Mikaela892's Comments (86)

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Below are comments about Mikaela892's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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How Christmasy! I like it! Are you getting into ceramics and glazes, or is this a one-time thing? Grandma
- Lois on December 21, 2022
Mikaela, I absolutely love this one. When I first saw it, I was reminded of the words in Noel, Noel..."On a cold winter's night that was so deep, Noel, Noel, ...." Anyway, great job! Grandma
- Lois on December 21, 2022
Love this one!
- Pasqualina on December 21, 2022
Awww! She's so cute! Grandma
- Lois on November 23, 2022
Mikaela, Christmas Robots......how clever! Love you, Grandma
- Lois on November 16, 2022
Very nice!
- Grandma on October 26, 2022
You are so talented! Love you!
- Pasqualina on October 19, 2022
Mikaela, Grandpa and I LOVE this one!
- Grandma Noirot on October 12, 2022
Very interesting attention to detail. You're good!
- Grandma on September 28, 2022
Seems like you're on a flower theme. Very nice.
- Grandma on September 28, 2022
Mikaela, I love it! Such a pretty flower...what was your inspiration for it?
- Grandma on September 28, 2022
Oh, Mikaela, I really like this one!
- Grandma on September 21, 2022
So cool!!! Love it!
- Pasqualina on August 31, 2022
Way to start off the school year, Mikaela....with your name as only you could do it!!
- Grandma on August 31, 2022
Love it!
- Lisa (Mother) on August 24, 2022
Great shade work M!
- Marco on August 24, 2022
Mikaela, That's simply beautiful! I love it! You should make sure to save it and perhaps have it framed.
- Grandma on January 26, 2021
Ewwww!! That's too realistic for me!
- Grandma on November 11, 2020
You never cease to amaze me! I love it!
- Grandma on October 28, 2020
This is so cool! Nice job. Mom
- Lisa (Mother) on October 23, 2020
This is so neat! You should show it to Don Drumm Studios; they create things like this out of metal. Your talents are as varied and unique as you are! Love you.
- Grandma on May 27, 2020
Love it!
- Pasqualina on May 27, 2020
Awesome job! :)
- Marco on May 13, 2020
Absolutely love this!!!!
- Pasqualina on May 13, 2020
Yes, it's definitely a beautiful day in your backyard!! Love you.
- Grandma on May 6, 2020
Know what I kinda like about this one? Even though the assignment was all about shading, doing it is black and white makes it even more pronounced as a good & bad thing in society (polarizing issue). Good that it brought us all together (more time at home, away from work & school), but bad, obviously, because the virus has killed so many. Just love the clever way you captured these sad yet very real memories, in a stark, drastic way!! I love you, honey! ~Dad
- Kevin (Father) on April 29, 2020
What a sad memory to have...….BUT, how perceptive and well drawn! Love you,
- Grandma on April 29, 2020
Happy Hippo sure has happy-looking tonsils. Very creative, Mikaela.
- Grandma on April 22, 2020
Bunny...James Bunny (Mr. Bond's lesser-known sidekick... who is secretly the Easter Bunny's brother). Love it, my dear! You never cease to amaze me with your creativity. Nice job, 007 (and a-half carrot)!
- Kevin (Father) on April 15, 2020
Your "Spy Bunny" is going to make James Bond jealous! Good job.
- Grandma on April 15, 2020
Love it!!!! and YOU!!!
- Pasqualina on April 15, 2020
And to think I knew Dr. Noirot when she was just a young girl, beautiful and still learning! (Great work, by the way!)
- Grandma on March 18, 2020
Outstanding, Sweetheart! Love the colors and your skill in capturing it all realistically! Just beautiful!!
- Kevin (Father) on January 2, 2020
Love - Love - Love this one!!
- Pasqualina on January 1, 2020
How beautiful and timely! A person can just see the electricity surging through the wires. You've certainly brought Christmas decorations to life!!
- Grandma on January 1, 2020
Great job M!
- Marco on January 1, 2020
- Pasqualina on November 6, 2019
And I just noticed that my name did not appear after my comment. So, just to make it official, the first comment was from me!! Grandma
- Lois on November 6, 2019
P.S. Those 2 question marks at the end of my previous comment, used to be a beautiful red heart emoji, until I submitted my comment to this web site. Then it removed my extra lines for paragraph spacing, and replaced my beautiful heart with 2 inappropriate question marks!! Know that I REALLY DO LOVE YOU, no matter how this web site alters my comments!
- Kevin (Father) on October 30, 2019
Your attention to detail is amazing! Each animal is carefully drawn, and even the shading on every sun ray goes in a consistent clockwise direction. I love how you take your artwork so seriously! Two of my favorite sayings are: - Anything worth doing, is worth OVER-Doing. - “Good enough”, NEVER IS. You demonstrate that attitude in just about everything you do, but especially with each drawing and painting you create! I love you, Honey! ?? ~Dad
- Kevin (Father) on October 30, 2019
Beautiful, Mikaela. You never cease to amaze me with your creativity!
- Grandma on October 30, 2019
WOW. I love this!!!
-- Pasqualina
- on February 13, 2019
My beautiful daughter! Like grandma said, you are so talented in many ways and I am simply honored to be your father. What a gorgeous young lady you are but coming, and what a beautiful drawing this is! Well done, my dear!!! Love,
-- Dad
- on February 13, 2019
You are beautiful, you are good at math, and this picture shows both! I love it!
-- Grandma
- on February 6, 2019
Those look like real leaves, with color shading and even light and darkness shading! Good job, my lovely Mathematician, gymnast, flautist, artist, expert fort builder!!!! Your daddy loves you SO MUCH. XoXo
-- Kevin (AKA Dad)
- on October 17, 2018
I love all your work!!!!
-- Pasqualina
- on October 10, 2018
Very nice, Mikaela.
-- Grandma
- on October 10, 2018
Very nice, Mikaela. You still have your special touch!
-- Grandma
- on October 3, 2018
I love, love, love this one!!!
-- Pasqualina
- on May 2, 2018
I love your 3D cake! It looks beautiful! Nice job. Mom
-- Lisa
- on April 19, 2018
Mikaela, What a great cake! It even looks delicious! Whose birthday is it?
-- Grandma
- on April 25, 2018
That's beautiful, Mikaela. Great job!
-- Grandma
- on April 18, 2018
I really like the way you blended those colors, and how bright they are! Nice job!! The lily pads and bridge, remind me of our bicycle rides with mom in the park. Good memories. Can’t wait to go again this summer! Love, Dad
-- Kevin
- on April 18, 2018
You are so talented!!
-- Pasqualina
- on April 18, 2018
What a great drawing, and those fonts are excellent! No wonder yours was included in the top 10 Choices for the year book cover. Proud of you, my dear! Love, Dad
-- Kevin
- on March 21, 2018
Mikaela, so glad to finally see this! So proud of you for being chosen as one of the 9 runner ups! Mom
-- Mom
- on March 14, 2018
This looks like you, Mikaela...enjoying the outdoors and looking beautiful while ice skating!! A fire to keep you warm and tracks to follow! That sure looks reminds me of you and your Dad in the great outdoors! This is a cute picture, and I love it. Grandma
-- Grandma
- on March 14, 2018
Love the Landscape practice, especially the footprints, bird tracks, and the mountain climber in the distance!
-- Kevin
- on March 14, 2018
This is awesome! Love your artwork.
-- Pasqualina
- on February 14, 2018
What a beautiful and colorful eye!! I love it, and the way you see the world.
-- Dad
- on February 7, 2018
Mikaela, I "SEE" you have another winner! Congratulations!
-- Grandma
- on February 7, 2018
Love this Mikaela! You are so talented.
-- Pasqualina
- on December 13, 2017
Mikaela, You have another winner! This is very good. Tell your Art Teacher that we enjoy seeing your art projects. She really is good at teaching different concepts and methods...and you are wonderful and so talented in the way you carry out her instructions. We love you. Grandpa and Grandma
-- Lois
- on December 6, 2017
Awesome job M ! :)
-- Marco
- on November 2, 2017
WOW Mikaela...you are getting really good. I love this one!
-- Pasqualina
- on November 2, 2017
This is wonderful, Mikaela...combining abstract with real-life. You are a great artist! Grandpa and Grandma
-- Grandpa and Grandma
- on November 2, 2017
Love this!!! Beautiful!!!
-- Pasqualina
- on May 24, 2017
This is so cool! Love you!
-- Pasqualina
- on March 15, 2017
Beautiful yearbook picture of your school, honey! I love you and am glad you are so talented!!
-- Kevin (Dad)
- on March 8, 2017
So happy to see your drawings! Love that you love school and learning! Love you!
-- Pasqualina
- on March 1, 2017
Dear Mikaela, This is an absolutely beautiful picture.......a good example of your talents and an even better example of your love of learning. We are so glad you love school. We love you.
-- Grandpa and Grandma
- on February 28, 2017
Love this Mikaela! Love you!
-- Pasqualina
- on December 14, 2016
This is awesome Mikaela!
-- Pasqualina
- on October 4, 2016
Wow! I love this one Mikaela!
-- Pasqualina
- on April 29, 2016
Great job, Mikaela! Love, Mom
-- Lisa
- on April 27, 2016
Wow Mikaela! That is really cool!
-- Pasqualina
- on March 13, 2016
This is great Mikaela! I love the feather!
-- Pasqualina
- on December 24, 2015
That is the most stylish turkey I have ever seen! Nice colors, especially that purple feather!!
-- Dad
- on December 22, 2015
You are doing a great job in art Mikaela! Love you!
-- Pasqualina
- on November 20, 2015
Great job Mikaela!
-- Marco
- on November 19, 2015
Mikaela, I love your scary black cat!
-- Grandma
- on November 19, 2015
I really like this one; nice job. Mom
-- Lisa
- on November 11, 2015
Great work Mikaela! Love you, Pasqualina
-- Pasqualina
- on November 11, 2015
What a great job Mikaela!
-- Pasqualina
- on October 21, 2015
Nice job Mikaela!
- on October 13, 2015
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