Willem149's Comments (58)

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Below are comments about Willem149's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is an interesting piece of clay artwork. I would like to see it in person to get a better perspective of the hillside part. Sounds like it was a group project from your notes. I like the different colors in here a lot!
- Jim on May 15, 2024
Well I too am not a big fan of water colors but I do like this piece. It brought a smile to my face. Keep up the good work always a joy seeing what you create.
- Aunt Mary Ann on May 15, 2024
Willem, I think this is a great piece of art honoring Lake. Nice job! And your comments keep me laughing!!
- Mary Anne on May 8, 2024
I really don’t know who this character is and I believe you said you didn’t care for it either. That being said the fact that you tried and did make an interesting piece. Keep exploring all types of art and making works that are interesting to look at.
- Aunt Mary Ann on March 27, 2024
I must admit I know very little of this type of art. I do like your dream house. Well done - I hope you keeping trying different forms of art - Looking forward to your next project
- Aunt Mary Ann on February 21, 2024
I especially like this one. I never met Lake but the colors you chose make him look like a warm and friendly dog. Good job
- Aunt Mary Ann on January 17, 2024
I love this! Makes me miss Lake and throwing him a tennis ball for fetch.
- Ryan on January 10, 2024
Very nice paper artwork of Lake. I know you miss him, and this says he was a special dog. Nicely done!
- Jim on January 10, 2024
I had to think on this one - I do like the color especially that brilliant blue. I am not much on contemporary art but I am glad to see that you are experimenting with all forms. Overall I would say it’s very good and I enjoyed looking at it. Keep up the good work Willem.
- Aunt Mary Ann on December 6, 2023
This is a great example of art fort Day of the Day. More detail than our Skelton cookies.
- Grandma Bobbie on November 8, 2023
When I first saw itI said “oh just in time for Halloween” then I read about burners - with my limited knowledge of graffiti I think you captured it very well. I like the shading on the skull - the colors and the candles. Well done
- Aunt Mary Ann on November 6, 2023
I really like this one - the shading and coloring are in my eyes perfect. You certainly completed your task with this one. Keep up the good work - always looking forward to your next project.
- Aunt Mary Ann on October 19, 2023
I like this very much - just by looking at it I can tell it’s you so I can say you accomplished exactly what you wanted to do. I especially like your giraffe and soccer ball placement - well done
- Aunt Mary Ann on September 14, 2023
Very cool drawing Willem! Love the way you captured each item - especially the Crocs in detail. Wondering where the giraffe's head ended up. :-)
- Jim on September 14, 2023
Looks like a fun project that would be something you like to do!
- Jim on March 31, 2021
This is really cool! I remember the word tessellation from high school when I was younger. And you are doing this in fifth grade! Was this hard to do?
- Jim on February 5, 2021
I really like the blue on this Willem! Very nice picture.
- Grandma B on February 5, 2021
Sorry I was a little slow on this. I thought this piece was very good. It fit very well in the holiday season. To me when I looked at it I thought Christmas. Keep up the good work - I look forward to seeing any new artwork you do.
- Aunt Mary Ann on January 13, 2021
Well Willem this is certainly interesting. Yes I like this - Creature it is. Keep up the good work - I always look forward to your pictures.
- Aunt Mary Ann on November 18, 2020
This is one of my favorites Willem!
- Jim on November 18, 2020
Hi Willem. I love the spaceships in here! The buildings remind me of a movie set. I like your Lost City name too. A fun drawing. Papa
- Papa on October 28, 2020
I would like to visit your secret city.
- Bobbie on October 21, 2020
I must say Willem I always look forward to seeing your new art work. Each one to me is more interesting than the last one. You have a lot of imagination so I hope you continue drawing. Looking forward to your next artwork.
- Aunt Mary Ann on October 21, 2020
This is one of my favorite pieces on your class inventory. I missed seeing this last year.
- Bobbie on October 14, 2020
Willem, I really like your name artwork. The lines add an interesting perspective. Keep up the good art projects. Love, Grandma
- Bobbie on October 14, 2020
Somehow I didn’t see this earlier. You really captured the shading nicely. Well done.
- Jim on October 14, 2020
Willem, this was really neat! I love how your name just pops out at the reader. It is a great three dimension design. Not sure how you did this but I would love it if you show me your process next time grandma White and I visit!
- Jim on October 14, 2020
Very interesting Willem I like the way it jumps out at you. I would say you put a lot of thought into this. Keep up the great work.
- Aunt Mary Ann on October 14, 2020
Wow, nice job Willem! Colorful and symmetrical. Be fun to have bike wheels like this.
- Grandma B on March 4, 2020
This is very cool Willem! I like the symmetry. Will you keep this for hanging up at home?
- Jim on February 26, 2020
I really like this one Willem - the wheel design with the spokes almost makes it look like it could move - very good. I also like your choice of colors - nice and bright and they go really well together. Keep up the good work I enjoy seeing all you create
- Aunt Mary Ann on February 26, 2020
Your work is getting better all the time - I really like the color and the way the spokes go out. Keep up the good work - looking forward to seeing your next project
- Maryann on February 26, 2020
Willem this is really an interesting work. I love the different colors and especially the woven parts. It looks like this was very difficult to do. I’m sure it took a lot of patience to make this!
- Jim on February 26, 2020
This is SO cool Willem!
- Jim on November 6, 2019
Very nice Willem- now that’s what I call a bird’s eye view. Keep up the good work you always create something I like. Aunt Mary Ann
- Maryann on November 6, 2019
This one reminds me of you in the snow! Love it!
- Mary Anne on October 9, 2019
Ooh sculpture 3-d art! Pretty cool buddy. Love you.
- Mary Anne on October 9, 2019
Hmm, is that sunshine breaking through a cloudy day? Love you bud! Maime
- Mary Anne on October 9, 2019
Hey Willem, Really love the tulips and how colorful they are. Love that you used such a cool technique. Love you. Aunt Maime
- Mary Anne on October 9, 2019
Nice colors Willem and very neat and readable. Good job!!
- Grandma B. on October 9, 2019
I like this Willem - very unique - plain yet it tells me who you are - always look forward to seeing your work - Aunt Mary Ann
- on September 25, 2019
Beautiful spring picture - keep up the good work Willem
-- Aunt Mary Ann
- on May 11, 2016
What lovely spring tulips!!
-- Grandma Bickel
- on May 11, 2016
Getting better with each drawing. This one is really nice - keep up the good work
-- Aunt Mary Ann
- on April 19, 2016
Great job Willem!! What nice owls you made and your sky is a beautiful color. I love it!
-- Grandma Bickel
- on April 19, 2016
This looks like it is just in time for St. Patrick's Day. You get better with every picture Willem - keep up the good work
-- Aunt Mary Ann
- on March 16, 2016
What a happy leprechaun!! Nice job Willem.
-- Grandma B.
- on March 16, 2016
Wow Willem, this one looks fun to make. I can't wait to see it and what you are going to store in it.
-- Grandma B
- on February 12, 2016
What great colors and shapes and rainbows. You are so good at following directions Willem.
-- Grandma B
- on February 7, 2016
Oh wow Willem I really like this one. Lots of color and shapes - Keep up the good work
-- Aunt Mary Ann
- on February 7, 2016
Oh Willem this is nice. A great Christmas picture
-- Aunt Mary Ann
- on December 16, 2015
Oh Willem what a happy looking snowman. I love it!!! Great cutting and following directions.
-- Grandma B.
- on December 16, 2015
Great job Willem! I love this.
-- Jim
- on December 16, 2015
Willem I really like this one - beautiful bright colors - keep up the good work.
-- Aunt Mary Ann
- on November 17, 2015
This is the most beautiful leaf I've seen this fall Willem!! Nice job.
-- Grandma B.
- on November 17, 2015
Willem what a FUN person you made!! I love his little tongue and nice smile. I can tell you worked really hard on this. Great job.
-- Grandma B
- on September 23, 2015
Very good Willem - I like that hat. A nice happy picture
-- Aunt Mary Ann
- on September 23, 2015
Great job Willem! I hope you are having fun at school.
-- Uncle JJ
- on September 23, 2015