Cadence1493's Comments (35)

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Below are comments about Cadence1493's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nicely done! All lines are converging on the vanishing point in a galaxy far, far away!
- Grandpa Ron on April 29, 2020
Beautiful! Very good use of shading and stippling. We had a record player similar to that when I was younger and that looks like my camera! Oh, it is!! haha.
- Grandpa Ron on March 11, 2020
Cool! Took me a while to see it, but it's definitely Finn! :-)
- Grandpa Ron on February 27, 2020
Psychedelic! Far Out! Groovy vibes!!
- Grandpa Ron on February 27, 2020
Psychedelic! Far Out! Groovy vibes!!
- Grandpa Ron on February 27, 2020
Pretty cool montage of all your interests! Easy to see what you are most interested in though ;-)
- Grandpa Ron on January 29, 2020
Mews.. Purrfect! Polylines can be really difficult to control, but this is great! Good job!!
-- Grandpa Ron
- on May 2, 2018
This drawing is quite interesting. You can tell me the meaning of it sometime.
-- Maudie
- on March 29, 2018
a single line can encompass the heavens, until some mouth breather trips over it and breaks the continuity! What a knucklehead!
-- Grandpa Ron
- on March 29, 2018
Obviously Eleven's nose bleeds were from telekensis.. that is very taxing on the brain and the bloody nose is an artifact of the mmense strain on the brain to move between dimensions!
-- Grandpa Ron
- on March 29, 2018
Very nice!
-- Laura
- on March 29, 2018
Great job!
-- Laura
- on March 29, 2018
Pretty cool!! Amazing how some strategically placed curved lines on a flat picture can make it seem like the rabbit's jumping off the page!
-- Grandpa Ron
- on November 29, 2017
Crazy Kara must be really creative! Millions of art shows! Wow, That's a lot!! She must have millions of ribbons and trophies for all the art shows she's won!! Where does she keep them all??
-- Grandpa Ron
- on November 24, 2017
Hi Cadence. I like your little person. He is cute. I am glad you like art. You are good at it. Keep up the good work. Love you.
-- Maudie
- on November 24, 2017
Hi Cadence, I like your picture. L
-- Maudie
- on November 24, 2017
Wow!.. that's really good! Not only a quilt but an art quilt too! The picture of your family is very recognizalble.. it takes a good eye and artistic touch to draw people who are identifiable! So, what is 4 / .25?
-- Grandpa Ron
- on October 29, 2017
Is this a Liger or a Tigon?. Maybe it's a whole new species, especially with the fins or plates on it's back!! Buried deep in the forest and never seen for thousands of years, you found a long lost species.. a Lion with the stripes of a Tiger and the fins or plates of a Stegosaurus.. so now, is this a Ligersuraus or Tigonsuarus?? Maybe it's a Cadencesaurus!! Pretty mixed up animal!! Cool!
-- Grandpa Ron
- on May 15, 2017
Hi. Cadence, I see you have entered another of your pictures. I like itnnThenexpresion on the tiger's face is so good. You did a good job. Keep up the good work. Love you. Grandma Maudie.
-- Maudie
- on May 12, 2017
-- Mom
- on December 26, 2016
Cadence, I really like your snowflake. You did a good job. Glad you keep up with your art work because you are very talented. Keep up the good work.
-- Maudie
- on December 26, 2016
Pretty cool!! Maybe you can make a bunch more so you can have a white Christmas and a enough to go ice skating too!
-- Grandpa Ron
- on December 26, 2016
Wow, I love this blue and white snowflake!!!
-- Laura
- on December 26, 2016
Cadence I sure like all those nice hearts on your artwork. Is it to be hung on the wall or somewhere as an ornament? Looks like you did a lot of work on it. What kind of material did you use? Good job????
-- Maudie
- on November 16, 2016
-- Robyn
- on November 7, 2016
I didn't know that sticks could talk, but I know you're right.. they say happiness, positivity, love and creativity.. Very nice! You are an artist!
-- Granpa Ron
- on November 7, 2016
Beautiful! Would make a very pretty dress!
-- Laura
- on November 4, 2016
Amziing! A dress that's a flower, or is it a flower that's also a dress?? Graphic!!
-- Grandpa Ron
- on November 4, 2016
-- --Mom
- on October 30, 2016
Bob looks really worried about being sent back to glorg... Zelda must be pretty nasty but Bob's pretty cool!!
-- Ron
- on October 25, 2016
Hi Bob! I won't tell anyone I saw you... Great job Cadence!
-- Laura
- on October 25, 2016
-- Laura
- on September 22, 2016
Very good Cadence. Glad to be a fan of yours. Love Gma M
-- Maudie
- on September 22, 2016
Camels plodding along on the sand dunes! Crazy!
-- Grandpa Ron
- on September 22, 2016
-- Robyn
- on September 21, 2016