Jameson865's Comments (161)

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Below are comments about Jameson865's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This bird seems to have a real personality! I love all the details. It's so different from working on paper......has that 3 dimensional quality. Bet you had fun creating this, Jameson! Love, Mimi
- Nancy on March 8, 2023
Jameson, I really love this dog picture and can't decide which color tone I like better. Both sides look so realistic. It also looks great as a magnet on my black refrigerator, so thank you for sending it as a Christmas gift! Love, Mimi
- Nancy on March 8, 2023
Jameson - I love your bird! It reminds me of "Toucan Sam" from Fruit Loops cereal (I think that is his name - LOL!). I love the shoes you put on him!!! Great job!
- Auntie Dee on March 8, 2023
Jameson - I love this puggle. So much that I was going to adopt him - until I noticed that he had a pipe in his mouth??? I want a dog that chews a bone, not smokes a pipe!!!
- Auntie Dee on March 8, 2023
Jameson - I love the three dimensonal shapes that you drew down the bottom - those are great!! I also like how you have the word "art" in the background. (I was going to say a funnier word, but I know this is getting posted for all to see.) LOL!
- Auntie Dee on November 23, 2022
Jameson, this is a fascinating artwork on perspective!!!! It includes such a variety of shapes leading to that central point! I really spent a long time checking each shape out. Excellent job. Love, Mimi
- Nancy on October 26, 2022
Jameson…….Great artwork again. Just good enough to eat. Keep up the good work!
- Bob on March 19, 2022
Well you just keep "rolling along" with good stuff. Like all the colors, shapes, and sun peeking thru the multi-colored images. I like your creativity and "leaving it up to the viewer as to what they want each shape to be". Yowza, yowza, yowza. Love, Pop
- Pop on March 19, 2022
Jameson - I love this scene! I like the way you have rainbow mountains with the rainbow trees. The other rainbows look like dipped ice cream cones flipped upside down. And the way you have a green and brown side of the lawn...very cool!
- Auntie Dee on March 8, 2022
Jameson, you used so many different shapes and colors in this design. The red and green remind me of watermelon & now I want some :) I really like this & want spring to come.
- Auntie Dee on March 8, 2022
Jameson - I love the way the words and numbers pop out and look 3-D. You did a great job with this, and I love how it all comes from one point!
- Auntie Dee on January 19, 2022
Jameson, this is some high powered art work. Lots of colors and shapes and ideas colliding in one drawing. Your ideas are sharp, and you design is very interesting. Good job...I can see you love your work. Pop
- Pop on January 19, 2022
Jameson, This is wild and fascinating! When I first saw this picture, it was labelled "Untitled", but I did see a white tree with roots and branches. Looks like a bright sun, blue sky and green grass peeking through from the background - nice contrast behind the white shapes forming the tree! I like this a lot! Love, Mimi
- Nancy on December 2, 2021
Jameson - I really like this picture. When I look at it, I picture a tree with all the leaves gone and the sun shining behind it. It looks warm, but cold out at the same time. It makes me think of fall. I love fall!!!!
- Auntie Dee on December 2, 2021
Very interesting figure. Reminds me of a witch I know......haha. Great job Jameson. Love you and your picture!
- Ellen on December 2, 2021
Very interesting figure. Reminds me of a witch I know......haha. Great job Jameson. Love you and your picture!
- Ellen on December 2, 2021
Magnificent, amazing. What light and energy. Great work Jameson.
- Ellen on December 2, 2021
Jameson, this is a very creative witch! I absolutely love it! The face and the hair keep me staring at it...although, I keep trying to avoid looking at the spider :) Keep up the great artwork! Hope you had a wonderful time trick or treating!
- Auntie Dee on December 2, 2021
Jameson I think you outdid yourself on this one. The idea of capturing Picasso in a Halloween theme is a pretty good idea. The unique facial design and the Picasso art work, (Cubism...look up its meaning) are centered in your theme. Pretty good stuff. Love, Pop
- Pop on December 2, 2021
Fine examples of creative efforts by a young mind. Please let him be free so he can express himself with no inhibitions. Jameson, keep up the excellent work.
- Bob on December 2, 2021
Jameson...you have captured all the tools of your craft, but also rely on those that are familiar to you. Keep working hard and enjoying your art experience.
- Pop on December 2, 2021
I really like this, Jameson! It is cool! As a matter of fact, I am going to take a picture of it and show Ally. You did such a great job! I can't stop looking at it!
- Auntie Dee on December 2, 2021
Jameson...those gum balls look good enough to eat! Love the colors and the detail, and the bright red machine. When I was your age they were 1 cent apiece...now each gumball is 25 cents. Inflation!!!!! Love Pop
- Pop on October 13, 2021
Jameson, you have been very creative with those dots! I like to think of this image as a gumball machine.....wearing a red hat! Love you, Mimi
- Nancy on October 4, 2021
Jameson - I love your gumball machine! Reminds me of when I was your age & Mimi or Papa would give me a coin to buy a gumball after I was really well behaved in the food store - LOL!
- Dee on October 4, 2021
Hey Jameson, how come when I take you to Mickey "D's" the burgers don't look like yours? Very clever artwork that is "food for thought"! Nice way to complete your art portfolio......it really highlights the menu. Love Pop
- Pop on June 21, 2021
Jameson, is the idea for the fish being that they are "in the loop of information, or they are "looping around the pond", or they are doing a " loop de loop"? Anyway, whatever you want them to be "I'm hooked on your artwork". Love Pop
- Pop on June 21, 2021
Jameson, I love this black and white picture. The fish are smiling so they must be in a happy place or they’re happy because the fishing hook is below them. One turtle is swimming up and one swimming down. Great job Jameson. Love you.
- Nana on June 21, 2021
Jameson, This is very clever, but I think you are smarter than me concerning the gadgets in this drawing. I can't even name some of these items! In fact, Papa thought the ear buds were golf clubs. Don't forget, we still use flip phones! Love you. Mimi
- Nancy on June 16, 2021
This loop-D-loop fish scene looks just as good in black and white, as it does in color! The clear details are great. Love the surfacing turtle as well as the diving turtle. I especially like the bucket getting snagged on the hook! Love you. Mimi
- Nancy on June 16, 2021
And this will be perfect down the cape house! Awesome art work Bubs! Love you!
- Meghan (Mother) on June 16, 2021
I love how you made a continuous loop and then turned them into fish! I may have to go home and try that tonight! :) I love the turtles next to the fish, too. Nice job, Jameson.
- Auntie Dee on June 16, 2021
Jameson this picture is extraordinary! The colors you used say “look at me”, I have something to say. Very powerful. Keep up the great work. Love you.
- Nana on June 8, 2021
Jameson: I am amazed everytime you put crayon, pencil, or brush to paper. This art work is no different and I believe it captures your true artistic talents. Beautiful work..... Love, Pop
- Pop on June 5, 2021
Wow! This is strikingly colorful and beautiful! It really captures and holds my attention. I love how you arranged all the "warm" colors on top, and all the "cool" colors on the bottom. Very nice work. Love, Mimi
- Nancy on June 5, 2021
I love this, Jameson! I love the different patterns inside the different black shapes. It's really cool to look at. Great job!!!
- Auntie Dee on June 1, 2021
Wow Jameson! This is beautiful! Probably one of my most favorite pieces that you did! Great job Bubs!
- Meghan (Mother) on May 30, 2021
Jameson - what a neat project you got to do! I love how you used all different shapes and it wasn't the same one each time. It's really cool to look at. Keep doing really neat projects! Love Auntie Dee
- Dee(fan) on March 24, 2021
Jameson: I can see that you are liking the colors black & white, and doing some creative things with each of them. Your latest adventure is very interesting and makes me want to study its meaning and idea. You certainly have your grandfather's interest. Great imagination!!! Love, Pop
- Pop on February 16, 2021
This is such a cool concept to learn! You were practicing this last week at home and I enjoyed watching you show me how you do it! Keep up the great work!
- Meghan (Mother) on February 11, 2021
WOW - I love it! The contrast is absolutely fascinating! Papa says "Very cool!" We both stared at this creation for a very long time. We want to see how you made it. Love, Mimi
- Nancy on February 11, 2021
Wow. This is magnificent. I really like this tree. It’s so different. I love the colors. It makes a statement. Keep up the good work. Love you Nana
- Ellen on January 18, 2021
I like it! This is very different. Very creative even without color. Looks like our woods at night during the last snowstorm! Nice work, Jameson! Love, Mimi
- Nancy on January 18, 2021
So cool!!!!
- Meghan (Mother) on December 23, 2020
Love this Bubba!
- Meghan (Mother) on December 17, 2020
This is SO cool! Zentangle is a new word for me. I'm so glad that you are able to continue with your art work!! Good job! Love, Mimi
- Nancy on December 14, 2020
Wow Jameson, I really look forward to viewing your artwork. You never fail to surprise me! This pumpkin is so unique. I love the different patterns and color. Keep up the great work. Love you Nana
- Nana on December 9, 2020
Jameson, you continue to amaze. Your Zentangel Pumpkin steals the show with its lines, shapes, and design. Pop's not surprised at your creativity and attention to detail. Keep up the great work as you have a skill that others would love to have. We love you very much!!! Pop
- Pop on December 9, 2020
Jameson, love being able to see your artwork! These look like very happy and friendly snowman. Except maybe the snowman in the black hat! Maybe his feet are cold? Love you. Nana
- Ellen on February 17, 2020
I think this is one of my top 5 favorite pieces Jameson! I love the colors and designs! Keep up the exceptional work! Love you!!
- Meghan (Mother) on February 11, 2020
Jameson....I really like the colors and shapes in your mosiac....it looks really neat Its great that you put so much time into your work, and you should be proud of it! Love Pop
- Pop on February 11, 2020
This creation makes me think: "Gingerbread Snowmen!" Let's bake and decorate some cookies that look just like them! Love, Mimi
- Nancy on February 11, 2020
Nice job, Jameson! I have always admired monochromatic decor in rooms, and now I realize that I'm also a fan of monochromatic art as well! Papa says he likes it too. He thinks it's very interesting! Love, Mimi
- Nancy on February 11, 2020
Jameson, We are so proud of you! Keep up the great work!
- Meghan (Mother) on December 18, 2019
VERY interesting, Jameson! This drawing is "out of this world"! Looks like the sun, stars, and a planet trail of symbols. Love, Mimi
- Nancy on December 18, 2019
Jameson......your planet scheme is very creative with designs and colors...I hope you know what all those planets are and perhaps tell a litle about each. What a different piece of art. Good job! Love Pop.
- Ken on December 18, 2019
Papa says: This picture "leaves" me wanting to see more!!!! Good collage, Jameson! Love Mimi
- Nancy on December 18, 2019
Jameson, I'm so excited to see your art work show up again on my computer! What a great variety of pumpkin faces. I love the clever background of spiderwebs, too. Love you, Mimi
- Nancy on November 10, 2019
Jameson your pumpkins are outstanding...the idea you created and the colors and designs are really different. You should be very proud of your work. Love Pop
- Ken on November 10, 2019
LOVE it!!!! Love the detail! Jameson, I bet this was so much fun to make! Love, Mimi
-- Nancy/Mimi
- on June 22, 2019
Well Jameson, your home drawing made the big time art show at the library......looking at your design I would think it was completed by an architect.....real good ideas and the home has many sections to it...good ideas....I can see where Art is a real skill for you.....love Pop Bernabe
-- Ken
- on June 22, 2019
So...Jameson, This is different from your previous colorful works of art. You must be working on drawing and perspective. It appears that some sections of your house are set back a little from the main part. Also, I see that the tree is set forward and the mailbox even further in front! Your drawing definitely shows some depth. You are really developing your talent. Love you, Mimi
-- Nancy
- on May 29, 2019
Jameson, This beautiful blue house looks like Nana and Pops! Keep up the good work! Love Nana
-- Ellen
- on May 29, 2019
Jameson....well I can see that Blue is one of your favorite colors......keep up the good work. Love,POP
-- Ken
- on May 29, 2019
What? Look at those blue clouds that match your house - and that bright yellow sun to match the light showing through all your windows. It reminds me of YOUR house! Love, Mimi
-- Nancy
- on May 29, 2019
How did I miss seeing such a wonderful snow scene with the smiling snow people??? I must have been on vacation!!!! This would make a great Christmas card! I especially love the snowman's clothes. Love, Mimi
-- Nancy/Mimi
- on April 10, 2019
Jameson, What great Easter colors you used in your weaving project! It makes me feel like we could use it to play checkers with jelly beans! Love you, Mimi /
-- Nancy/Mimi
- on April 10, 2019
Jameson, your abstract art is very interesting. The colors, shapes, and your organization is a pretty special one. I am amazed how you continue to challenge yourself with nrw art ideas. Love, Pop.
-- Ken
- on April 10, 2019
Love this Jameson!!! Keep up the great work!!
-- Mommy
- on March 8, 2019
Love this bubs! Keep up the great art work!!
-- Meghan
- on February 25, 2019
Painted GLUE lines??? That sounds really unusual!! Jameson, you will have to tell me how you made this! I love getting to see your artwork on my computer! Love, Mimi
-- Nancy/Mimi
- on February 20, 2019
Well the great art work just keeps rolling along Jameson. Your latest with glue lines and colors is different and interesting. We always enjoy watching for your art work on line, and we are so proud of how you take your ideas "to canvas". Love, Pop Bernabe
-- Ken
- on February 20, 2019
Jameson, your art work just keeps getting better and better! This is in my top five favorites! Keep up the great work!! Love You, Mom
-- Meghan
- on February 13, 2019
Wow! Looks like the Taj MaHurley! The first thought that both Papa and I had when we saw this picture was Taj Mahal. Mom/Dad will have to explain this comment to you, Jameson. Great job! Love you, Mimi
-- Nancy/Mimi
- on February 13, 2019
Jameson, I love your Russian Mosque. The archectiture is so accurate and colorful! I feel like I’ve been to Moscow. You did a great job. Keep up the good work, Love u Nana
-- Ellen
- on February 13, 2019
Jameson.....I like all the colors, shapes and sizes. This is one of your finest drawings......Bravo ! Love....Pop
-- Ken
- on February 13, 2019
Well Jameson, you're at it again...great idea and use of different kinds of lines with colors......looking at it quickly reminds me of the side of a birthday cake.......how appropriate with Dec 14 and Jan 3 coming up........
-- Ken
- on December 12, 2018
Line them up, Jameson! Short lines, tall lines, squiggly lines, curvy lines - All put together by our wonderful artist to make a great design! Thanks for sharing. Love you, Mimi
-- Nancy/Mimi
- on December 5, 2018
Love this Bubs! The colors are so pretty!!
-- Mom
- on December 5, 2018
Wow Jameson! Another fun and spooky Halloween scene already? Love the pumpkin faces! What a variety of expressions they are showing with their mouths! The scary ghosts are swarming like bees above the gravestones. I can hardly wait for your winter drawings! Love Mimi
-- Nancy/Mimi
- on November 19, 2018
Jameson....great art work again. Definitely a future artist in the making. Keep it up!
-- Bob/Jane
- on November 19, 2018
Love the pumpkins Jameson. Which one are you. Love you Nana
-- Ellen
- on November 19, 2018
Jameson.........Love those pumpkins buddy as well as those ghost's in the background. Keep up the good work! Love you, Pop
-- Ken
- on November 19, 2018
Great art work Jameson.....we love your Halloween scene. Love Pop
-- Ken
- on November 12, 2018
Oh my gosh....Look at all the spooky characters! What a great Halloween house. Aunty Dee would be SO scared of that huge spider web! Bet you had fun drawing this, Jameson. Love you! Mimi
-- Nancy
- on November 12, 2018
Jameson, this is a beautiful fall scene. I love the reflecting lake and rows of pumpkins...I .look forward to seeing all your inspiring pictures. Keep up the good work.
-- Ellen
- on November 12, 2018
Jameson....your art work is fantastic...I like the way you reflected the Halloween scene off the pond....great colors too! Love, Nana & Pop
-- Ken
- on November 12, 2018
Just another fine piece of art Jameson....wonderful work.....love the reflection off the water...great idea. Love Pop & Nana
-- Ken
- on November 12, 2018
Jameson, this is beautiful! I love the fall colors! How neat that it’s a reflected in the water. Keep up the great work!!
-- Meghan
- on October 11, 2018
Jameson, This is very clever with the reflections of the tree and Jack O'Lanterns showing in the water! You will have to tell me how you made this. It's a great picture for both the Fall season and for Halloween, too. Love, Mimi
-- Nancy/Mimi
- on November 12, 2018
Just a great piece if art Jameson....I love the reflection off the pond. So proud of you. Pop
-- Ken
- on November 12, 2018
Jameson, you continue to make Pop and Nana proud of your art work. Your porthole scene with sea life is spectacular, and your idea to include sea turtles, and the octopus and fish is super! We love you very much.
-- Ken
- on May 29, 2018
Looking out this porthole window is a REAL under-sea adventure! WOW! - a treasure chest, fish, turtles, octopus, starfish, crab, shell-fish, and more - Even one little fish ready to go for the bait! Thanks for sharing! Love, Mimi
-- Mimi/Nancy
- on May 29, 2018
Jameson, I would love to walk through your city at night with the colorful tall buildings and all the lights on!!!! Wow! Love you, Mimi
-- Nancy/Mimi
- on May 29, 2018
Jameson, what a beautiful, colorful city you’ve created. I look forward to seeing your amazing artwork every month. Love you,
-- Nana
- on May 3, 2018
Jameson you continue to dazzle......great job buddy.....you love your art and we are so proud of you.
-- Ken
- on May 3, 2018
Jameson, I love this piece! Such pretty colors you used in your city scape. Keep up the great art work! Love, Mom
-- Meghan
- on April 28, 2018
-- Ken
- on April 27, 2018
Jameson, I love your Shape Collage! I really like the way you divided many of the shapes. They remind me of puzzle pieces. Very clever! Nice arrangement. Love you, Mimi
-- Mimi
- on April 18, 2018
Jameson----Once again you continue to make everyone happy to see your new art work......we are so proud of you.........This project looks great with all the shapes, designs, and colors. We love you very much----- Nana and Pop
-- Ken
- on April 12, 2018
Love the hearts and patterns! Hope you have a great Valentine's Day! XOXO Auntie
-- Bari
- on April 12, 2018
This is beautiful Jameson! I love the patterns! Keep up the great art work!
-- Meghan/Mommy
- on February 11, 2018
Great job again Jameson. Your Valentine Hearts are perfect. Love you very much...Nana and Pop
-- Ken
- on February 11, 2018
Your snowman looks like he is having as much fun as you are. This does look like a real winter scene with all the snow and the bare trees!
-- Nancy
- on February 11, 2018
Love this winter landscape Jameson! Great job! That must be you and Logan playing in the snow! Keep up the great art work! Love, Mommy
-- Mommy
- on January 29, 2018
I love the details in this picture! Do you think Clancy could fit in that dog house? Great job buddy! XOXO Auntie
-- Bari
- on January 29, 2018
Jameson what a beautiful picture, I so look forward to seeing your artwork! This winter scene is amazing. So proud of you. Love you Nana
-- Ellen
- on January 29, 2018
Jameson, your artwork is superb.....we are so very proud of you.....love, Pop......
-- Ken
- on January 29, 2018
Jameson, I just love your Gingerbread House! Nana is so proud of you! Love you. Nana
-- Ellen
- on December 13, 2017
WOW! So fun and festive! Great job buddy! XOXO Auntie
-- Bari
- on December 13, 2017
Jameson, I just love your art work. You continue to amaze me with your talent. You are a very special little boy and we love you very much. Pop Bernabe
-- Ken
- on December 13, 2017
This is an amazing Gingerbread House!!! Great job J man. Love you Nana
-- Ellen
- on December 13, 2017
Wow! This is a great drawing and I love that everything is Christmas colors - even the clouds and the Snowman! Love, Mimi
-- Nancy
- on December 13, 2017
I think that has to be my all time favorite bubs! Great job!!!
-- Meghan
- on December 9, 2017
Jameson. another special picture! Keep up the good work. Love you. Nana
-- Ellen
- on December 9, 2017
Very creative, Jameson! We will have to cut out lots of colored shapes so that you can make us some more mosaics at home! Love, Mimi
-- Nancy
- on December 9, 2017
This is one of my favorites! Great color choices buddy! XOXO Auntie
-- Bari
- on December 9, 2017
WOW!!! Love this buddy! Great job!! XOXO Auntie
-- Bari
- on December 9, 2017
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this pumpkin drawing!!!!! Can't wait for Halloween! Love, Mimi
-- Nancy
- on December 9, 2017
Jameson Nana loves your Fall Leaf. Keep up the good work. I look forward to your next project!
-- Ellen
- on December 9, 2017
Jameson, your leaf is MUCH prettier than the leaves on our trees!!!! Love, Mimi
-- Nancy
- on December 9, 2017
Jameson, This is definitely one of my favorites! I love the colors, the vase, the flowers.....EVERYTHING! Love, Mimi
-- Nancy
- on December 9, 2017
Jameson. I love your new painting! I am partial to flowersand all artwork created by you. Great job!
-- Ellen
- on December 9, 2017
WOW! This is one of my very favorites! Great job buddy!! XOXO
-- Bari
- on December 9, 2017
Jameson, Nana never ceases to be amazed by your detail and creativity. I am running out of superlatives to describe your art work. Love you so much.
-- Ellen
- on December 9, 2017
Jameson We love your 3D turtle. You are a good little artist. Love, nana and pop
-- Ken
- on December 9, 2017
Love the colors!! Great work Jameson!
-- Meghan
- on May 10, 2017
What an awesome turtle!!! XOXO
-- Auntie Bari
- on May 10, 2017
What a colorful basket of eggs you drew! Please be sure to tell me all about your "Rechenka" project! Love, Mimi
-- Nancy
- on May 10, 2017
I think I recognize your striped shirt, your blond hair, and your big smile! Good job! Love, Mimi
-- Nancy
- on May 10, 2017
I love this self portrait! You are SO handsome :-) xoxo Auntie Bari
-- Bari
- on April 28, 2017
So springy Bubs! Love this piece!
-- Meghan
- on April 13, 2017
Jameson, Nana is so proud of you. Your Easter basket Exhibits some much color and detail. Great job!
-- Ellen
- on April 19, 2017
Jameson This is great art work. We can see that you really enjoy drawing and painting. We love you very much. Nana & Pop
-- Ken
- on April 19, 2017
What a beautiful Easter basket!!! I love all of the detail and colors you of the eggs! Great job buddy!
-- Auntie Bari
- on April 19, 2017
Jameson------------------great job buddy------------you certainly are enjoying what you are doing with your colors.......Nana and Pop love your work, but you most of all. Nana & Pop
-- Ken
- on March 21, 2017
This is great Bubs! I hope you enjoyed learning about all of the different colors!
-- Meghan
- on March 9, 2017
Wow! It looks like you have EVERY color on this wheel! It's better than a rainbow!
-- Nancy
- on March 9, 2017
WOW!!!!! This is fantastic!!! Such great detail! XOXO Auntie Bari
-- Bari
- on March 9, 2017
Jameson You continue to amaze me with your art work....you are a junior Picasso..... Love Pop
-- Ken. Pop
- on February 15, 2017
Bubs, this abstract painting is amazing! I think it's one of my favorite pieces that you created! Keep up the great work!
-- Mommy
- on February 22, 2017
WOW!!! You are an incredible artist buddy! XOXO Auntie Bari
-- Bari
- on February 22, 2017
Jameson, You are competition for Henri Matisse - a famous abstract artist! Love, Mimi
-- Nancy
- on February 22, 2017
Great job again Jameson. Beautifull weaving. We love you very much. Nana and Pop
-- Ken
- on January 18, 2017
Jameson, Nana is in awe of your painting. Keep up the good work! Love you.
-- Ellen
- on January 18, 2017
Love this Bubs!! Keep up the great artwork!!
-- Meghan
- on January 11, 2017
Jameson, Nana is in awe of your latest painting! It is simply amazing. Keep up the good work.
-- Ellen
- on January 18, 2017
THIS IS AWESOME BUDDY!!! You are a great artist! Love you, Auntie Bari
-- Bari
- on January 18, 2017
Love love love this Bubs! Keep up the great work!
-- Meghan
- on November 30, 2016
wonderful work jameson.......we are so proud of you........we know how much you love to draw.......
-- pop and nana
- on January 18, 2017
Love this one!! You are such a great artist! XOXO Auntie Bari
-- Bari
- on January 18, 2017
Congratulations jameson on your artwork...we love you, nana and pop
-- Ken. Congratulations on your arork jameson....we love you very much...nana and pop
- on January 18, 2017
Jameson, Mommy and Daddy love your drawings! You are becoming quite the artist! Keep up the great work!
-- Mama
- on November 4, 2016
-- Bari
- on November 4, 2016
Congratulations on your art work Jameson. It is very special, and Nana and Pop know how much you enjoy drawing. We love you. Nana & Pop Bernabe
-- Pop
- on January 18, 2017
Jameson, I love seeing your pictures!They are extraordinary. Keep up the great work! Love Nana
-- Ellen
- on January 18, 2017
Great Job Bubs! You are such a great little artist! Keep up the great work! We love you!
-- Meghan
- on September 28, 2016
Jameson.....nana and pop are so proud of you. Great ary work and ideas. We love and miss you ver much. Love, Nana and pop
-- Ken
- on January 18, 2017
WOW! Love this!!
-- Bari
- on January 18, 2017
Love this! Keep up the great work buddy! XO Auntie Bari
-- Bari
- on January 18, 2017
Jameson, nana and pop are so proud of your art work. We hope you are having fun doing it. We love you very much.
-- Ken
- on January 18, 2017