Otis121's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Otis121's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love your elephant picture. The border looks just the way fancy decorations are done in India. The elephant is very realistic. I have a book called Bandoola about an elephant and the men who took care of her in India. My friend who sent you the tops, frogs, etc recommended it for you. I think you would probably appreciate it more when you're a bit older, but if you feel like reading about elephants let me know and I'll give it to you.
-- Grandma Sara
- on September 24, 2018
What a great Winter Olympics picture! If I were younger I might want to learn how to ski. It sure does look fun. I think I'm too old to learn, though. I'd better stick to watching. Hope you have a great time playing in the snow we have today.
-- Grandma Sara
- on March 1, 2018
What a great snowman you made, Otis. I think he's going to catch that snowflake that's heading towards him. I hope we have some good snowman snow this winter so you can make a real snowman.
-- Grandma Sara
- on March 1, 2018
What a great picture! It must have been a delicious apple, because after someone took the first bite of the middle apple they ate the whole thing right away. The seeds in the apple on the right look like a face. From the expression on the face I think the apple was quite surprised to realize what happened to him.
-- Grandma Sara
- on March 1, 2018
What a great pumpkin picture. I love the stars in the background and the bats flying overhead. Love, Grandma
-- Sara
- on March 1, 2018
I love your textured beast. He looks more jolly than scary to me. I'd like to meet him of he were real. Love, Grandma
-- Sara
- on March 1, 2018
Otis, this is a really nice scene. I especially like the blue sky reflected in the water. The waterlilies make me wish I could have some in my frog pond, but they're too big to fit. You need a really big, deep pond to grow waterlilies. The fish in my pond are still hiding. I think they are waiting for a warm sunny day before they come out again.
-- Grandma Sara
- on March 1, 2018
What a great picture, Otis. The highlights on the oranges are very realistic. However, my favorite part is the window in the background with the mountain and clouds. Good work.
-- Grandma Sara
- on March 1, 2018
Nice polar bear. You did a good job of making his hairs all line up in the right directions. I think there are snowflakes in the background, too. That makes it really interesting.
-- Grandma Sara
- on March 1, 2018
Dear Otis, I once saw an orange cat like yours but it lacked the white and black striped collar. Ask Mommy and Grangma about Little Heart. She was orange and white. Is the balloon shriveled because the cat bit a hole in it? Your artwork is wonderful. I love every time I see a new one of your creations. You have such a beautiful imagination. It shows up in your art and in all the wonderful games you invent and the fantastic creatures you sometimes describe to us. It shows up in the stories you write and the books you choose to listen to. It shows up every time I see you and sometimes just seems to burst out of you. Love, Grandpa
-- Grandpa
- on March 1, 2018
That's a great Blue Dog picture. He must play on the Cubs team. Do you think Jack and Annie from Magic Tree House helped the Cubs win the World Series last summer? I think that must be it because the Cubs sure had trouble in the past.
-- Grandma Sara
- on March 1, 2018
These snowmen are very expressive. I think the one with the red background is afraid something will drop on him. Maybe a bird wants to eat his carrot nose, I hope we get enough snow to make another snowman before it turns to spring for good.
-- Grandma Sara
- on March 1, 2018
What a great picture, Otis. You mastered the art of making the mouse hole appear 3 dimensional. That's an advanced concept. The orange mouse is looking in a different direction and his ears are perked up. Does he hear a cat coming to chase them into the wall?
-- Grandma Sara
- on March 1, 2018
This is a really cool butterfly, Otis. It sounds like you made it using a technique I don't know about. Maybe you could teach me about it someday. I'm sorry we didn't find any caterpillars to raise this year. I hope we have better luck next year. I'm planting seeds to grow more plants that they like.
-- Grandma Sara
- on March 1, 2018
This is a great cat! It looks like it's the boss. Do you suppose it's as scratchy as Mini? I doubt it. You can't see the claws, though. Maybe they're big and sharp, but I bet this cat is nice. Mini hisses because she is scared. I don't think this cat is scared of anything. Maybe it lets you pet it and then it purrs and rubs against you. What do you think?
-- Grandma Sara
- on March 1, 2018
Otis! This happy picture reminds me of the good and beautiful things about winter, even though I'm looking forward to spring now!
-- Linda
- on March 1, 2018
Otis! This picture says to me, I love the ocean (the blue) and the land (the green). Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful art work. You are very talented!
-- Linda
- on March 1, 2018
Otis! A magical thing happened. I was drawn to this picture and I see a little face in it. It looks slightly to the right, and I see the little nose, mouth, and ears. So to me it's a beautiful picture of flowers in a vase, with a puppy's happy face! Thank you for painting this picture!!
-- Linda
- on March 1, 2018
Otis - I love your artwork. You really take a lot of time and think a lot about making it beautiful.
-- Mom
- on February 25, 2016
Wonderful! I love the trees and houses and snow!
-- Grandpa
- on February 25, 2016
Otis, What a great sunflower picture. You really pay attention to details, such as the yellow spots in the middle of the flowers and the three colored sections of the base. Kohana would LOVE the background, too. Have you noticed the sunflower picture in our living room? A man who lived close to Great Grandma painted it to look like the one Van Gogh painted. Every year I try to grow sunflowers but they haven't done too well lately because the rabbits and deer eat them before they have a chance to grow big. Love, Grandma
-- Grandma Sara
- on February 25, 2016
Dear Otis, I love your ladybug picture. The bugs have such great expressions on their faces. I hope you will make another picture soon. Love you.
-- Grandma Sara
- on February 25, 2016