Emily38096's Comments (86)

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Below are comments about Emily38096's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this little animation! ?? Mom
- Kristin (Mother) on December 8, 2023
Aw, so cute, love this!
- Aunt Tam on December 8, 2023
And it's just fun saying the artist's first name- Wassily. W sounds like V in Russian. I do love the colors... a very adept abstract piece here.
- Kristin (Mother) on July 26, 2023
Rose sounds like a cool friend to virtually hang out with.
- Aunt Tam on July 26, 2023
Rose sounds like a fantastic, feisty little rabbit! I like your choices and object placement, very organized, just like you!
- Mom on May 12, 2023
These designs are always so interesting to look at. Original picture lovely.
- Aunt Tam on May 12, 2023
Pretty :)
- Aunt Tam on May 12, 2023
Love it!
- Aunt Tam on May 12, 2023
Nice plug for Sunnyhill. I think that's a bit of my identity too.
- Grandpa on April 12, 2023
Love it. We are, in many ways, made of our memories. I see some familiar happy sights that bring me joy too. Most of all the vision of you. ??
- Aunt Tam on April 12, 2023
Fun to watch, like the colors and makes me wonder what song might match the bars. :)
- Aunt Tam on March 1, 2023
Like the shadowing and geometric shapes. :)
- Aunt Tam on March 1, 2023
Love it! :D
- Aunt Tam on March 1, 2023
Cool pattern, looks kind of southwestern. :)
- Aunt Tam on March 1, 2023
I'm feeling mountain scenery from this one. :)
- Aunt Tam on May 18, 2022
Like the colors and feeling of flying free. :)
- Aunt Tam on May 9, 2022
Like the colors on your weaving! :)
- Aunt Tammy on December 8, 2021
Your polar bear looks very fancy. And big. Good job!
- Kristin (Mother) on December 8, 2019
Very expressive face. I like it. The background is a nice touch too!
- Kristin (Mother) on October 23, 2019
Great lion! Fall colors too. :D
- on October 2, 2019
Love your lion, it looks like Bear.
- on October 2, 2019
Pretty flowers just in time for Spring!
-- Aunt Tammy
- on May 9, 2019
Like the sweet face!
-- Aunt Tammy
- on April 10, 2019
Like the bear!
-- Aunt Tammy
- on April 10, 2019
Love your horse, you did a great job on making him (her?)
-- Grandma
- on April 10, 2019
This is why I love the fall season, all the wonderful colors. Good job kiddo! -Mom
-- Kristin
- on January 24, 2019
This is like Modern Art, everyone takes away a different meaning depending on what their eye see. I see an array of beautiful colors.
-- Grandma
- on December 26, 2018
Reminds me of your love of going out to eat, may I join you?
-- Grandma
- on December 26, 2018
It lokks like your getting into technical details and I love it. Beautiful work, Sweetie.
-- Grandma
- on December 26, 2018
I see that your starting to add dimensions that are pretty cool. Love the picture.
-- Grandma
- on December 26, 2018
This shows your love of going out to eat. Think I'll join you, it that's ok .
-- Grandma
- on December 26, 2018
This looks so festive and pretty! Good job!
-- Mom
- on December 21, 2018
Pretty! I especially like the shape of the branch. :D
-- Aunt Tammy
- on December 21, 2018
Looks like a lovely day to sit outside there! :D
-- Aunt Tammy
- on December 21, 2018
Beautiful autumn colors, my favorite season! The reflection in the water is extra special. You know I love trees!
-- Aunt Tammy
- on December 21, 2018
Love this picture. Great perspective, love the colors. A+ job Sweetie.
-- Grandma
- on December 21, 2018
Em, this is tremendously thoughtful and great idea ! Thanks so much for sharing this with us. It certainly "reflects" your growing ability.
-- Grandpa B
- on December 21, 2018
Is the kitty going to climb the tower or use the stairs? Looks like she's thinking about it!
-- Aunt Tammy
- on November 29, 2018
Another outstanding owl! You must like owls, they are cool birds and predators. I have barred owls hooting in my woods a lot. They are cute, but their hoot sounds are kind of weird. Ask mom to pull up online to listen!
-- Aunt Tammy
- on November 29, 2018
Ha! Cool fly guy.
-- Aunt Tammy
- on November 15, 2018
Looking at this one makes me happy. Love it.
-- Aunt Tammy
- on November 15, 2018
Beautiful!!! I love this picture!
-- Aunt Tammy
- on November 15, 2018
I love this owl. You really thought about how to put him together. Great job.
-- Grandma
- on November 14, 2018
I like this owl and the details.
-- Kristin
- on November 1, 2018
This is a very colorful series. I like it a lot -Mommy
-- Kristin
- on October 26, 2018
Love the colors and designs. You've done it again, Sweetie.
-- Grandma
- on October 26, 2018
Love the bright rainbow colors! Keep up the good work!
-- Linda
- on October 3, 2018
I love all your colors you picked. You are a very good artist. -mom
-- Kristin
- on July 13, 2018
I assume that this a girl fly by the lipstick but, you can get back to me on that.
-- Grandma
- on July 13, 2018
Wow, that picture really woke me up. What an array of circles and colors, I love it. Good work.
-- Grandma
- on July 13, 2018
This is one AWESOME Fly Guy!
-- Kristin
- on June 6, 2018
This piece is going off in a different direction than the other one. I like them both but, maybe this one a bit more because it has flare.
-- Grandma
- on May 25, 2018
This art piece is very different from the other things you've done (I also peeked in the bag, when we picked you up from the bus, and saw it). I like it, it has depth and shows design.
-- Grandma
- on May 25, 2018
What's this tipping chair business, everybody know there's no tipping chairs. Cute picture.
-- Grandma
- on May 25, 2018
I LOVE this picture (so does Grandpa). This is your best one so far, you're really growing in your art talent and we love seeing it. Love, Grandma.
-- Grandma
- on May 25, 2018
Love your Lamb but, it needs a name. We'll have to put our heads together and find a name that's just right. On second thought , it looks like it says Emmy over it's head. Am I right? Let me know. Love you.
-- Grandma
- on April 14, 2018
Love your Olympic mascot. Soon the games will start and we'll need lots of mascots and viewers. Hope you're going to watch, we are. Love you.
-- Grandma
- on February 7, 2018
Love your ornament. Wish I could pick it off the computer and put it on out tree but, since I can't it will have to be ore computer ornament. So pretty.
-- Grandma
- on December 28, 2017
Such a pretty ornament! I love all the colors and design!
-- Mommy
- on December 16, 2017
Hey, love your snowperson, especially the eyelashes. Nice work.
-- Grandma
- on December 9, 2017
I love all these colors. You always make things bright and beautiful. Great work.
-- Grandma
- on December 9, 2017
I absolutely love this rainbow. Good job!
-- Mommy
- on December 2, 2017
I love your little Matthew Mouse and the picture he's looking at is so colorful. Leo Lionni would be proud but not as a proud as I am. -Mommy
-- Kristin
- on October 28, 2017
Wow, I just love all the colors and feeling in this picture (and the little one) in this picture. Great work , love.
-- Grandma
- on October 28, 2017
You do like to use blocks in your designs and I like the colors. Nice work.
-- Grandma
- on October 12, 2017
I love this little fish, very pretty colors!
-- Mommy
- on June 22, 2017
Beautiful colors and detail. Love this picture.
-- Grandma B
- on June 14, 2017
This a wonderful blueprint, lots of great windows! Good job sweetie! -Mom
-- Kristin
- on May 17, 2017
I love your bunny and all the colors you chose. Definitely makes me think Spring! -Mommy
-- Kristin
- on April 11, 2017
Nice job Emily! Your artwork is beautiful.
-- Krista
- on April 11, 2017
Love the Bunny!
-- Daddy
- on April 11, 2017
Love this picture, simple but, beautiful.
-- Margaret
- on March 29, 2017
I love your flowers, such beautiful colors and the hearts make me smile! --Mommy
-- Kristin
- on March 22, 2017
Pretty colors in your flowers. Love them.
-- grandma behr
- on March 22, 2017
I love rhis, Emily! Such great colors and the lion's face is great! Makes me think Spring is almost here! -Mommy
-- Kristin
- on March 2, 2017
Love this lion. It's very friendly and happy. Probably needs to be a magnet on our fridge.
-- Margaret
- on March 2, 2017
I love your parrot, lots of great colors and different color leaves. Good work.
-- Margaret
- on February 10, 2017
I love how colorful the parrot is!
-- Mommy
- on January 31, 2017
This is such a happy, calming winter scene, Emily! The snowflakes are so beautiful, and the way you used the shapes makes me think of mountains leaning in singing carols! :)
-- Aunt Wendy
- on January 14, 2017
Great winter picture. Love the snow on the top of the one tree.
-- Margaret
- on January 4, 2017
She draws better than I do
-- Aaron
- on January 4, 2017
Such a colorful monster! My favorite colors!
-- Mom
- on December 26, 2016
Love Emily's picture of her sister, sister's are great.
-- Margaret
- on December 7, 2016
We love Emily's drawings. She uses lots of great colors and ideas.
-- Margaret
- on December 7, 2016
I love the burst of color coming through the white space and fine lines, Emily! I want to go inside the rainbow and see what worlds I'll find there. : )
-- Aunt Wendy
- on December 7, 2016
The bright colors and cheerfulness of this piece makes me so happy, Emily! Love it!
-- Aunt Wendy
- on December 5, 2016