Grace16861's Comments (38)

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Below are comments about Grace16861's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Grace- Wow! What a colorful stained glass piece of artwork. Stained glass crafting is over 1,000 years old. Did you know the glass was mainly used as windows in churches, mosques and other religious buildings back then? Now the beauty is seen in many contemporary spaces and art galleries, as well as in my house. Have you noticed? Love you.
-- NaNa
- on July 3, 2019
What an interesting scratchboard this is, Grace. I love all the patterns you have created. Scratching off the dark ink revealed a colorful layer beneath. This piece shows how creative and patient you are in your work. Always a good student in all classes! Love you
-- NaNa
- on July 3, 2019
Hi Grace! This is certainly a unique picture of an Australian aboriginal dot painting. Did you know that the dot paintings have a hidden meaning and deeper purpose. The dots are used to disguise sacred meanings behind the stories in the paintings. What is your secret behind this picture? I'll await your response!! Love you.
-- NaNa
- on July 3, 2019
Hi Grace! What another unusual piece of artwork this is. The Japanese design concept of Notan is very interesting in that it creates a picture with the placement of light and dark elements. Your creation is quite imaginative. What does it represent? I can't wait to hear. Love you.
-- NaNa
- on January 28, 2019
Grace, what a beautiful depiction of Spring. The clouds in the sky, the large fruit-bearing trees and the colorful flowers amidst the green grass are all signs of wonderful things to come. Not only are they signs of wonderful things to come, but of the beauty of God's work. Never forget that. Also it is suggestive that school will be out soon. YAY!! Fun times coming!! Love you.
-- NaNa
- on January 23, 2019
Merry Christmas, Grace. This "Cubist Winter Tree" looks like it would be a beautiful Christmas tree for someone. The various shades of green are seen in many of the trees for the holidays. This is one of the features that brings out the picturesque beauty. Hopefully whoever gets this tree receives many wonderful surprises under it on Christmas Day. Love You Always.
-- NaNa
- on January 2, 2019
Happy Day, Grace! What a lovely creation of a cubist fall tree. The lines are so precise and the colors are quite beautiful. I understand the colors were made by using watered down glue and colored tissue paper. Who would think this concept could make such a handsome piece of artwork. Perhaps we could create a picture sometime using this technique. Great work, girl!
-- NaNa
- on January 2, 2019
Grace, I love the beautiful warm and cool colors in this drawing of your hand. My favorite colors are of the inside part of your hand, especially the various cool shades of blue and green. As you know they are my favorite colors, or shades therof. The warm colors of red, orange and yellow in the horizontal strips are attractive as well. Keep working hard!! Love you.
-- NaNa
- on January 2, 2019
Grace, I am remembering that you did illustrations of mandalas in Grades 1 and 2, I believe. I would love to learn about the Buddhist monks and the symbolism of the circular motion in these drawings. Are you up for the challenge? I'm sure this took a lot of time to draw and you did a great job. Keep up the good work.
-- NaNa
- on January 2, 2019
Hi Grace! I understand you studied three paintings illustrating boats in the water. This is a lovely picture and very colorful. I'm wondering if this beautiful girl is a mermaid given your fascination with Ariel. And, is she being greeted by some sort of water creature, perhaps a dolphin. Since I am a water and boat lover, I think this is one of my favorite pictures!! Love you.
-- NaNa
- on January 23, 2019
Hi Grace -- This is certainly a colorful stained glass-like picture of nature's beauty. I'm sure creating this piece of art has made you more aware when you see beautiful church windows, hanging glass artifacts and different stones of stained glass. Recently, I went to an exhibit of the work of "Tiffany". I always thought he was just the creator of beautiful lamps. I was pleasantly surprised when I learned that his luminous designs were found in many precious objects in addition to lamps and windows. Beautiful and impressive work. If the exhibit comes back to our area I would love to take you to see it. Keep up the great work. Look forward to your next creation. Love you.
-- NaNa
- on October 5, 2018
Gosh, Grace. Sorry I missed this one last year. It is quite an interesting concept. I believe this piece of artwork is the one that inspired you to create your own home video. Do you remember? I won't say anything else … our secret!!! Love you.
-- NaNa
- on October 5, 2018
Grace - This collage is colorful and lends much thought to my imagination. Do these cut-outs have any significance? I read a little about Matisse and understand that, in addition to being a painter, he was also a printmaker and sculptor. What a talented man he was!!! I'm sure this was a fun piece of artwork to create. Love your work. Keep it coming. Love you.
-- NaNa
- on October 5, 2018
Hi Grace - Looks like you've created a quite a picture as a result of watching a music video about "Roy G. Biv". I'm guessing from your picture that he had something to do with the color wheel. I love the beautiful colors of your new hairstyle!!! But, I love your real hair color much more. And, I love you.
-- NaNa
- on October 5, 2018
Grace -- This is certainly an unusual piece of work. I'm sure you spent a lot of time in creating it. The circular pattern form makes me a little dizzy as I gaze at it!! Did this happen to you as you were creating it? Nonetheless, I love it. Keep at it girl!! Love you.
-- NaNa
- on May 23, 2018
Hi Grace - What a beautiful, vibrant colored piece of art. The buildings in this city-scape scene give you the impression they are watching the streets below. Wouldn't that be funny to see in real life. I understand that you traced the drawing and then painted it. What a great job you did. I love seeing the beautiful rays of sunshine that are present atop the buildings. Keep up the good work. Love you.
-- NaNa
- on May 23, 2018
Grace, I don't know how I missed sending you a message about this colorful piece of harvest corn. You did a great job in creating it with your colored paper. Nice job! Love your artwork and you!
-- NaNa
- on March 6, 2018
Hi Grace! Looks like you've been working hard. This is a great picture of cactus in the desert with a beautiful blue sky above and the hot sun spreading its rays upon the dry earth below. I understand you made this collage with tissue paper. The colors you used look just like ones I saw when I was in the desert on vacation traveling out West. Just beautiful. Keep up the good work! Love you.
-- NaNa
- on March 6, 2018
Beautiful work, Grace!
-- Christina
- on January 16, 2018
What an interesting piece of artwork this is, Grace. It is certainly eye-catching. I understand that Artist Kandinsky created pictures mainly from simple shapes and lines and liked beautiful colors. You have followed the technique and style of this artist very well. Can't wait to see the next piece of artwork you will be adding to your collection. Love you.
-- NaNa
- on January 16, 2018
Grace, this is certainly an interesting picture. Is it titled "The Cubist Winter Tree"? I have never heard of cubism. I imagine you could create many different designs using this technique. As imaginative as you are I believe you could do it!! Is this tree part of your Christmas collection? Love it.
-- NaNa
- on January 16, 2018
What an interesting picture you created of these birch trees. The scene depicts a forest of autumn. I understand you designed these trees from tape and painted the scene with water colors and detailing with assorted colored pencils. How clever! Keep up the good work. Love you.
-- NaNa
- on January 18, 2018
Grace--I have to say your beautiful "Elmer Elephant" collage is so creative and colorful. Did you get the color scheme from the book 'Elmer' when you read it? I would love to hear the story! How imaginative it was to make Elmer as a tissue paper collage and use your crayons to enhance his surrounding environment. What a great picture to start your second grade year!! Love it and You.
-- NaNa
- on January 16, 2018
Hi Grace! What beautiful, colorful birds you have drawn. They certainly let us know that Spring is here. With all their different "tweet, tweets" we can hear the signs of Spring as well. What a beautiful season. I want you to know how proud of you I am. I love every one of your pictures that Mr. Pearson has posted on Artsonia. I look forward to seeing more next year. Love, NaNa
- on May 17, 2017
Happy Spring Break, Grace. You certainly know how to make Spring Break look like a lot of fun. I noticed the camper in your picture. I know how much you like to go camping. I know it is a lot of fun. And I can tell how happy you are by the big smile on your face. Next, you have summer to enjoy!! Love, NaNa
- on May 17, 2017
Grace, what a beautiful cat. I love the technique you learned from Mr. Pearson for drawing this picture. As you know, I am not a lover of cats, but this cat could certainly win my heart if you brought him home!! Love, NaNa
-- NaNa
- on May 17, 2017
Grace -- You are doing a wonderful job in your art class this year. I am so proud of you!! I can tell from your pictures that you are really enjoying this class. You are so expressive and it shows in all the detail of your work. Love you.
-- NaNa
- on February 28, 2017
Grace, what an interesting picture. It is quite different. I believe it is the artwork of Mondrian. I would love to learn about Mondrian sometime. Look forward to my tutoring session!!
-- NaNa
- on February 9, 2017
Hi Grace -- This piece is quite interesting. The use of overlapping shapes filled in with newly created shapes is quite interesting. I like it. Keep up the good work.
-- NaNa
- on February 9, 2017
Hi My Beautiful Artist -- I love this picture of weaving. It is so colorful and the patterns are perfectly aligned. You must have worked very hard to create this work of art.
-- NaNa
- on February 9, 2017
Hi Grace!! This fish is just beautiful. It looks like one you might see when you go snorklinge on a cruise. She is so colorful. I love it. Keep up the good work.
-- NaNa
- on December 22, 2016
What an amazing picture, Grace!! "Aunt" Angela will be so surprised that she is your super hero. Keep up the beautiful work. Love, NaNa
-- Patricia
- on November 15, 2016
I love your latest piece of art. The cat is so colorful and imaginative. I like how his eyes are so closely looking at us. Keep up the good work.
-- NaNa
- on March 4, 2016
What a beautiful piece of art. Keep it up Grace, you make daddy proud.
-- Daddy
- on March 4, 2016
I love the snowman that you've drawn. I am going to be even more excited to see it in person. Grace, we are so proud of the artist you have become since the beginning of the year.
-- Daddy
- on December 15, 2015
This is the most beautiful snowman. The picture is so colorful and I love it. It looks as though the snowman is thoroughly enjoying being outside in the snow flurries. Keep up the beautiful work.
-- NaNa
- on December 15, 2015
I love your artwork, Grace. I am excited to see all of your artwork that is yet to come this year.
-- Dad
- on November 20, 2015
Your picture is just beautiful. The colorful hands remind me of how active you are with them and all the wonderful works of art you create.
-- NaNa
- on November 15, 2015