Olivia18763's Comments (39)

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Below are comments about Olivia18763's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Awesome job Olivia. I see it has a alien/space/solar system theme. You are very creative.
- Grandma Janice on January 25, 2023
Oh my gosh. Remember making these origami art items when I was younger. Looks really cool, you did a great job!
- Grandma C. on January 25, 2023
Wow Liv this is great! You’re making me hungry! They sure look real! Great job!!
- GrandmaH on January 25, 2023
Your drawing of the Candy corn looks delicious and very realistic but the German chocolate cake you made me is better tasting.
- Grandma C. (Janice) on January 25, 2023
Great job Liv!! Love it!!
- Darla on October 7, 2020
Great job Olivia, you are very meticulous on detail when you draw. I love seeing you grow artistically since your first drawings. It's good to see we have a few budding artists in the family.
- Grandma C. (Janice) on October 7, 2020
This is a really cute, happy picture. Love the colors and crazy designs.
- Grandma C. (Janice) on October 7, 2020
Very clever Olivia. Its interesting to see art in so many different forms, not just drawings on paper. Love, Grandma C.
- Grandma C. (Janice) on October 7, 2020
Great job Olivia! Love the wink and the heart on the cheek. It looks like you are on a stage so perhaps you are performing somewhere. Keep up the good work. Love, Janice (Grandma C)
- Janice (Grandma C) on October 7, 2020
This is a very peaceful picture you did. I like the softness of the colors.
-- Janice
- on February 6, 2019
Great job. Like how colorful the leaves are.
-- Janice
- on February 6, 2019
very nice olivia colors bright and cheerful
-- Bruce
- on February 21, 2018
cute owl olivia nice
-- Bruce
- on February 21, 2018
very nice olivia i think your an artist too
-- Bruce
- on December 2, 2017
very nice olivia nice dark awsome colors
-- Bruce
- on December 2, 2017
olivia wow it is great i really like it
-- Bruce
- on October 18, 2017
wow that is some art work there olivia real good
-- Bruce
- on October 18, 2017
very cute olivia you mixed the colors up nice good job
-- bruce
- on December 8, 2016
hi olivia very nice honey lots of colors and spaced nice keep it up
-- Bruce
- on October 13, 2016
hi olivia very nice work honey keep it up grandpa h
-- bruce
- on October 13, 2016
Great job Liv. I really enjoy seeing the projects you create in art class.
-- Dad
- on September 18, 2016
very neat olivia i like all the squares and rectangles nice dark colors very good
-- bruce
- on May 26, 2016
very nice olivia nice trees and yellow sun good job
-- Bruce
- on April 24, 2016
very good olivia a real good job
-- Bruce
- on March 30, 2016
Hi Livi, That's a great looking hat!! I love the designs you made on it!!
-- Darla
- on March 6, 2016
nice colors and your name stands out
-- bruce
- on March 6, 2016
very nice olivia, looks nice and warm to wear,keep it up
-- bruce
- on March 6, 2016
Great job with your turkey, Livi. He is so colorful and pretty. I love his white feather too. It looks beautiful. He looks good walking on the ground.
-- Darla
- on December 15, 2015
turkey is neat olivia it looks like it is dancing made me laughgood job
-- bruce
- on December 15, 2015
Love your turkey and how much you enjoy doing art. Keep up the great work.
-- Dad
- on December 15, 2015
very nice olivia you mixed your colors perfect i like it
-- Bruce
- on November 26, 2015
Olivia, I love this picture. I really like how all the leaves are falling off the tree, and the dog in the yard. Yu did a very nice job. I love you,
-- Darla
- on November 26, 2015
way yo go olivia really nice good art work sweety pie
-- bruce
- on November 26, 2015
all your art works are great olivia but this one is my favorite
-- bruce
- on October 27, 2015
Love it Olivia. I especially love how you included a ghost during Halloween time. Your creativity at home and at school make me so proud. Love Dad.
-- Mario (Dad)
- on October 27, 2015
Olivia, Awesome job!!! The shapes are perfect and I see you even sneaked a ghost in for Halloween.
-- Janice
- on October 22, 2015
way to go olivia nice job love grandpa
-- Bruce
- on October 22, 2015
Olivia, this is super!! Great job!!
-- Darla
- on October 22, 2015
Wow, your artwork is FANTASTIC!!!! I am so glad I get to see it!! Keep up the good work.
-- Grandma H
- on October 22, 2015