Braxton1688's Comments (25)

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Below are comments about Braxton1688's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This the 3rd one that stood out to me. Would make a really cool rug or picture. Great job!
- Patti on December 30, 2020
This somehow reminds me of the different plants and art I seen in China, Thailand and Vietnam. Very cool work and the palets of colors! Great job!
- Patti on December 30, 2020
Braxton, while I enjoyed viewing all of your artwork, I especially liked 3 of them that seemed to stand out. This reminds of a spyro gyro look. It causes your eyes to try and follow the lines. Nice work!
- Patti on December 30, 2020
Now this is art for sure wonder what it means?
- Carol on December 30, 2020
Now this is art for sure wonder what it means?
- Carol on December 30, 2020
Creative Artwork Love the way you displayed the word??
- Carol on December 30, 2020
Love this & the detail you put into this piece of artwork?
- Carol on December 30, 2020
Amazingly beautiful the trees & the animal looking around the trees such detail Great artwork Braxton
- Carol on December 30, 2020
I like the colors here buddy. very nice.
- Milton (Father) on October 30, 2019
Very creative and abstract Braxton! I like it.
- Milton on October 30, 2019
Very cool cowboy boot!
-- Milton
- on October 2, 2018
Very cool Braxton. Good job! It's super creative.
-- Milton
- on October 4, 2017
Wow Braxton this is so cool! Very well done. Cool colors and landscape.
-- Milton
- on August 30, 2017
Wow Braxton this cat is awesome. So detailed and colorful! I want one.
-- Milton
- on March 20, 2017
Such cool artwork Braxton! I love the colors and the Painting.
-- Milton
- on March 20, 2017
That is what I call an 'Abstract Cool Cat'!!! I love the flowers on his legs, and the way they swirl around his tail and shoulders. His eyes look very suspicious, like he's thinking about pouncing on something. This looks like it could be in an art show:-) Great job and imagination! XOXO Nonni
-- Patti
- on April 5, 2017
This artwork is so cool Braxton! I love it. - Dad
-- Milton
- on January 23, 2017
B-Rax, What an incredible drawing of a turtle. The markings on the turtle's back are so unique and cool. It looks like he might be swimming in water, but I'm not for sure. This turtle looks very similar to one I recently seen in an aquarium in Beijing! Great job buddy. I can't wait to see you soon:-) Love, Nonni
-- Patti
- on November 29, 2016
Braxton, This tree and the picture is amazing! I am so impressed with all the colors and the details you used in this artwork. It reminds me of a cherry blossom tree, or else a redbud tree in the Fall or Autumn season. The green grass on the hill, the rainbow like colors in the background, the red leaves falling with some of the yellow leaves that have turned from the cooler weather, and it looks like a couple blue birds maybe in the tree, and that sky is so cool with the stars. Keep being creative like this, I love receiving your artwork. It makes me feel like I'm closer to home and you. By the way I will be home in about 1 month for the holidays:-) yeah, Nonni will be home for about 3 weeks. Then I have to come back to China until February, then finally home for good. Woo, hoo. I love you to the moon and back. Keep up the great work my big guy. I miss you and love you! XOXOXO
-- Nonni
- on November 16, 2016
B-Rax, This precious little baby looks so sweet all wrapped up in a nice cuddly soft blanket. He or she has such a darling curl on top of their head, and your artwork of their eyelashes are so nice. I love how the baby is smiling while they sleep. Rosy red cheeks too! The colors and yarn ties are so nicely done. You are SO creative. Keep using that incredible mind of yours to CREATE and INNOVATE. I LOVE you and MISS you ALL the way from China and back to the U.S. XOXO Nonni:-)
-- Nonni
- on October 31, 2016
Braxton, All the way from Beijing, China Nonni is so excited to see your new artwork. I love your robot and it looks like his/her ears might be electronic and allow him/her to do very special robotic things. You know robots are going to be a BIG part of our future. We could very well have one in our homes in the next 5 or 7 years. How exciting is that? Maybe they could clean your room, help you do homework, and clean the kitchen, yeah, lol:-) Love you to the moon and back! XXOO Nonni
-- Patti
- on September 7, 2016
I really love this picture. Your expression of this scarecrow is awesome. Your so creative. I so enjoy looking at your artwork. papa and great Nonie love you so much.
-- cathy
- on November 26, 2015
" Make each day your Masterpiece" Every living moment do your best. The rewards will be amazing. It's just that simple!!! Braxton you have such an imagination and you are so creative you definitely are gifted in this area. Reach high for the stars and dream deep... For every dream precedes the goal!!! :) This is a Masterpiece and all the other artwork you created are just as wonderful!! Keep going your a great artist :) Fabulous Artwork!!! Auntie Carol loves you!!
-- Carol
- on November 24, 2015
Braxton I absolutely love your artwork :) I am so impressed with the detail you put into your drawings :) I am extremely proud of you!!!! I would love to have some of these artwork drawings to display in my home. Auntie Carol loves you xoxo
-- Carol
- on November 24, 2015
Braxton, Wow what an awesome scarecrow that is with a blackbird in the sky showing right through to the moon. You were so creative to make the scarecrow's hands in the air, kind of like he was reaching for the moon! I love the hat, the fingers on his hands and the great eyes he has. It almost looks like he's blinking-;) Super artwork, great job! Love, Nonni
-- Patti
- on November 17, 2015