have ever felt a dalmation's ears they feel so soft like velvet.
-- Pam
- on April 12, 2017
Well, these are really good, but I thought they were cows with black eyes until I read a little further and saw Dalmations. Keep up the good work and I'll keep buying stuff. Uncle Randy
-- Pam
- on April 12, 2017
Of course I am going to LOVE the dogs you created! I wish they all lived with us!! They look like they might just be looking at you to see what you are up to and where you plan to take them! Love, Mom
-- Mom
- on April 4, 2017
I love this bunny!! The ears are the best part!! They remind me of Takola when we first got her:) I am glad we have this hanging up in the house to enjoy before Easter. Love, Mom
-- Mom
- on March 17, 2017
We love the colors and your bunny is sooo cute. Love his cute face, smile, and his pink cheeks and pink ears! You are quite the budding artist!
-- Pam
- on March 15, 2017
WOW- I love the colors you used in this- it is soooo pretty! And you made it of clay?- you are becoming quite the creative artist!!
-- Pam
- on March 8, 2017
Jman - I am thrilled to have this hanging up in the house! I love all the colors and designs that you chose to use. It does my heart good to see your work:) Love, Mom
-- Mom
- on March 7, 2017
Nine hearts with well balanced spacing and very nice colors over the entire artwork! This is a very good piece of work! Grandpa G.
-- Ed grandpa
- on February 14, 2017
Your hearts look awesome little man! Like the 2 hearts inside of one. Happy Valentine's Day Jman! Love, Mom
-- Mom
- on February 7, 2017
What a great Valentines display with all the hearts and hugs and kisses! The one heart has black lines coming out of it- is that Uncle Randy's heart with stitches in it? We are going to make that our new symbol of him getting his heart fixed and how it will look-PERFECT Jman!! Love you!
-- Pam
- on February 8, 2017
The mittens look so warm and cozy! The blue stripe for you-your favorite color, and the red stripe for me- my favorite!! And I like that they kind of look like suspenders!
-- Pam
- on February 1, 2017
I love these mittens! The colors you used are Awesome!
-- Sue
- on January 23, 2017
Love the mittens Jman! Hope you get to wear a pair of your own again in the snow this winter! Love, Mom
-- Mom
- on January 19, 2017
This reminds me of Charlie Brown or Linus!! What a GREAT picture! And the hair and nose are perfectly placed- how did you know how to do that?! This is my new most favorite picture of all.
-- Pam
- on January 9, 2017
Johnathan!! WOW!! I LOVE IT!! If we get the snow they predict this weekend maybe that will be you Sat?! The hair is awesome:) Love, Mom
-- Mom
- on January 4, 2017
Wow! I love this picture of Santa Johnathan! Great job buddy!
-- Steph
- on November 30, 2016
Wow! I know Santa is very jolly. and he usally goes, 'Ho, ho, ho!". but Johnathans' Santa has at least thirteen "Ho, ho"s, so he must be tha happiest Santa EVER!
-- Grandpa G
- on November 30, 2016
This is amazing J-man! Can you make me one for behind my couch! Great job best friend!
-- Jenn
- on November 30, 2016
My nephew is so talented! Great job J-man!
-- Jenn
- on November 30, 2016
Good Santa- and he looks like he is giving the "thumbs up" sign-so YOU must have been really good!! I like the Ho Ho's in different colors-cool idea!
-- Pam
- on November 30, 2016
Nicely done Jman! I know you have been excited to finish Santa so you could show everyone. Can't wait until you are allowed to bring it home and we can hang for the holidays! Love, Mom
-- Cori
- on November 23, 2016
I KNEW you would be wearing blue!! Is that Cailin you are walking- she will be so proud to be in your picture! And I love that the sun is shining down on you. I believe you even paid tribute to "crazy hair"! Kepp the pictures coming!
-- Pam
- on October 26, 2016
My, Johnathan! What big eyes you have! And, I like the blue shorts and T-shirt. They ngo well together! What is it that you are holding in your right hand? Also, is that a bug just to the right of the bottom of your shorts? Let me know what it is, OK? Grandpa G
-- Ed
- on October 26, 2016
I see blue is still your favorite color I like the running shoes. Great work :)
-- Linda (Grandma)
- on October 26, 2016
Great job Jman! I love that you have your one yellow show and one orange shoe on - just like home! Nice to see your favorite blue thin shorts and blue shirt as well!
-- Mom
- on October 25, 2016
Johnathan, you're showing lots of talent; I really like the balance, the colors and the bright, bold background! Keep doing things like this! It looks GREAT!
-- Ed (Grandpa}
- on October 21, 2016
Love the form and colors and that the background is purples and blue!! Rocket Man!!
-- Pam
- on October 12, 2016
Love the rocket ship future astronaut!
-- Cori
- on October 12, 2016