Anthony20490's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Anthony20490's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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somehow I missed seeing this one. Creative talent is so excellent! I enjoy seeing your work. Keep up the good work! Love you very much and enjoyed seeing you!
- JANE M on November 17, 2019
Dear Anthony: Miss you! Love the tower! very colorful and interesting! I enjoy seeing your projects very much!
- JANE M on November 17, 2019
Dear Anthony: I love your artwork and hope you continue draw and paint! I saw a slide show of all of your work and it was really nice. I love you very much and I'm so glad that I had the chance to see you. I send my love! Give Mom a hug!
- JANE M on November 17, 2019
Thank you for the artwork. Some much detail in the background! Wonderful! Keep drawing for us! Grandma Jane
-- Jane
- on April 3, 2017
Thank you for the beautiful artwork! Does it have a name? Love you! Grandma Jane
-- Jane
- on April 3, 2017
Dear Anthony: For some reason I did not see this picture. I like it!! Cactus plants grow all over the state of Arizona. Some are taller than people, and some are baby ones. They have thorns that hurt if you touch them. They are like sharp needles, if you touch them. Love you, Grandson! Give Mom a hug for me. She works hard and needs your love. Grandma Jane
-- Jane
- on September 29, 2016
Dear Anthony: I am very proud of you and your artwork! your mMom sent me a photo of you. You look so much like your Dad! I am sending you something in the mail. Love Grandma Jane
-- Jane
- on September 29, 2016
Dear Anthony: I just saw your latest art work. You are getting better and better. Those are beautiful colors! Thank you for sending me a copy. I will order soon. Thanks to you and Mom! Granda jane
-- Jane
- on April 13, 2016
Dear Anthony, You are doing a good job with your art work. Someday you will be a great artist! Keep up the hard work. Congratulations!! Love, Grandpa Ted
-- Ted
- on April 13, 2016
Dear Crissi: Thank you for allowing me to see his artwork and be part of his family. Jane
-- Grandma Jane
- on February 12, 2016
Dear Anthony: For some reason I did not see this art until today! I hope you made it for your Mom! Give her a hug and let her know you love her! Grandma Jane
-- Grandma Jane
- on February 12, 2016
Dear Anthony: I like your new art work! What an awesome turtle! I will send your grandpa Ted a copy of the art! Keep up the good work! Love you! Grandma Jane
-- Grandma Jane
- on February 12, 2016
Dear Crissi: Thank you for allowing me to share in the life of my grandson! It means very much to me! I want him to know we love him even though we can't just interact with him the way I wish I could. Thank you for being so kind! I pray God bless you and protect both of you. It is never easy to be a single parent but I thank God for your courage to be one. Please teach him to respect you for what you are doing for him and that it is not easy to work, to study, to get your degree, and keep a job, that he needs to help you as much as he can. Just a little love from the miles away! Love you guys Jane
-- Grandma Jane
- on February 12, 2016
Dear Anthony: Your art work gets better and better! Keep drawing, I love it!!! What a wonderful idea to share your art. I like the smile on the picture and the bright eyes. Love you so much! Grandma Jane
-- Grandma Jane
- on February 12, 2016
Dear Grandson: This is one of the best ever that you have made. I will send a copy to your grandpa, Ted. Keep up the good work! Do your best in school and always remember you are loved by Mom, and me and others! Give Mom hugs, it will help her feel better to know you care! She takes care of you every day and let her know you care! God bless both of you and keep you! You have talent!!! I'm very proud to be your grandma! Love you grandson! Grandma Jane
-- Grandma Jane
- on February 12, 2016
Dear Anthony: I really like your art and hope you continue to draw. Some people have talent and begin to draw, and paint, and make beautiful artwork for others to enjoy! i hope you are one of those people. I love you so much! Keep up the good work! Give Mom a hug for me and let her know you love her. She does so much for you and others. Love Grandma Jane
-- Grandma Jane
- on December 11, 2015
Dear Anthony: I just saw your new picture! What an awesome tree and beautiful leaves on the ground and in the air! Keep drawing! Love you grandson, very much! I wish I could give you a big hug, over and over and over again! Give Mom a hug for me and you and let her know you love her! Grandma Jane
-- Jane
- on November 18, 2015
Dear Anthony: I just saw your new picture. It is awesome!!!! I think of you often and and wish I could give you a few good hugs to let you know I care! I remember holding you when you were a baby! Sorry I live so fare away. I talked to Ted, he is your Grandpa, and let him know about your drawings. He was very talented in drawing and said you probably are too! LOVE YOU GRANDSON! (Kiss) from Grandma Jane!
-- Jane
- on November 4, 2015
Dear Anthony: I like both of the pictures you have on-line! I love you very much and thank your Mom for allowing me to see both pictures. Thank you! Love you! Keep up the good work! Grandma Jane
-- Jane
- on October 8, 2015