Mason15334's Comments (25)

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Below are comments about Mason15334's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Makes me "think spring" Love it!!
- Larry on June 17, 2020
Mason, Cardinals are one of my favorite birds. Love your picture.
- Gramma Sue on January 29, 2020
Mason, First of all, I love this piece! But most of all, I love your comment..."when I failed I persisted I learned".... Not only an artist habit....that habit will help you with everything you ever do.
- Gpa Larry on January 29, 2020
I LOVE the bright red cardinal!!
- Sarah on December 18, 2019
Mason, I really like your American flag. I plan to get a T shirt with it printed.
- Larry on November 22, 2019
I love this one, Mason! A pop of red color and rolling green fields.
- Sarah on October 23, 2019
Whoa! Love the colors and the texture!
-- Larry
- on March 2, 2019
Here is another story piece for me. I feel like I'm laying on my back, looking to the sky on a blustery fall day. The birds are flocking up and heading south before winter sets in. So much motion and depth here......I love it!
-- Larry
- on December 7, 2018
I love this one too! To me, it tells a story. Makes me think of being in the north country with paper birch trees and the early fall leaves starting to fall while still some green leaves on the trees. I especially like the detail of a birch log laying on the forest floor. Once again, you have made a piece that can mean different things to different people. Great work!
-- Larry
- on December 7, 2018
Boy, I'd really like to hear about this piece, Mason! I love your choice of colors on the black background! I'm so interested in how you achieved the feeling of depth and motion. Every time I look at it I see something different, but always get a feeling of being outside on a cold winter night with bright shining stars and the northern lights....maybe not what you intended, but I think great art speaks to the individual viewing the piece. And you certainly achieved that on this!
-- Larry
- on December 7, 2018
Beautiful art work Mason!
-- Sarah
- on December 7, 2018
Beautiful fall colors.
-- Kari
- on December 4, 2018
I love the use of the silver in this forest.
-- Kari
- on December 4, 2018
This is one of my favorites!!!!
-- Kari
- on December 4, 2018
Beautiful stars ??
-- Kari
- on December 4, 2018
Your art work is so fun to see. Very nice job on you leaf.
-- Gramma
- on December 4, 2018
Love your leaf.
-- Gramma
- on December 4, 2018
Mason, I love this one.
-- Gramma
- on December 4, 2018
I love this picture. Nice work.
-- Susan
- on December 4, 2018
Mason, I love this.
-- Gramma
- on December 4, 2018
I really like your new art piece. Makes me think of the beach at the ocean. Gramma
-- Gramma
- on December 4, 2018
Love the colors you used and all the details.
-- Kari
- on March 21, 2018
Cool picture. Like it a lot. Gramma
-- Gramma
- on December 4, 2018
I like your weaving and choice of colors.
-- Gramma
- on March 7, 2018
Very nice. I love all the color you used.
-- Kari
- on February 13, 2018