Jenna6156's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Jenna6156's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Jenna... your 3 new art projects are fantastic. There is some great 3-dimensionality about the red and blue painting, and the sculpture work is very interesting. Can't wait for you to bring them home! As always... great work! Love, Dad
-- John
- on June 1, 2016
WOW! Love the cubism! Very hard to do, especially when you had to work on it while you were sick and could not be at school to work on it. Nice finish to the Semester. Great work.
-- John/Dad
- on January 27, 2016
Jenna... I love this work. It takes a little time looking at it to see beyond the contrast differences. But your use of color in those isomer images is quite intriguing. Where is the original? Great work. Love... Dad
-- Dad
- on January 11, 2016
Nice job Jenna! Now you have your own mug for home!
-- Dad
- on March 17, 2015
Wow Jenna! I love the colors. Pottery/ceramics have always been something I wanted to try! Maybe you can teach me this summer Love u.
-- Mary
- on March 17, 2015
For all of you aficionados... This was a phenomenal pencil drawing of a damn rodent... the mouse. Check it out and ask Jenna how she did it. Good work Jenna Bean!
- on February 16, 2015
Another cool picture!!! Did you use pencil? Or charcoal??
-- Cousin Leslie
- on January 23, 2015
This should be on a wall as a blown up framed work. I could see where Mary and Leslie have places that would be nice, as well as our sunroom.
- on January 17, 2015
I saw the original picture Jenna drew this from. I personally like how she used her own thoughts in its replication making it uniquely different from the original. It is an interesting picture that to me is different from what the original artwork was. Nice job Jenna. I love your ability to put a little of yourself in this particular project.
- on January 17, 2015
I think you need to make some cool art work for the boy's playroom this summer!!!!
-- Cousin Leslie
- on January 17, 2015
Again! An orange and blue ring holder would look AWESOME on Cousin Leslie's dresser!!! Great work, sweetie!!
-- Cousin Leslie
- on December 24, 2014
Wow. Love it. Nice colors!
-- Mary
- on December 20, 2014
Jenna... Aunt Mary wants to see your other stone. Can you get it uploaded before the end of the week. Also, maybe we could make a pin or pendant out of the one you showed me and like. Love you. Dad.
- on December 15, 2014
Jenna... This is really cool. I am interested in how you actually got the design and specific blue color "swirls" to actually get worked into the entire design. Can you make other colors? Blue with orange block "I" in the middle? Red with a blue outlined white StL logo? Ha. That would be hard I bet. I look forward to hearing more from you on this cool process. Love you. Dad
- on December 10, 2014
I want an orange and blue pendant!! Very cool!!
-- Cousin Leslie
- on December 10, 2014
Jenna... When is more new artwork coming out?
- on November 11, 2014
Jenna... I too love the colors. I think it would be so hard to do the human on the horse. Is the human you? I understand the theme for surreal, but it seems like everything is pleasant and the horse is loving the ride... I find the expression on the rider a bit ominous, either as surreal or because faces are hard to do? Grandpa Doc would be proud of the horse work here too. You did a really nice job. Love you... Dad
- on November 3, 2014
Wow Jenna. I'm going to try to print this for my wall. Love the colors. LUV u. Keep posting. Next summer I want you to do something on the wall at the lake.
-- Mary
- on November 3, 2014
Dominic wants you to draw him an Illini basketball shoe!! Love you!
-- Leslie
- on October 24, 2014
Very nice. It's very detailed and realistic. You are a good observer.
-- Lynn
- on October 10, 2014
Oh, I can see how your skills are improving! I liked the shading you used when sketching Snuggles and this shows another level of skill. Wow, you really are multi-talented! How could we not love you so much? Beauty and talent...I'm so proud of your accomplishments.
-- Janet
- on October 10, 2014
Wow Jenna! Your attention to detail is amazing. Keep up the good work and keep posting. ??. XO.
-- Mary
- on October 10, 2014
Jenna... Nice job on the shoe. It looks to scale. What's next? You could first try drawing Snuggles, then maybe Jewel??? Keep up the good work!
-- Dad
- on October 10, 2014