Raeann2's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Raeann2's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Just B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L !! Best ever. We "Wuv" it baby :) Love the nice soft colors and really neat work. Keep it up. We "wuv" you~! Mommy & Daddy
- on June 13, 2007
Hey Raeann, I really like this artwork.It is very intericate and has really good detail. Great job! Sabina.. P.S. I love the flowers and colors.
- on June 2, 2007
Wow! We never made these! Yours looks amazing! -Amy
- on May 6, 2007
Dear Raeann, I love your fruit face you drew. It is really creative. Where is the face supposed to be? I like the way you used the leaves for hair. Maybe one day you'll join my fan club too! We can comment on each other's work. I like some of the other pieces you made as well.I don't know what that bird picture is, but it's really good. Love, BRINDA
- on March 10, 2007
Dear Raeann, I love this portrait. It is really cool, and you chose gret colors for it. It is really creative, especially the shirt. I love it. Love Sabina
- on February 15, 2007
Wow, this artwork is really cool. I love it, and the colors are really good and bright. Love you Sabina
- on February 7, 2007
Hey Raeann, I love your artwork. It is sooo cool. Good Job. Love You sabina
- on February 7, 2007
Hi! I like your artwork very much! -Amy
- on February 7, 2007
This is cool Raeann! I can't join your fan club though. I only have 5 pieces of art on my list. Sadly. But i want to get seven at least. My shoe will be on there, i hope. Anyways, i enjoyed seeing this. Shine on! Love, Brinda
- on November 16, 2006
Hi Cutie! We are so proud of you! Your art is just beautiful! We love this artist in our family.. keep it up! We love you.. :) Mommy & Daddy
- on November 14, 2006
Hi Raeann! I really like how you thought of making the setting in India! Your friend, Julie
- on November 14, 2006
I love your maraca! It's SO pretty!
-- from Your Friend, Estelle
- on November 14, 2006
I Love Your Knees Down picture!!!
-- from Your Friend,Julie
- on November 14, 2006
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on November 14, 2006
Raeann, I LOVED all the bright,beautiful colors you used in you landscape. Your scarecrow looks SO cute!
-- from Estelle
- on November 14, 2006
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on November 14, 2006
We love your art sweetie ! It is beautiful ! CONGRATULATIONS young artist .. "Love You" !
-- from Mommy & Daddy
- on May 20, 2003
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on May 19, 2003