Dylan24465's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Dylan24465's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love the color and simplicity of this piece, Dylan. Great job!
-- Juli
- on December 7, 2018
I love your latest artwork, Dylan! Your depiction of an autumn tree is just beautiful. I especially love that we can see the roots underground and the branches through the leaves. That’s my favorite part of this piece. The color of the leaves is stunning. I would love to frame this and hang it up at home so we can enjoy it for years to come! Well done, buddy!
-- Juli
- on October 17, 2018
Great drawing of the tree Dylan. Nice detail of the branch and root structures. The choice of colors for the foliage and background provides nice depth and realism. Very appealing and would look beautiful as a framed drawing!
-- Memere and Pepere
- on October 17, 2018
Wonderful drawing Dylan. It is difficult to draw a reflection and you did an excellent job of drawing the reflection of the New York skyline in the water. The clouds, shading and colors add so much to the picture. Love this drawing!
-- Memere and Pepere
- on January 31, 2018
This is so cool, Dylan!! I love how you drew the reflection in the water and the lightning coming from the cloud. SUCH A GREAT PIECE! ????
-- Mom
- on January 16, 2018
Dylan~The shades of blue that you chose are some of my favorites! You did a wonderful job shading them in. I really like how you made some lighter and others dark to show shadows and perspective! Great job, bud!
-- Juli
- on November 15, 2017
Dylan- we love the way you drew the different shapes and angles. It's very realistic! Well done, buddy! ~Mom & Dad
-- Juli
- on November 15, 2017
Very nice picture of the boxes Dylan! The boxes are so realistic and the lines and angles that create the sides of the boxes are very accurate!
-- Memere and Pepere
- on November 15, 2017
This is a wonderful picture of the boxes Dylan. It was very clever of you to use different color shades for the sides of the boxes to create the depth of each box. The boxes are so realistic and the angles that you used to draw the boxes are very accurate. Very nice drawing!
-- Memere and Pepere
- on November 15, 2017
Wow Dylan, this perspective piece is awesome! It really draws your eye into the center. Great color scheme, too! Well done.
-- Juli
- on October 4, 2017
We absolutely love this perspective drawing Dylan. You have done such a nice job showing depth and distance in your drawing from a single point on a flat piece of paper! You are very creative!
-- Memere and Pepere
- on October 4, 2017
Wow, Dylan! Dad and I love this flag! Such a beautiful piece to make in honor of Memorial Day. How clever to use bubble wrap to create the stars! The way you blended the red and white to make the stripes reminds me of an Impressionist painting. You are very talented buddy! Mom and Dad
-- Mom and Dad
- on June 7, 2017
Such a beautiful picture of the flag Dylan. We love how the colors of the stripes are blended together mixing red with the white to provide a unique picture! This flag would look great on the front of a tee shirt!
-- George And Pauline
- on June 7, 2017
We love your design concept for this artwork Dylan. The various graphics shown in this picture and how they are interconnected create a very interesting and appealing picture! Nice job!
-- George And Pauline
- on June 7, 2017
Dylan great job with your painting. The black background makes the fish and the tank really pop. Great work
-- Christopher
- on March 29, 2017
Another beautiful picture Dylan and such great words for everyone to live by. "Be You". Love it!
-- Memere and Pepere
- on January 25, 2017
Daddy and I love your tree, buddy! My favorite is the little tiny branch sticking out from the trunk and how graceful the lies are. You really did an awesome job! Way to go!! Mom and Dad : )
-- Juli
- on December 8, 2016
Excellent work Dylan. The tree is very realistic looking. Truly a winter wonderland! So proud of you!
-- Memere and Pepere
- on December 8, 2016
This is awesome Dylan! Love Punpkin- he rocks! Beautiful artwork.
-- Juli
- on October 11, 2016
Beautiful picture of Pumpkin! You are very creative Dylan. We like your use of the background color and the other colors in the picture to make Pumpkin stand out. We are looking forward to seeing more of your artwork!
-- Memere and Pepere
- on October 11, 2016