Kenna455's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Kenna455's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Kenna. I look forward to seeing your next artwork all the time and I ate loved your snowman. The fact that he was looking up and we could look down on him was so creative. Great job
-- Peachie
- on December 15, 2015
Kenna I love the beautiful cardinals in the white trees (maybe birch) what a beautiful picture. You are becoming an exceptional artist. Love love love it
-- Peachie
- on November 23, 2015
Kemna your owl is awesome. I especially like her beautiful long eyelashes & the colors you chose. Well done
-- Peachie
- on November 17, 2015
Kenna I just love your beautiful pumpkins. The night sky is great to. It is a great fall picture. You are fantastic.
-- Peachie
- on November 3, 2015
I love the sute colors of your leaves. Very good job. I'm a big fan.
-- Peachie
- on October 12, 2015
Kenna your picture is really pretty. I like the black background and the rectangles spaced around. Your colors of red blue and yellow really pop. What a great job you did, hooray for you.
-- Peachie
- on September 22, 2015