McLaren9's Comments (44)

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Below are comments about McLaren9's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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very Peter Max...of course, you would not know who he was...
- Mike on December 21, 2022
that is really very beautiful...nice work!
- Mike on December 21, 2022
Is that supposed to be Pop-Pop?
- Mike on December 21, 2022
I have really enjoyed being able to see Reagan's and your art work...I really liked the abstract designs...both of you are doing very nice work...I love you and hope to see you soon...pop-pop
- Mike on April 29, 2020
Well, McLaren, even though you aren't a fan of cats you are excellent at putting their image on paper. This cat doesn't seem as scary as the one in Ohio!
-- Grandma
- on April 29, 2020
McLaren you are progressing beautifully as an artist. In the photo I can't quite make out what's on either side of the center part where the heart is. I hope I remember to ask your tomorrow.
-- Grandma
- on April 29, 2020
another awesome work of art...keep up the good work McLaren
-- Michael
- on April 29, 2020
These are about the only flowers around our house, Thank goodness Spring is here! Your wildflowers look like they are gently swaying in the breeze. All of your artwork shows how much you enjoy your projects. Love, Grandma
-- Grandma Maureen
- on April 29, 2020
Something about the sheep in this picture makes me want to step into the scene and become one of Jesus's own. Last Sunday we learned about Jesus being our shepherd and your picture shows the idea perfectly. Stay close to Jesus, McLaren, and follow him always. Love you always, Grandma
-- Grandma Maureen
- on April 29, 2020
I can almost hear these birds singing, McLaren. Is that a red berry hanging from the branch? Your attention to detail and shading is outstanding.
-- Grandma
- on April 29, 2020
WOW!!! McLaren that is EXCELLENT! You are quite the artist.
-- Mike
- on April 29, 2020
McLaren, I'd recognize you out of the group of portraits, I'm sure. I notice that you are learning to shade. I can't tell from the computer, but is this done using chalk? Pop-Pop and I were at a famous artist's museum when we were on vacation, and her early work was no better than yours! Congratulations, McLaren! Another great addition to your portfolio.
-- Grandma
- on March 1, 2017
WOW McLaren another great one!!!
-- Michael
- on March 1, 2017
McLaren, this piece of artwork really made me feel frozen! What an artist you are becoming. Can't wait to see this penguin when we are visiting. I sure hope all of your art is being put into a portfolio for a keepsake. When you are a grown artist all of these pieces will show how you got better & better with time.
-- Grandma
- on April 29, 2020
Merry Christmas the Christmas tree...I heard you got a letter from Santa...that was exciting...see you Saturday (if you are home)...
-- Michael
- on April 29, 2020
another great piece of the eyes and the colors!!!
-- Michael
- on April 29, 2020
McLaren, your Tutu and Grandpapa used to live in the Southwest. I bet they feel homesick when looking at this great desert scene. Wish I was there right now.
-- Grandma Maureen
- on April 29, 2020
Wow! I am sure that we will see this snowman decorating your house when we come Christmas Eve. Make sure you show Aunt Amber your pieces so that she can see how you are growing as an artist. Love You.
-- Grandma Maureen
- on April 29, 2020
Hi McLaren, I am really impressed by your black cat. It reminds me of a cat at midnight looking for a late night snack. Did you have Jedadia in mind? Love to get pictures of your artwork.
-- Grandma Maureen
- on April 29, 2020
wonderful piece McLaren!!! Pop-Pop
-- Michael
- on April 29, 2020
McLaren, please don't scare your daddy with your spider. He can't stand any spider, and this one is very realistic! Your artwork is fantastic. I always look forward to seeing your work on the internet. Love You.
-- Grandma Maureen
- on April 29, 2020
McClaren, you did a truly outstanding job on your still life. I know you must have really worked hard because there's not a bit of white peeking through. Even the shading on the apples is perfect. How old are you? Love you, Girl, Grandma
-- Maureen
- on December 21, 2022
WOW McLaren!!! I think this is your best ever! A still life with a little Picasso influence...great job!
-- Michael
- on December 21, 2022
Wow! GG is here and is also blown away by all of your creative talent! This piece makes me feel like I'm in a prehistoric cave. How did you manage to create all of these figures, McLaren? It's so wonderful to have artists in our family. Hooray!
-- Maureen
- on December 21, 2022
McLaren, I really like the patterns, the design and the colors...GREAT worrk. Pop-Pop
-- Michael
- on December 21, 2022
Your lilacs are so realistic I can almost smell the wonderful fragrance. You chose the perfect colors for springtime, McLaren.
-- Grandma
- on December 21, 2022
Excellent bunny, McLaren. You show that you are ready to be in the first grade art class already! Bunny's carrot looks good enough to eat. This is another piece of art to keep in your portfolio!
-- Grandma
- on December 21, 2022
Oh my goodness, what a lifelike rooster you've made here, McLaren. I especially like his "comb" you created on his head. But, then I also think you did an excellent job on his eyes. What are you naming him? He has so much personality you must give him a name. When I see you next time, you must explain what pinch pot means. Loved seeing your other artwork on display this morning at school. Love You, Grandma
-- Grandma
- on December 21, 2022
McLaren, you are really springing into quite an artist! These flowers look like they were fun to create. You will have to show me all of the different kinds of materials you used in your picture.
-- Grandma
- on March 4, 2016
Love your warm bear, McLaren. Don't I wish I had a fun hat and scarf like you drew on your polar bear!
-- Grandma
- on December 21, 2022
you keep producing better and better work...can't wait to see the next one
-- Michael
- on December 21, 2022
This one could be exibited in a high end New York gallery!
-- Pop-Pop
- on December 21, 2022
Fantastic! Some of your best work ever! Love the snow flakes. Pop-Pop
-- Pop-Pop
- on January 15, 2016
McLaren...what wonderful shapes! Great work! Love, Pop Pop
-- Michael
- on November 7, 2015
McLaren, you have made my favorite type of art. I can do this, too! What makes yours special is the colors you chose. What a great background to make your scissor work pop!
-- Grandma
- on November 7, 2015
WOW McLaren! Your artwork keeps getting better. I can't wait to see the next one. Love, Pop Pop
-- Michael
- on November 7, 2015
Honestly, McLaren, you are well on your way to learning about shapes and art at the same time! When I looked at your latest artwork I told Pop Pop that it looked like abstract shapes with a purse at the top. Then I scrolled down and read what your job was and Bingo! You were told to create abstract shapes. Well done and love you, Grandma
-- Maureen
- on December 21, 2022
McLaren, you've got talent. Have your mom and dad started collecting your work for a show? You might be able to earn a little money for your piggy bank. Just a thought. Miss seeing you, McLaren. When we return I want to see your work in a portfolio. Ask mom to tell you what that is. Love, Grandma
-- Maureen
- on December 21, 2022
I think this is your best effort so far...keep up the great work!
-- Michael
- on December 21, 2022
This is proof that you are the finest artist in your entire class, McLaren! Mom and Dad are going to need to set up a studio for you like Payton has in her basement. After a while you can gather all of your art pieces and put them in a portfolio (ask Mom and Dad to explain). It will be a keepsake and you will be able to watch your talent grow and grow!
-- Grandma Maureen
- on October 19, 2015
What a wonderful scarecrow you've created, McLaren. Love to see you grow as an artist. Happy Autumn!
-- Grandma Maureen
- on October 4, 2015
McLaren, You are a busy student at school! No wonder you love going to St. Alban Roe. Will you collect all of your work this year and have a showing?
-- Grandma
- on December 21, 2022
Aren't you a great doodlebug, Doodlebug? Pop-pop and I can't wait to see your Ladybug in person.
-- Grandma
- on December 21, 2022
awesome depiction McLaren
-- Michael
- on December 21, 2022