Claire7068's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Claire7068's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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We really like your use of color in this piece. Also, really like the slightly different shapes and angles of each of the four portraits.
-- Grandma Christine
- on June 27, 2018
Grandpa Warren and I really like your monster fish! Did you enjoy working with paper mache? It looks like it's ready to take a bite out of someone.
-- Grandma Christine
- on June 27, 2018
I love my coffee mug with this hand. It's one of my favorites, that I use every 2nd or 3rd morning for breakfast.
-- Grandma Christine
- on January 5, 2018
Nice work, Claire! You've really got the spirit of this.
-- Grandma Christine
- on January 5, 2018
We continue to find Claire's work interesting and creative. I really like this three dimensional piece. We are now proud owners of two mugs, each with a different work of art.
-- Christine
- on January 5, 2018
Great perspective work, Claire! "Grandpa" Warren and I really like your use of color and form. We always enjoy getting artwork from you.
-- Christine
- on May 3, 2017
Grandpa Warren and I really like your new artwork. I thought the trees looked like lemon lollipops! We made a copy of the page with all your work so far, so we can look at it more often. Grandma Christine
-- Christine
- on December 1, 2016
Grandpa Warren and I really liked your fantastical bug! It must be Irish, given all the green! We look forward to seeing your new creations as they get posted.
-- Grandma Christine
- on May 11, 2016
Hi Claire, Your art is fabulous! Now you might have to be a mother, a doctor, a musician and an artist. Keep up your great work. With my love - MamMom XO
-- Nancy
- on April 6, 2016
We loved it! We look forward to seeing more, and receiving our own copies! Grandpa Warren and Grandma Christine
-- Christine
- on April 6, 2016
Claire, I loved your Klee's cat project. Is it done with pastels, or with colored crayons? I couldn't tell from the online version.
-- Grandma Schulz
- on April 6, 2016