ZoeZL1's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about ZoeZL1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Zoe, this is stunning! Great Job!
-- Anisa
- on March 22, 2016
COOL blown ink!! :):):):):):):)
-- Sara
- on January 15, 2016
I love the bright pop of colors and the spiral effect!
-- Gurneet
- on January 15, 2016
I love what you drew, it is so creative.
-- Stephanie
- on January 12, 2016
Love the way you drew this!
-- Daniella
- on January 12, 2016
OMG Zoe you are such a great artist !! it looks like something that wouold be in a museum!!
-- Raegan
- on January 12, 2016
The elephant's ears are so good.
-- Olivia
- on January 12, 2016
I love your Giraffe's long marker legs!
-- Deyana
- on January 12, 2016