Lilianna192's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Lilianna192's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You're making me hungry, Lili! YUM!!!!
- Papa on April 7, 2021
This one is just a little bit scary! Great work though!
- Oma on March 11, 2020
Great work, Lili! I think I should order this one - it's a keeper!
- Oma on March 11, 2020
Wow, that's scary! Is it your sister when she's mad? Couldn't be, no braces! Keep up the excited work!
- Oma on January 8, 2020
Great job Lili! You continue to amaze me!
- Oma on January 8, 2020
More snow? I'm already tired of winter!
-- Oma
- on December 5, 2018
Burr, this is what it looks like in South Dakota right now! But we don't have penguins.
-- Oma
- on January 2, 2019
This is so cool!
-- Oma
- on January 2, 2019
Lili, this is one of our favorites, but of course we love all your art! Great job, keep up the good work.
-- Oma
- on January 2, 2019
Love it Lili! You are a really good artist!
-- Oma
- on February 16, 2018
WOW - GREAT work Lili! Can't wait to see what you will create in third grade! Keep it up!
-- Papa
- on June 14, 2017
Great job Lili! Looks like Spring is here!
-- Papa
- on April 21, 2017
Great Job, Lili! Keep up the good work!
-- Oma
- on October 26, 2016
Oh, Lili, those popsicles look yummy! You did such a good job. It's been hot in South Dakota so a cool popsicle would be great right now. Love seeing your art work on line. Keep up the good work so we can always see what you are up to. Love you!
-- Oma
- on November 4, 2015
WOW! Good job, Lili!
-- Oma
- on October 13, 2015