CLAIRE5994's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about CLAIRE5994's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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HI Claire, Your weaving is beautiful. It reminds me of things your great grandmother Margaret would do!
- Grace on June 25, 2020
HI, Claire, This artwork is so interesting - it would fit right in with my Modern Architecture tours! You are an amazing artist! So very talented! Congratulations on your fine work! I'm impressed! Love, Grandma Susan
- Susan on June 25, 2020
Wow! Another masterpiece! Congratulations on another great picture. You are super talented!
-- Susan
- on April 12, 2019
HI Claire, THis is beautiful!
-- GRandma Grace
- on March 24, 2019
CLaire, how did you do this? IT reminds me of something I did in college. Did you scratch out your flower? GRandma grace
-- Grace
- on August 10, 2018
HI Clare, THis picture is awesome. I can feel the wind moving over the landscape.
-- GRandma Grace and Grandpa Glenn
- on April 4, 2018
Hi Claire....I love, love, love this picture! You are a fabulous artist! I would love to have a copy so I can frame it. It reminds me of the plants on the farm. You do wonderful work. Love, Grandma Susan
-- Susan
- on April 4, 2018
Hi Claire! What a wonderful painting, When did you paint it. I am so very proud of your artistic ability…Did you have fun creating it?
-- Susan
- on February 15, 2018
Hi Claire I love your winter tree. IT would be fun to see this tree in all seasons. Love you, GRandama Grace
-- Grace
- on February 15, 2018
I really like how you colored the sky. The sun should be just as bright when we see you Friday. Also, the temperature should be in the 80's. Love, Grandpa Glenn
-- Glenn
- on February 15, 2018
Dear Claire - This is one of my favorite pictures you have created. Are you planning to go skiing this winter? And how did you come up with the idea to do these hanging skates? I would love to hear from you! Love, Grandma Susan
-- Susan
- on January 10, 2018
Hi, Claire - I just realized that I could comment on your artwork on this website. You are such a talented artist! I have saved all of your work and look at it often. How did you decide to do this picture? And, how did you decide that the pumpkin should be leaning forward? I am also very interested in how you chose the background colors. Please send me an email or respond on this site - I would love to hear how you do your artwork! I look forward to hearing from you and to getting many more of your pictures! Love, Grandma Susan
-- Susan
- on January 10, 2018
Great job, Claire. I love it! Love you, GRandma
-- Glenn
- on August 20, 2016
Hi Claire, Your bear is so cute! Have you named him yet? Keep up the great work. Love you, Grandma Grace.
-- Grace
- on September 27, 2015
Claire, Another wonderful painting in your collection! The pears look too beautiful to eat.
-- Grandpa Glenn
- on March 27, 2015
Hi Claire, We love your new painting. Keep up the good work! Grandma Grace and Grandpa Glenn
-- Glenn
- on March 27, 2015
Hi Claire, I loved your new artwork of fall leaves. I hope that you are enjoying the snow and hope to see you soon so that we can enjoy the sunshine! Love you, Grandma Grace
-- Grace
- on February 6, 2015
Beautiful work Claire! We can't wait to see more! Love you
-- Pam
- on January 10, 2015
Hi Claire, We sent thank you notes for our Christmas gifts using your art work. Everyone thought you art was beautiful. Keep up the good work. I'll be looking for a snow scene next. Love you, Grandma Grace
-- Grace
- on January 9, 2015
Hi, Claire! This painting is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing it with me. Keep up the good work! Grandma Susan
- on January 3, 2015