Ryan30758's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Ryan30758's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Did I see this one? I don't think so. It's a bird with a sharp beak ... a leaf of many colors. Terrific! Love, Grandma Aida
-- Aida
- on October 25, 2022
Love the design. In the center part of it looks like a dog and the rest ... well, it is an abstract for each of us to decipher. Great work, Ryan! Love Grandma Aida
-- Aida
- on October 25, 2022
Hold on to that one ! Can you just imagine what Picasso's first painting at that agw would be worth !
-- Uncle Hi
- on October 25, 2022
Look out Picasso, Ryan is here.
-- Papa Angel
- on October 25, 2022
-- Papa Angel
- on October 25, 2022
Great Turtle! Would not mind having it in my living room.
-- Papa Angel
- on October 25, 2022
The artwork is awesome. The best I have seen in a long time
-- Papa Angel
- on October 25, 2022
Hi, Ryan, I thought this was a Native American head dress, and then I realized it was a turkey. The turkey doesn't appear too happy. But, would you feel happy if you knew you were going to be Thanksgiving dinner? I guess not. Good work. Love, Grandma Aida
-- Aida
- on October 25, 2022
Hi, Ryan, This lovely flower looks like it's wet because it has rained. It has rained so the speckles on the window is nothing but the dirt on the dirty window. Hey, did you now Grandma Aida used to draw and paint when she was young? I like abstract work, just like you. Besides, I can't draw mountains, rivers, and figures, for example. I wish I could so I could draw a cover for my book! Love, Grandma Aida
-- Aida
- on October 25, 2022
Hi, Ryan, This Art Work made me happy. Why? Because I love all the beautiful colors, specifically the reds, orange, and green. Hey, here's an idea! Can you give a title to each of your artwork? Why don't you ask your teacher. Love, Grandma Aida
-- Aida
- on October 25, 2022
What a pretty turtle! At first I thought it was a rock with measles (just kidding!). Can't wait for your next project. Meanwhile, I'll be looking at all your other work. Bet they are all pretty. Love Grandma Aida
-- Aida
- on October 25, 2022
Hi, Ryan, I love your art. You're very talented. Keep up the good work. What do I love about this artwork? Well, The hand! It looks like is telling someone, "Stop!" or is that, "Hello," or "Goodbye!" Well, I guess each one who sees this will have to figure out what it means to them. Keep up the good work! Grandma Aida
-- Aida
- on October 25, 2022
Hi, Ryan! I love your artwork! This one is an abstract. What what were you trying to express when you created it? I see a little man in there, and a horse, and a pair of boots, I think. There's a famous painter by name of Picasso who painted a painting called Guernica. He had different symbols in it like the head of a bull, for example. Tell your dad to download it to you, and try to figure out what he meant. I think you'll like his type of art. Love, Grandma Aida
-- Aida
- on October 25, 2022