Spencer4772's Comments (25)

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Below are comments about Spencer4772's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Spencer, It is really fun to watch you create such fun art over the years. This piece is really interesting. I can see you growing! Much love dana
- Dana(fan) on December 2, 2021
Spencer- this is really nice work- very timely for Veteran's Day. I am proud of you and would like to send a copy of the picture to my brother Randy. He will enjoy it. Great Job!!
- Dana on November 13, 2019
The starry night picture is very colorful! You made perfect stars.
-- Jan
- on December 29, 2016
Your painting is very neat. I like the scarecrow's cute face and how you put him to one side of the picture.
-- Jan
- on December 29, 2016
Spencer, I love the leaf. Good job. Grandma
-- Dennis
- on October 26, 2016
Spencer, This reminds me of leaves falling. Love, Grandma
-- Dennis
- on May 8, 2016
Spencer, I love the clay heart. I think that is "my heart" in your hand. Love, Grandma
-- Dennis
- on May 8, 2016
Spencer, I love this piece of art work. It looks like a quilt!! Grandma
-- Dennis
- on March 11, 2016
Your red fox looks so real with its little eyes and cute nose. It is easy to see a red fox in the winter time because of the white snow.
-- Jan
- on February 19, 2016
Good job, a very pleasant picture. Love your fluffy clouds.
-- Linda
- on January 20, 2016
The birds have very colorful bodies with good details.
-- Jan
- on January 19, 2016
Did it tickle when you traced around your arm and hand to make the tree trunk? Lovely tree!
-- Jan
- on January 16, 2016
What a good job you did Spencer. I really like your artwork. Aunt Linda
-- Linda
- on January 12, 2016
Three owls. Kind of reminds me of the three little pigs.
-- Grandma
- on January 12, 2016
Spencer, I love the tree you made.
-- Grandma
- on January 12, 2016
The owls look very wise!
-- Jan
- on December 15, 2015
Wow, those are just wonderful. Good job. Love you, Aunt Linda
-- Linda
- on November 25, 2015
This looks like an art project where you learned about mixing paint to make secondary colors. A pumpkin patch is a fun place to go in the fall. Did you go to a pumpkin patch before you painted your picture?
-- Jan
- on November 23, 2015
It is amazing what you can make with circles, hearts, squares, ovals and triangles! A purple face is looking at me. :)
-- Jan
- on November 23, 2015
I really like those mice and I am not generally fond of mice either. They look colorful and friendly and almost like CANDY! Love, Aunt Linda
-- Linda
- on November 16, 2015
Great color choices. Probably look great framed and hanging on the wall Keep up the good work. Love, Aunt Linda
-- Linda
- on November 16, 2015
Your pumpkins look very nice and the field is pretty too. Good Job. Love, Aunt Linda
-- Linda
- on November 16, 2015
Did your teacher read the story "Mouse Paint" to your class? It is a very fun story for Kindergarteners! I saw Grandma's video of you splashing in the rain puddle. That reminded me of the mice in the story because they splashed and jumped as they mixed different colors of paint. Your mice have very long tails; that makes it easier for the cat to catch them. Ha!
-- Jan
- on November 1, 2015
Your picture is very colorful! We had a lot of ladybugs and monarch butterflies in Nebraska in September. I like butterflies! I look forward too seeing more of your art.
-- Jan
- on October 14, 2015
Spencer, you did such an amazing job with this. I really appreciate the use of mosaic for the border. Keep up the great work.
-- Dana
- on October 14, 2015