JeanMarie21's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about JeanMarie21's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice to see you have so much artwork! I wish I had your talent. Love this magic bunny in the hat - great work.
-- Nan
- on February 7, 2018
Blue Kitty has a cherished place on my bedroom wall. <3
-- Jo
- on November 15, 2017
I want one! I love that the cat room is a bubble so the cats can stay entertained watching fish swim by, and that the art room is an entire level! Looks like a great living space. : )
-- Jo
- on November 15, 2017
Wow, Jean-Marie! I love this. Ask your mother to show you some of Andy Warhol's work! You are amazing!
-- Elizabeth
- on March 24, 2016
Thank you for sharing your artwork with me. You are very talented and it is so nice to see what you have been working on. Keep up the nice work.
-- Nancy
- on January 30, 2016
I love all of your artwork. I know that the texture piece with shells and balloons is one that you like very much. I love the colors and balance that your work has. I love your creative mind! I am so pleased that you are learning so much in your art class! Love, Mommy
-- Marcia
- on January 26, 2016
Dear Jean-Marie, I love your art. You are a very talented artist. I love the sunflowers, the fish, your abstract work and especially your paper sculpture. I hope you remember me, we played a lot in Georgia when you were a very little girl. Thank you for doing such lovely work, and I definitely can't wait to see your progression and evolution as an artist as you mature. Love, Elizabeth (Lady)
-- Elizabeth
- on January 10, 2016