Samantha22764's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Samantha22764's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Sammalammadingdong!!! I just love your name collage!!! The colors are great and it's really cheery. I hope you had fun working on it. We sure are looking forward to seeing you guys in, well, I guess 12 days!!!! I hope you are enjoying the pre-holidays, too. Love you lots, Granny
- Holly on January 5, 2020
Sammi!!! This is the cutest little Oreo I've ever seen!!!! I don't know how you did it, but it is adorable! I love when I get to see your artwork. Hope you have a wonderful birthday party and weekend with your family. See you in a few weeks. Love, Granny
-- Holly
- on January 26, 2019
This is another really nice piece, Samm!!! I love all the colors and your fishies are adorable!!! I'm so glad I get to see your art. Looking forward to seeing you and your family Mother's Day weekend. love, Granny
-- Holly
- on January 26, 2019
Sammi- That is the cutest little birdie I think I've ever seen!!! I want to pick it up and snuggle it. Great work!!!! I love getting to see your artwork. Can't wait to see you in 4 days!!! love, Granny
-- Granny
- on January 13, 2018
Google! This is cute! Is it you and Eva? Love! Mommy
-- Mom
- on October 5, 2017
Great work, Sammi!!! Is that you are your friend?
-- Granny
- on October 5, 2017
Hi there, Birthday girl!!! How fun to get to admire your artwork on your actual birthday!!! I really, really like your ocean artwork!!! Great colors and it is very pretty. So happy I get to be a member of your fan club. Keep up the great work and I will look forward to the next masterpiece. love, Granny
-- Granny
- on December 29, 2016
Sammalammadingdong!!! I am really crazy about this piece of art you have created..... the one from shapes and with the fun name of "Loveland". It is SO fun and colorful. I am really excited about getting to be a member of your art fan club and can't wait to see your next masterpiece! Keep up the great work! Love you so much and I'm very proud of you!
-- Granny
- on November 3, 2016