Addie737's Comments (32)

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Below are comments about Addie737's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Addie, this is so good it is crazy. It looks like a real bow on a gift! Your shading is perfect. And the color of the gold bow is perfect. You have alot of talent and a fabulous Art Teacher. Love you.
- Grandma Beth on October 21, 2021
Addie, this picture is so interesting! It looks like the triangle has a twist to it. Almost 3-D. This is phenomenal. I love it.
- Grandma Beth on October 21, 2021
Hi Honey, I can't believe the consistancy that you have made of this pattern. Not just the colorful wiggle, but also the circular dot beside the wiggle. The wiggle's remind me of catapillars, how they are usually black on both ends and a chunk of brown in the middle. Always the same. Love the pattern. Great job, Addie. This must have been hard. Love you.
- Beth on October 21, 2021
Addie, the picture that you drew of the animal eye is amazing. This is the best drawing I think you have done. The shading, in the iris of the eye, is sooo good. I love how you colored the blues. The shape of the eye is highlighted by the dark and you can see the different texture in the lower lid. You can tell it was a hairy animal, or furry, cause of all the hair-like lines. It's not feathers, for sure. Very, very, very good job. Love you bunches.
- Grandma Beth on October 21, 2021
Addie, the picture that you drew of the animal eye is amazing. This is the best drawing I think you have done. The shading, in the iris of the eye, is sooo good. I love how you colored the blues. The shape of the eye is highlighted by the dark and you can see the different texture in the lower lid. You can tell it was a hairy animal, or furry, cause of all the hair-like lines. It's not feathers, for sure. Very, very, very good job. Love you bunches.
- Grandma Beth on October 21, 2021
Addie this is amazing! What a wonderful job! Love you !!
- Tracy on October 21, 2021
Hi honey. How interesting! I can see your layers. I'll bet this picture would be pretty in color. I think of jellybeans with a cut out layer of paper on top. Your teacher sure makes thing fun and interesting.
- Grandma Beth on October 21, 2021
I love this pictures with all the hands. I love the fingers and your colors are stunning. Did you paint or color? Great job, Girlfriend!!
- Grandma Beth on October 21, 2021
Love the colors. Seems almost 3 dimensional, very cool! Love ya,
-- Tracy
- on October 21, 2021
That is awesome Addie!
-- Tracy
- on October 17, 2018
Catching snow flakes. Yummy! Love
-- Tracy
- on October 17, 2018
Addie your fishy is beautiful! Looks kinda like mine! Love you:0 )
-- Tracy
- on October 17, 2018
Miss Addie. I love your snail, especially his big eyes, perfect. Very good job, Love ya, Grandma Beth
-- Beth
- on October 17, 2018
Hi Addie, I just love fall trees, and your tree is just beautiful. Wonderful job. Love ya, Grandma Beth
-- Beth
- on October 17, 2018
Hi honey, Looks like we are going fishing.....but these are BIG fish.. Is that Grandpas boat? Good job, hon. Love ya, Grandma Beth
-- Beth
- on October 17, 2018
Hi Addie, Love your colors, and you have different shapes going, Very good job, Addie. Love ya, Grandma Beth
-- Beth
- on October 17, 2018
Love it! Primary colors are cool.
-- Tracy
- on October 17, 2018
Are you going out fishing?
-- Tracy
- on October 17, 2018
Great job Addie!
-- Tracy
- on October 5, 2015
Great job Addie! Like his outfit.
-- Tracy
- on October 5, 2015
Miss Addie, just look at the beautiful eyelashes that your warm and cool animals have. I love your detail. Tis is real cute. Good job. Love ya, Grandma Beth
-- Beth
- on October 5, 2015
Miss Addie, Love the ear muffs and scarf that your penguin is wearing. He loves the snow so he needs the warm stuff. Love your penguin. Love, Grandma Beth
-- Beth
- on October 5, 2015
Oh, honey, this is so pretty. You did a wonderful job of drawing yourself. Your pretty blond hair and your beautiful blue eyes. And of course the prettiest smile, just love it, great job. Love ya, Grandma Beth
-- Beth
- on October 5, 2015
Miss Addie, I love the stars and the snowflakes and that wonderful Rudolf, with the red nose. Very pretty, hon. Love ya, Grandma Beth
-- Beth
- on October 5, 2015
Hi darling, Your panda is so cute. He looks like he is looking right at me. His fur looks so fluffy you just want to snuggle him. Love ya, Grandma Beth
-- Beth
- on October 5, 2015
Awesome job Addie! Love it.
-- Tracy
- on January 15, 2015
Hi honey, Apples, apples everywhere. Red apples and a very big green apple. They look good enough to eat. Good job. Love ya, Grandma
-- Beth
- on January 15, 2015
Hi honey, Did you trace your hands? They look like they would be your size. And I love the primary colors. Very nice. Love ya, Grandma
-- Beth
- on January 15, 2015
Miss Addie, love your owl, and you made his wings with your hands, how clever. Good job. Love ya, Grandma
-- Beth
- on January 15, 2015
Addie, this is cool. Your tree is the twisted bag. You made a tree so your owls could rest on the limbs. Very cool. Love ya, Grandma
-- Beth
- on January 15, 2015
Hi Addie, Sure love your bugs!! Was it fun mixing the 2 paints together to see what color it would be. You did a very good job. Love you, Grandma
-- Beth
- on January 15, 2015
Hi Miss Addie, You did a beautiful job with the color purple. Did you use a crayon, or pencil or marker? Is art your funnest class in school? Great job and have fun on the next project. Love you.
-- Beth
- on January 15, 2015