april84's Comments (43)

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Below are comments about april84's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi April, What a talented artist you are!! This is really cool! Are you Spiderwoman? Love, Poppy
- on May 27, 2008
Really nice work, April. (but a bit creepy-oooh spiders) Love you Honey. Gramma
- on May 27, 2008
Cool one April! To Google is one of my favorite things..Love you, Birthday Girl! Gramma
- on April 10, 2008
April. Your new artwork is really cool. I like all the bright colors. Nice work. Love Gramma
- on April 10, 2008
April, I love the colors on this work, and the way the tissue paper adds texture to the picture. Very interesting work-I love it! Love, Daddy
- on April 10, 2008
April - I love your picasso! it is so colorful! I love all the interesting details Keep up the great work! XXOXOXOXOXOXO Mom
- on April 10, 2008
Hi nice artwork. It is so beatiful.
-- from giants lover
- on January 18, 2006
April. I really liked your new artwork. Its perfectly done and the colors are so vibrant. Nice work!
-- from Gramma
- on December 23, 2004
April - I love all the colors you used. It makes me want to knit (I know they're paint brushes). Keep up the great work!XOXOXOX
-- from Mommy
- on December 22, 2004
That is very nice. It looks like my knitting bag. I am so glad you keep working at your art.
-- from Farmor
- on December 22, 2004
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on December 22, 2004
April, I liked your line paintings. It is really colorful. Your friend from Brooks Crossing.
-- from April
- on December 17, 2004
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- from Dana (DnA)
- on November 20, 2004
dear April i like your art work
-- from gabrielle
- on November 13, 2004
April: Wonderful work! Colors are dancing in shapes and lines. I really like your work.
-- from Yeh-yeh
- on October 1, 2004
april it's shawn and your artwork is beautiful. i love it. it 's colorful.
-- from from shawn
- on May 8, 2004
Dearm April84 I love your art! The moon is bright. I love the bright colors!Now stop reading this and pay atenchon to your sister!!From April83.
-- from April83
- on April 7, 2004
April, this is another great work of art you have made. I think you are very talented and your art is beautiful. I love the colors!
-- from Gramma
- on April 2, 2004
April, Your work always amazes me. This is great! The colors are beautiful and of course I love the heart and the loop-the-loop! It reminds me of a balloon. Excellent work!
-- from Daddy
- on April 1, 2004
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on April 1, 2004
Apri, what a great work! I can smell the fragrant of the flowers in your work.
-- from Yeh-yeh
- on March 15, 2004
April this is just beautiful. It is so well done and so colorful.
-- from Farmor
- on March 11, 2004
Dear April, You are a very good artist! I love the colors and the flowers look very nice. Keep up the good work! Love, Pop
-- from Pop
- on March 11, 2004
April, I thought I would check out your paper mache plate. I love the flowers and the bees. The colors are very vibrant. I would love to see what it looks like in person. What a great job!!!!
-- from Mrs. Cavett
- on January 27, 2004
April, I loved this artwork of yours. The bees are a great little surprise and the black outline of the flowers makes each color so bright. Very nice. I love you! Gramma
-- from Gramma
- on January 17, 2004
April, Great work! It's better then the last one! I like how colorful the flowers are. The bees look great. Your nature girl! You are also doing good in school. make more great work soon! Love, Dana70 P.S. Your work is wonderful! Also bee happy! :-}
-- from Dana70: -}
- on January 15, 2004
April - I like all the flowers.
-- from Kelly
- on January 14, 2004
April - What a great plate! I love all the bright colors! Great job!! Bzzz Bzzz. I love you!!
-- from Mommy
- on January 14, 2004
April - looking at this plate makes me HAPPY! Miss you very much - great work! I especially like the bees!
-- from Aunt Irene
- on January 14, 2004
April, I love this one! I like the way you used black and yellow to contrast with the bright pink. It looks as if someone older made this. You're truly an artist!
-- from Mrs. Resta :-)
- on January 14, 2004
April, this plate is awesome! I love the colors you used, and the happy little bees flying around. Great job!
-- from Daddy
- on January 14, 2004
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on January 14, 2004
Dear April I cant believe that you have all the three trophies.I dont yet. P.s I love the colors. from,Amanda.Come and visit my art work.I am Amanda630 in first grade and maybey you might like mine and send me a coment to.
-- from your girl scout member Amanda
- on January 1, 2004
You did really good. Your picture also looks beautiful. Love,Kelly
-- from Kelly
- on November 8, 2003
April, I like your work a lot! I like your drawings. You have nice work. You are a great artist.
-- from Rachel
- on November 5, 2003
Hi April,I can't bileve you are on Art Sonia.I love your picture.Good job.You can sure draw great things.I hope you get your second and third trophys.[Quicker than me.]Keep up the good work.
-- from Dana
- on November 4, 2003
Dear April: It is hard for me to believe you are only in grade 1 and have done such a wonderful picture. Keep up the good work.
-- from Farmor
- on November 4, 2003
April, I love your picture! The bright colors are brilliant and beautiful. You did a wonderful picture. Love you...Gramma
-- from Gramma (Marcia)
- on November 3, 2003
April, What beautiful colors!! I think you are a good artist. Love, Pop
-- from Pop
- on November 3, 2003
April, I love the colors and I love the giant swirl! It really reminds me of Starry Night. I love you!
-- from Mom
- on November 3, 2003
dear april 84,Your light colors are grate. I love your picture.
-- from maria and tommy
- on November 3, 2003
Great job, April! Starry Night is one of my favorite pictures and you did a great job of creating your own version of it. I think it looks great, and I'm very proud of you! Great job!
-- from Daddy
- on November 1, 2003
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on November 1, 2003