Brennan1660's Comments (38)

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Below are comments about Brennan1660's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like your picture very much Brennan! Looking at it makes me feel cold with the bare tree branches and the snow falling. You did an awesome job! Keep up the good work! Mamaw
-- Dianna (Mamaw)
- on December 6, 2017
Brennan the picture is making me feel cold. Looks like it is dark outside and snowing. Looks great. Papaw
-- Tyke
- on December 6, 2017
I love your newest artwork Brennan. Since it is a pretty picture of flowers, I bet it was for mommy for Mother's Day. You did such a nice job and I love all the colors and variety of flowers. Such a pretty blue sky, too! Love you, Mama
-- Dianna
- on May 17, 2017
Brennan the flowers look great.
-- Tyke
- on May 17, 2017
I see you drew a great picture of your mom and dad with your sisters. Looks great Bubby
-- Tyke
- on May 10, 2017
I like this picture too, Brennan! It is very unique. Love seeing all your artwork! Love, Mamaw
-- Dianna
- on May 10, 2017
Brennan....I really love your new artwork. It is such a nice picture of you, daddy, mommy, Alyssa, and Corrie! You and daddy have such big smiles. Good work! Love, Mamaw
-- Dianna
- on May 10, 2017
Brennan your new artwork is awesome. I love the football player's shadow right behind him. Very artistic! Keep up the good work. Love you.....Mamaw
-- Dianna
- on April 5, 2017
Looks geart Brennan. Keep up the good work.
-- Tyke
- on April 5, 2017
Looking good Mr. B
-- Tyke
- on February 15, 2017
Brennan....I love your picture of the 3 hearts. They have such cute little faces on them. You did such a good job. I think the pink one is my favorite! Keep up the good work! Love you! Mamaw
-- Dianna
- on February 15, 2017
Nice Bubby looking good
-- Tyke
- on November 28, 2016
Great job Bubby
-- Tyke
- on November 4, 2016
I love your pretty picture of the fall trees! So colorful! I look forward to seeing your Artwork and get so excited each time your teacher puts one on Artsonia. Keep up the good work! Love you! Mamaw
-- Dianna
- on November 4, 2016
Oh and I forgot to say how scary they look. Those jack-o-lanterns would be great to sit out on Halloween night!
-- Mamaw
- on October 15, 2016
Brennan.....I really love your picture of the pumpkins! So cute for Halloween. Keep up the good work! Love, Mamaw
-- Mamaw
- on October 15, 2016
This is great work Bub
-- Tyke
- on October 3, 2016
Mamaw likes your new artwork! You have done a very nice job and I think it looks "bubbly". Keep up the good is almost done for the year and you'll be a 2nd grader! Love, Mamaw
-- Dianna
- on May 10, 2016
You the man Brennan. Great Job
-- Tyke
- on May 9, 2016
Love your new artwork Brennan! Is that suppose to be a picture of you? I love all the colors....very nice! Keep up the good work. Love, Mamaw
-- Dianna
- on April 20, 2016
Great job B
-- Tyke
- on April 11, 2016
Great job Brennan
-- Tyke
- on March 1, 2016
This is such a colorful picture Brennan! You did such a great job. So happy I can see all your artwork that you do at school online. Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma
-- Dianna
- on March 1, 2016
Looks great Brennan
-- Tyke
- on November 5, 2015
So exciting to see more of your artwork! You always do such a good job! Love you!
-- Mamaw
- on November 5, 2015
Another great job Brennan! I enjoy seeing your artwork so much! Love you!
-- Mamaw
- on October 6, 2015
Great job Bubby
-- Tyke
- on October 5, 2015
Great job Brennan
-- Tyke
- on September 4, 2015
Great job Brennan! Love seeing your artwork! Love, Mamaw
-- Dianna
- on September 4, 2015
Brennan another great drawing. You do great work.
-- Papaw
- on June 3, 2015
Brennan....Mamaw loves this pretty picture of a butterfly. I love the colors! You did a very good job!
-- Dianna
- on June 3, 2015
Great job Bubby
-- Tyke
- on May 14, 2015
Brennan....Mamaw loves your new artwork! You did a wonderful job! Love you!
-- Dianna
- on May 14, 2015
Brennan, Mamaw loves all your artwork! Your newest picture is so pretty!
-- Mamaw
- on April 30, 2015
Great job Bubby
-- Tyke
- on February 3, 2015
Brennan, I just love this snowman! You did a very good job! Love, Mamaw
-- Dianna
- on February 3, 2015
I really like the colors you chose for your picture. They blend together very good.
-- Sandra
- on December 1, 2014
Very good Brennan. I bet you like art class. Keep up the good work. Love you.
-- Sandra
- on November 23, 2014