Oliver2590's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Oliver2590's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oliver, all of your artwork is amazing and grandpa and I especially love your Dr. P!! Keep up the good work!!!
- Grandma C on October 16, 2023
Oliver, Grandpa and I absolutely LOVE this artwork that you have done! It is so appropriate at this time in the church when we are studying and emphasizing the Eucharist......You are bringing attention to it, too, with this artwork. Keep up the great expression and love for your faith. We love you!
- Grandma on March 22, 2023
I don't know about all the other characters but your depiction of SpongeBob is total perfection!!!
- Grandma C on November 9, 2022
This is VERY cool, Oliver!! Grandpa is especially impressed with this!!
- Grandma C on November 9, 2022
A true carrot head drawn by a true carrot head....love you!!
- Grandma C on November 9, 2022
A true carrot head drawn by a true carrot head....love you!!
- Grandma C on November 9, 2022
That's one happy skeleton, Oliver!! Very cool....great job!!
- Grandma C on November 9, 2022
Oliver, I LOVE all of your artwork, this one reminds me of Cheetah. Great job! Grandpa and I love you very much! Grandma M
- Laurita on September 21, 2022
Oliver, As always, your picture is very nice! You do a fantastic job drawing everything, especially the people--I wish I could do that good! I really like your contrasting colors, too. Keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing your next picture. Love you! Grandma F.
- on March 13, 2019
This is very special and very true!! You have always been a great reader!!
-- Grandma C
- on October 31, 2018
Oliver, this is such a beautiful vase of flowers!! Grandpa says your artwork is better than his! Keep up the good work and remember that we love you!!
-- Grandma C
- on October 31, 2018
Oliver, This is a beautiful picture! I wish I could draw as good as you do. I look forward to seeing all of the artwork you do this year in school. I know you will be a great artist. Love you, Grandma F
-- Margaret
- on October 24, 2018
The colors are amazing in this one, Oliver! You are such a great little artist! Grandpa and I send our love to you!
-- GrandmaC
- on November 29, 2017
This one is one of my favorites I keep looking at it over and over again. I think it's interesting how you and Nicholas have one that is very similar! We love you!
-- GrandmaC
- on November 29, 2017
Oliver, this cardinal is amazing!! Does it remind you of the cardinals that we have in Arapahoe? They are such a beautiful bird!! Grandpa and I love looking at your artwork even though sometimes we don't make a comment... Keep up the good work, you are very talented! We both love you very much!!
-- GrandmaC
- on November 29, 2017
Very nice Oliver, your attention to detail is good.
-- Grandma M
- on November 22, 2017
Oliver, This is an AWESOME picture! You are a very good artist. I love the horizon in the background and the variety of colors that you've used--they all go together very well. I look forward to seeing more of your artistic talent. Love, Grandma
-- Margaret
- on November 22, 2017
Hi, Oliver! I just wanted to let you know that Grandpa and I love your artwork so much and love seeing your creative ideas, even if we don't make comments. We both love you so very much!! Grandma and Grandpa C
-- Grandma C
- on March 22, 2017
Oliver, I really like your self-portrait! You did a great job drawing your eyes, nose and mouth (better than I could have done) and the orange-red hair and background go very well with your face. Good luck with all of your art projects and know that I look forward to seeing more of your work. Love you, Grandma
-- Margaret
- on November 4, 2016
Great job Oliver! Grandma M. is very proud of you...hugs and.much love!
-- Lauri
- on November 3, 2016
Oliver, This is a FANTASTIC drawing with lots of detail and color. I love the story WILD THINGS and this picture would go well in that book. Keep up your good work and know that I look forward to seeing more of your artwork. Love you! Grandma
-- Margaret
- on January 29, 2016
This is wonderful Oliver! Grandpa and Grandma M. are so glad to be a part of your fan club!
- on January 25, 2016
Oliver, we think this is beautiful and we love you! Grandpa & Grandma Cacy
-- Sherry
- on November 10, 2015
GREAT work, Oliver!!!
-- Molly
- on October 22, 2015