Logan18795's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Logan18795's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This looks like a beautiful piece of Jade. Nice work, Logan. We love to see what you are creating. Nana and Grandchops
-- Carol Ann
- on April 10, 2019
Reminds me of a lovely colored golf bag with golf clubs; however, I suspect it is a lovely vase with flowers. Well done.
-- Grandchops
- on May 11, 2018
Logan -very impressive. You must have observed the tracks a rabbit makes in the snow because you got the front legs coming to the ground together and the back legs following one another. Few people would be aware. Observing everything around you broadens one's knowledge exponentially. Good going- Will see you soon. Love- Grandchops.
-- Grandchops
- on March 7, 2018
This is cool Logan, I see skyscrapers in front of the mountains and even the Colorado "C". This is great!!!
-- Chad
- on January 2, 2018
Beautiful, Logan. I will enjoy my key chain decoration forever.
-- Carol Ann
- on June 7, 2017
I will be anxious to hear all about night owls!
-- Carol Ann
- on June 7, 2017
I love this view of the city. Just like you are looking straight up and the buildings never end. Very cool buddy. - Love Dad
-- Chad
- on June 7, 2017
I thought this one was quite interesting. there are a lot of things in the drawing!
-- Grandchops
- on May 1, 2017
Is this a bear that is in jail? Appears to be happy with a big smile.
-- Grandchops
- on May 1, 2017
Logan: This looks like a beautiful field of lolipops or flowers. Nice job!
-- Grandchops
- on May 1, 2017
Logan - this is awesome! I love all the colors, but really love how using the different colors in different paces really changes the look of the face.
-- Janis And Chad
- on October 27, 2016
Logan: An awesome collection of work that becomes more imaginative/creative as time passes. Gandchops
-- Grandchops
- on October 19, 2016
I like the way you captured the reflections on the pond. Well done. Logan
-- Robert
- on October 26, 2016
This is one of my all time favorite pieces of artwork by Logan. I am so amazed what he is able to do with some instruction and guidance. Pretty awesome!!!
-- Janis (mom)
- on September 19, 2016