Kane554's Comments (110)

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Below are comments about Kane554's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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KANE looks like you are fired up, powerful, and ready to blast off into a 2020 school year of learning!
- Grandma Sherrill on September 24, 2020
How do you think of these ideas? Were you eating an Oreo???. I really like the orange and blue striped background too. Off to a great 5th Grade artist year!
- Grandma Sherrill on September 24, 2020
Good choice with an Oreo! I think it might even be a MEGA STUFFING Oreo -- which is the best kind! I like the lines and colors and how it all works! Can't wait to see what's next!
- Donna on September 24, 2020
What a cool way to display your name! I'd never have thought to do something like that. I love the talent and creativity you have and can't wait to see what you do next!!
- Donna on September 24, 2020
This is really cool, Kane! Your arrows are amazing how they are laid out and intertwined. I like the use of color too. I'm wondering what the assignment was; but I know whatever it was, you nailed it!!! Another good job!!
- Donna on September 24, 2020
Why is a great question! All of the arrows are an even greater answer. I like the shading and that some arrow are straight and some curved or even one is shaped like a snake:) Did you make that one especially for me? This is a piece of art that tells many stories.
- Sherrill on September 24, 2020
I always like to see your artwork and try to imagine how your mind is working. "Ghost Files" looks like it would have a really good story behind it. You are very creative and I love to see what you create!
- Donna on September 24, 2020
I bet you love these projects so you can use your imagination and your writing skills. Good work.
- Grandma Sherrill on September 24, 2020
These creatures look like they could fly off the page. I love the one standing on the other one’s back. Smart. Is that Mars? Very exact shapes and the black outline really makes it stand out against the orange. Great colors on the entire work of art.
- Grandma Sherrill on September 24, 2020
That little fish better watch out! You really made this picture come alive. (Maybe because you are an expert fisherman:)
- Grandma Sherrill on September 24, 2020
I love your imagination. Great storyline—I didn’t realize how dangerous a clothespin could be!
- Grandma Sherrill on September 24, 2020
Those mountains look like they demand respect. They are beautiful but yet scary. I would not want to be on them alone at night. I like the beautiful moon and birds that add light and life to your artwork. You always have interesting details to make your art tell a story.
- Sherrill on September 24, 2020
This scary monster is great! The horns and fangs are the best. I can tell you love working with clay. Keep creating.
- Sherrill on September 24, 2020
You know I love pineapple ??! Yours looks good enough to eat:) Good work as always.
- Sherrill on September 24, 2020
Love the colors of the sunset. Great contrast against the tree. Makes me feel calm and relaxed.
- Sherrill on September 24, 2020
Wow, Kane, this is one of my all time favorite paintings that you've done. I love the colors of the sunset and the contrast with the black --and especially the shape of the tree and it's branches. Keep painting!! You really have a special talent.
- Donna on September 24, 2020
Love this because I know the idea came from your heart.??
- Sherrill on September 24, 2020
This piece makes me feel warm and cozy. Making the bricks look real is very impressive, and I bet it took a lot of time and patience.
- Sherrill on September 24, 2020
Love the pumpkins. ??. Makes me think fall—and be a little afraid of that ghost.??. Always enjoy your artwork.
- Sherrill on September 24, 2020
That's a great Halloween scene, Kane! I love the ghost, floating above the pumpkin patch. I'll bet it's looking for trick-or-treaters to scare! That big pumpkin would make a great jack-o-lantern. Keep up the good work!
- Donna on September 24, 2020
What a nice, warm, comfortable space! It's the perfect place to sit and relax and watch the wood burn in the fireplace! You did another great job, Kane. I think that chair is just waiting for me!!!!
- Donna on September 24, 2020
Your weaving is so evenly done. Your use of different colors makes my eyes follow from top to bottom. I especially like the aqua and gold section that looks like stripes. How did you do that? Great work.
- on September 24, 2020
I love your weaving project! I don't think I've ever done anything like that. I scrolled through some of your other works too and it is amazing to see all the good work you've done! I'm so proud of you. Just think of all the many things you are good at!! Love you!!
- on September 24, 2020
Wow! I love the colors and the waves and the creative beauty of this art piece. Once again, I have no idea how you did it but I love it!!
-- Donna
- on September 24, 2020
What an interesting way to make your artwork seem like it is moving. Does it make you want to be on the river fishing?
-- Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
Wow, Kane! What a cool, colorful, special piece of artwork. I'm always so amazed at what you do and how cool it turns out. This is really something special. You are so good at so many things, but art is one of the top talents of all! I'm proud of you -- ALWAYS!
-- Donna
- on September 24, 2020
Amazing, Kane! You pick the best colors.
-- Gary
- on September 24, 2020
How cool did this project turn out??? The colors are great and I love the shapes. It’s like an optical illusion. Maybe you could teach me how to do this when you visit this summer—when you’re not fishing.??
-- Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
Kane, you are 100% a fisherman ??????????. I like how used the bobber and bait to balance your fish mobile. I bet you enjoyed this project.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
Dance party for sure!
-- Gary
- on September 24, 2020
Yes to the dance party! I love the movement you make come alive. The colors are vibrant and also perfect for a dance party. Well done.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
Those look like some of your dance moves! Nobody dances like you! Great job with colors and shapes. I think you're singing Imagine Dragons while you're dancing too!!!
-- Donna
- on September 24, 2020
5 hours later—having a snack, what a great idea ??. With that big mouth, he could eat a lot. Love it.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
What a big mouth you have, Mr. Monster! I really like the detail on the mountains. Very realistic. The sky in the background brings interest and color to your drawing too. Love it.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
PAC-Blob is one cool critter. With that big mouth, he could eat lots of fish! You and Poppy would have to catch a lot to keep him happy. You did a great job creating a new creature. Maybe he’ll star in a movie some day!??
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
What a great 3D project! I love the BIG mouth just waiting for your hook! The eyes are great too and the color contrast. Fun project ??????????.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
You aren't just drawing pictures anymore but creating major art projects that I have never done. This is amazing. Right away I thought of Nemo! I love how you do such great work! You are so talented!
-- Donna
- on September 24, 2020
None of us who know you are surprised at what a great job you did with ths artwork!! Who knows fish and underwater creatures better than you and your Grandpa Gary??? You can see the movement through the water -- and I'm glad I'm out of its way!! Great job!
-- Donna
- on September 24, 2020
Kane, what a beautiful piece of artwork! I love the color, the shading, and the background. It makes me feel like I am looking into an aquarium. You are a talented artist. Bet you had fun, too!
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
Of course you would choose a fish to use for your drawing! ???? It really is interesting to see how the different shading makes such a difference in the total picture. I bet you enjoyed this project.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
I bet no one at Becky David has gone fishing and caught as many fish as you. Who better to do great drawings of them than YOU?? It's amazing how real they look They are just waiting for you to catch them as they swim nearby!!!
-- Donna
- on September 24, 2020
You are off to a great start in 3rd grade art! I can see all the detail you put into your drawing. I love how the branch on the tree hangs down. Is that because you have been climbing on it?
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
I love Mr. Owl! What a nice job working with those small pieces of paper to make big piece of beautiful art. Great work.
-- Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
If this fish could talk, he would tell big stories about you and Poppy fishing and trying to catch him.??. I love your use of colors and patterns. The TEETH look scary. I love that too. This is one of my favorite pieces of your wonderful artwork.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
Your butterfly makes me think SPRING! My favorite parts (besides all the beautiful colors) are the antennas and perfect placement of the eyes ??. They are so realistic. Another great job, Kane.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
Kane, what a beautiful butterfly to celebrate spring! You did a great job with the symmetry of both sides. It's amazing how perfect it looks. I hope to see one just as pretty fly by my window soon!
-- Donna
- on September 24, 2020
This is one of those pieces that look even better when you zoom in, Kane. The texture as well as the detail is amazing. You are a great artist. I love it that you have a church -- and the fun Fed Ex trucks were a great addition. I bet the teacher loves seeing what you do!
-- Donna
- on September 24, 2020
Love the textures! The dept perception is amazing too. You made a lot of things happen in this project. Good job!
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
You have really learned how to do some interesting processes to create your artwork! This is an amazing new way to create a very interesting nature study. The sticks and rocks with the lighting and coloring is way cool. Great job!
-- Donna
- on September 24, 2020
Kane, I know you loved this project because I know how much you love nature. This turned out great. ?? From the arrangement of the branches and twigs to the cool colors to the light accent in the corner there is always something to catch my eye and enjoy. Love it! ??
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
What an interesting project to create 3 different portraits. I think the middle one looks the most like you—maybe when you are up to bat and concentrating on hitting a home run! You might even have a Cubs’ shirt on! You did a great job on all three pieces of art. I love seeing your work.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
You are such a good artist, Kane! It's amazing to me what a talent you have. Your self-portrait is excellent. I can see your sad/mad face and your happy face. I like how you have changed your eyes as well as your mouth to show how you are feeling. I hope you are showing your happy face today!
-- Donna
- on September 24, 2020
This is a great creation again by you. I love the colors and shapes and balance. You definitely have an eye and a talent for making things really special. Way cool!!
-- Donna
- on September 24, 2020
This guy looks like he’s been in a fight and had to get stitches. I bet you had fun making this mask. I like the colors too.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
I think Halloween when I see this mask. I bet you really had fun creating this. Art is fun!
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
Kane, you did a great job on your portrait. I especially love the eyes and eyebrows. Great use of details. I also love, love the flag background! How did you think of that? Way cool. You are a really good artist.????????????
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 24, 2020
This is a really cool project, Kane. I am amazed at how many different things you do -- and do so well. I like the different materials and texture on this.
-- Donna
- on September 24, 2020
Okay, Kane, this is the coolest thing ever. You are very talented. There is no way I could ever do as good of a job. I like everything about this. I think my favorite parts are the eyes and eyebrows. I am so proud of you!
-- Donna
- on September 24, 2020
I really enjoy the balance in your artwork and the use of textures. It almost looks like teardrops ??. You always have interesting and creative ideas that make me “think”, as well as, enjoy. Love, love.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on December 13, 2017
Nice job on your totem pole artwork! I hope you are having a really good time in class with all your projects because I love seeing what you do!
-- Donna
- on December 13, 2017
I love the totem pole idea. I bet it really looks cool all put together, but your owl looks great on his own. I like the different colors striped at a slant. How did you think of that idea?
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on December 13, 2017
Day of the Dead Sugar Skulls???? OOOOOH! What kind of a project is THAT?? It looks to me like you knew just what to do for it and I think it fits the description perfectly. You are one talented boy!!! I like that blue face!!
-- Donna
- on December 13, 2017
Oh, Kane! You know my favorite part of the neighborhood, don't you? It's the baseball diamond, of course!! That's where all the Cubs learned how to play -- on a field just like that!! I love it!
-- Donna
- on December 13, 2017
I would love to hear your explanation about your drawing. I can see the baseball field is important to you??. I think the highway could take you LOTS of interesting places. Oh the places you'll go! Love it.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on December 13, 2017
I've seen lots of high school kids' artwork that isn't this good, Kane! What a nice job on this building! I love the colors and how real it all looks. Actually, it looks good enough to be downtown by your mom's building, don't you think? I want to walk through that front door and see what's inside!
-- Donna
- on December 13, 2017
I love the mural on the side of your building, especially the "globe" and how you have the lines dividing up the vivid colors like a mosaic. (And perhaps a flame!)
-- Sherrill
- on December 13, 2017
What a great community you and your class created. It would be an exciting place to visit!
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on December 13, 2017
This was one of the most fun projects I've seen done in an art class! I don't think I've ever seen anything like it where everyone got to contribute something. It's a very cool city with so many different parts -- and everyone could have it's own story, just like in a real city. Great job, Kane!
-- Donna
- on December 13, 2017
Of course all the fun for this picture story would be outside on a bright, sunny day! I like your trees and flowers and happy smile -- and especially the bright, warm sun!
-- Donna
- on December 13, 2017
I love your environment--beautiful blue skies, warm sunshine, fluffy white clouds, trees and flowers--what more could a person ask for to enjoy a wonderful day in the outdoors? The details on the trees makes them look like you could climb them ??. Is Michaela up in the tree? The smile on your face tells me you are ready to enjoy to have fun.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on December 13, 2017
This is one of my favorite projects that you have ever done in art class, Kane! I love the soft colors and how well they look together. You just keep amazing me!
-- Donna
- on December 13, 2017
I love the leaf prints! A leaf is a work of art all by itself, but I love the way the prints look with the different colors behind them. This definitely needs to be framed and put on display. Nice job, Kane.
-- Sherrill
- on December 13, 2017
I loved this artwork immediately because of the interesting use of colors and because of YOUR handprints. Then I read the explanation of HOW you made this. Wow, you did a lot of steps to end up with this cool painting. I know you are always willing to work hard. That's one of the many things I love about you.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on December 13, 2017
This looks like it really could have been on a cave wall years and years ago! I bet you liked this project because you love to explore and find treasures. Is this a story about a hunter or fisherman? It looks like water on the bottom. I need you to tell me the story.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on December 13, 2017
I know that's not the first rock you've painted, but I think it might be the first one with CAVE ART on it -- and I love it! It really shows that time period and is so cool! You could do a whole collection!
-- Donna
- on December 13, 2017
Whoa! That looks like one angry dude! His eyes look angry but his teeth look like they are about to scream and go after someone! I actually LOVE how everything you did adds to the total look -- even the hair! This is way cool, Kane! I especially like his hair. It had to take you quite awhile to get all those details just right!
-- Donna
- on December 13, 2017
?? Mad for sure. From the scary teeth to the mean eyebrows, I can tell this dude is MAD. He looks so mad all the blood is in his face and he is ready to POP! I would not like him mad at me. Great job, Kane.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on December 13, 2017
Not only do you have a very interesting family with cool shirts -- and even a ponytail --but I love what you did with the background. That makes it look really good. Can't wait to see what you do next!!!
-- Donna
- on December 13, 2017
Kane, you never cease to amaze me! I love the details in the faces and on the shirts. Was Dad at the World Series watching the Cubs win? He would have a HUGE smile on his face!
-- Sherrill
- on December 13, 2017
I love the beautiful colors in your sunset. The contrast makes the silhouettes stand out perfectly. It reminds me of the desert in Arizona.
-- Donna
- on December 13, 2017
I love your sky. You captured the feeling of peace that comes at that time of day. I also like that I can see a cross in the silhouettes that reminds me of Easter morning and the promise of new life. Great art work.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on December 13, 2017
You did a great job with this artwork, Kane; but you know I don't like little furry creepy things! They look like they could scamper right around my feet!!! I do have to admit they are very cute and you make them look just like real mice. I'm just glad it's just a picture!!
-- Donna
- on December 13, 2017
I never would have thought about mice ?? ????being so cute! I bet you had fun making your mouse ??. I like the colors in the background too. That really makes it easy to see the mice. It looks like the mice might be looking for a place to hide!
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on December 13, 2017
Your artwork is always a highlight. You are so talented and good at what you do. Is that a bake shop? Do you think they have cookies?? I think so!! Yummy!!!!
-- Donna
- on September 22, 2016
Did you add the fire station, Kane? I know you love to visit the NS station with Poppy:) Good job of working with others to have a cool community.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 22, 2016
That looks like a great ballgame! Wish I was there to cheer for you. I hope you were wearing your Cub shirt!
-- Donna
- on September 1, 2016
I love being able to "see" what you like to do during recess. Kickball is a great game, and I know you are are a good player. I can just hear everyone shout, "OUT", when YOU catch the ball.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 1, 2016
You are amazing, Kane! Great family portrait! I see Daddy and Mommy and you and your sister! What a great family!!
-- Donna
- on September 1, 2016
I love this family! Good job on the details, Kane!
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 1, 2016
What a great portrait! You have really had an interesting art year in kindergarten. I love the colors behind your drawing. The different colors make me think of all the different special things about YOU! You have so many interests and talents that do make you unique just like your portrait.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on September 1, 2016
I love this painting, Kane! I can't believe how talented you are! That is one good looking boy. Looks a lot like a grandson I love!
-- Donna
- on September 1, 2016
Your tree looks like the perfect one to build a tree house in! It looks friendly and welcoming, but also sturdy so your tree house would be safe in a storm. I bet you could have lots of adventures in your tree house! I love the ladder and the tire swing. Another super art project!
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on May 4, 2016
I would love to visit the zoo with you! The animals look like they would enjoy visitors. Which is your favorite animal? I can't decide! Good art work.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on May 4, 2016
Kane, this is so cool! I love your clay ladybug and then you created a beautiful place for it to live and provided two friends:) I bet the butterfly and snail are happy to live there too.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on May 4, 2016
Your artwork is always so unique and special, and I especially like this beautiful place you have created!
-- Grandma Donna
- on May 4, 2016
You certainly did make the world a more beautiful place by decorating the door! I love the colors. Did you like working with your friends? I wish I knew which ideas were yours:)
-- Sherrill
- on May 4, 2016
What a neat way to make a house! I know you live in a neat community so I'm sure you liked this project.
-- Sherrill
- on February 10, 2016
I know where that game is and I want to go with you!!! Go Hawks!!!!
-- Donna
- on February 10, 2016
What a nice, friendly neighborhood! Each house looks like one I'd like to visit! I like how the one on the right looks like the lights are on in the windows also that you have pretty yards. Great job, Kane!
-- Donna
- on February 10, 2016
Are you attending an Iowa football game? Family traditions are the best. I'm glad it was a sunny day!
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on December 23, 2015
I wish I was there to hear you tell the story of this wonderful artwork! I like your colors and what I see, and I've made up my own story about it. I wonder if it's the same as yours!
-- Donna
- on December 5, 2015
I love your choice of color! Your picture makes me want to read that story ??. Good job.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on December 5, 2015
That looks like the train that just went by our house! What a nice job with shapes and colors to make a great looking train!
-- Donna
- on November 6, 2015
Wonderful train! It reminds me of the times you and Poppy run to the bridge to see the trains by our house??????. You did a great job on cutting and gluing the shapes. I like the sun peeking from the corner too!
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on November 6, 2015
What an interesting planet! Who lives there? Do you think there might be a Wookie or two on that planet? I can't wait to have you tell me all about it!! Great job!
-- Donna
- on October 27, 2015
Your planet is so interesting. You made me want to explore it--with you! I love that earth and your new planet share the same bright sun!
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on October 27, 2015
Kane, you really are a great artist! I love the colors. I bet you had fun working with your new friends too.
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on October 27, 2015
I really like what you are doing in art class, Kane! It's nice that you are working with other kids to make something special. I can't wait to see what comes next!
-- Donna
- on October 27, 2015
Kane, your artwork is wonderful. It looks like a wonderful boy on his first day of school. It must be YOU! I can't wait to see all the great work you do! Love you, Grandma Donna
-- Donna
- on October 27, 2015
Good job, Kane! What a great picture of the first day of school. My favorite part is the flag. It reminds me that you have a flag every day at school and we have a flag at our house so we can always be reminded that we are connected even when apart. Love you!
-- Grandma Sherrill
- on October 27, 2015