Katelyn7818's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Katelyn7818's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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We love you, Katelyn, and your "heart work" too. So lovely!
-- Janice
- on March 7, 2018
Katelyn, the trees with the sky in the background look great. I am so proud of you!
-- Luke
- on January 2, 2018
We love your artwork. You are such a wonderful girl! Love, Grandma
-- Grandma
- on November 8, 2017
Katelyn, we always enjoy seeing your latest artwork from school as well as the paintings you do at home/art studios. You are one talented girl with unique projects. This one has an interesting geometric element to it. Love, Grandma
-- Janice
- on April 19, 2017
Katelyn, this is a very interesting turtle with patterns and lines on its shell. You could draw other animals and try this same technique. Have a great day. Grandma Janice
-- Janice
- on March 15, 2017
Cardinals are such beautiful birds. If I recall correctly, you told me that cardinals are your favorite birds. The way they perch on the tree branches is pleasing to see. Good job! Grandma Janice
-- Janice
- on March 15, 2017
I forgot to mention something else about your owl creation in my earlier message. I like the different geometric shapes that you used to make your owl and the blue, pink, yellow, and brown colors, too. We are very proud of you. Love, Grandma Janice
-- Janice
- on January 13, 2017
We love your very original and patriotic flag design. Grandpa and I are proud of your work. Hooray for the red, white and blue!.Love, Grandma Janice ???????
-- Janice
- on December 27, 2016
The white snowflakes show up so well with the blue, green, and violet background. We don't get to see snow very often in our part of Texas. ????Love, Grandma Janice
-- Janice
- on December 27, 2016
Grandpa and I like this abstract wintery picture. You are a budding artist. Love, Grandma Janice
-- Janice
- on December 27, 2016
We always enjoy seeing your artistic creations, Katelyn. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma Janice
-- Janice
- on December 27, 2016
Katelyn--I love your snowflakes with the beautiful colors showing behind them. I think it's great that you have snowflakes in Arizona and they will not melt! Love you! Grammy
-- Barb
- on December 14, 2016
Katelyn--what a nice job you did with your flag artwork. It is especially nice because your hand print is part of the art. I'm so proud of you and your artistic skills! I love you! Grammy
-- Barb
- on November 16, 2016