Ow14's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Ow14's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Owyn, I'm not sure if this is a recent assignment, or if you did this awhile ago. It is very interesting and I'm drawn to the colors. It does make me wonder what you were expressing, which makes it so fascinating. A good example of abstract expressionism! xo Grammy
- Grammy on May 13, 2020
Your cello must have been a fun project. I wish I knew what the assignment covered. Designs? Draw something you enjoy? Whatever, as a drawing it stands up well. Very creative. LOVE your subtle 'cello' incorporated in the work!! Grammy
- Grammy on May 13, 2020
This is a lovely watercolor. Your colors are soft, which creates a peaceful scene. I like that the dark trees on the left anchor the foreground. The mountains are definitely off in the distance. Did you enjoy doing the water reflections? They're very believable. -Grammy
- Grammy on May 13, 2020
I am choosing this as my first comment because the picture made me curious. Why had you created such an imaginary animal? After all, isn't that one of the purposes of art? Then I I read your artist statement! Not only are you an artist, you are a gifted story teller. Looking forward to seeing more art and statements. -Grammy
- Grammy on May 13, 2020
Wow, This must have been a scary dream! I can't imagine being attacked by both of these evil forces. I was so glad to see that you have your wand with you as a weapon for defense, protection and power against your enemies. I know you managed to escape and save your Mom. Hooray! I do like the balance that the big black rocks offers to Voldemort and the angles provided by the staircase and the road curve. I love seeing ALL your art :)
- Mana on May 8, 2020
I recognize this beautiful blue eye!! This was the first piece that"spoke to me" when I looked at all the artwork together ... because it belongs to one of my favorite people. Then i saw the group of art around it and, without reading the titles or descriptions, I saw the blue theme in them! Isn't it amazing what we see when we take the time to pay attention to what's right around us? Maybe someday soon we can take photos and see all the shades of blue in our family's eyes ??. Love you, Mana
- Mana on May 8, 2020