Mason12331's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Mason12331's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice Job ! Bud
-- Dad
- on June 19, 2019
Great Job Buddy!!! Have a great time in Disney!!!
-- Matthew
- on October 4, 2017
Dear Mason, We are so proud of all of your artwork, but we especially love your "Kitty in the City" piece. The colors you chose are carefully placed, and look just like city lights at night. We think that the Kitty looks just like your kitty Daisy, don't you? You truly are a wonderful artist. We love you, Grandma and Grandpa XXOO
-- Grandma and Grandpa
- on August 23, 2016
Mason you are doing such a great job! Your skills are certainly improving and I am very impressed! Hope all is well and I hope to see you soon. Love, Uncle Matt
-- Matt
- on March 16, 2016
How cool is this? I love the colors you chose! Great work buddy Love mommy
-- Jody
- on December 3, 2015
Hi Mason, This ornament is great! You are getting better and better with every piece of art that you create. I am so incredibly proud of you! Maybe you could make some ornaments for Aunt Leanna, Robin, Grandma and Grandpa for Christmas! Love you so much buddy
-- Uncle Matt
- on November 20, 2015
What a beautiful Christmas tree, Mason and look at all of that snow!! I know what you are wishing for!! xoxo
-- Mommy
- on November 20, 2015
Hey, that little turkey look just like you!! Cute and colorful!! xoxo
-- Mommy
- on November 20, 2015
I hope we can hang this on our Christmas tree this year. I just love your big red bow!!
-- Mommy
- on November 20, 2015
I love all the colors and how you stayed in the lines! Were you doing a wiggle dance when you made he wiggle lines? :) Love you!!
-- Mommy
- on November 20, 2015
Best looking pumpkin I have ever seen, MAS!!! Love it
-- Mommy
- on November 20, 2015
Wonderful coloring! I am enjoying looking at your artwork, and can't wait to see more! Love Gramma xo
- on September 21, 2015
So many colorful gumballs! Each one carefully, and thoughtfully placed. They look yummy! Great work Mason. xo
- on September 21, 2015
Look at all of those gumballs!!! I would like a red one, please!
- on September 21, 2015
Well done buddy! Your coloring skills are certainly getting better! Love you buddy!
-- Uncle Matt
- on September 21, 2015
Great work Mason!!! I love how well you stayed in the lines! Thank you for sharing --Mommy!!
- on September 18, 2015