Shaurya21's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Shaurya21's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Shaurya, Vow its so beautiful. So creative! Intelligent Imagination. Keep it up dear. You are becoming so good day by day.
-- Naveen
- on March 16, 2016
Hi dear Shaurya, Amazing art . You are so creative I cannot imagine. Well done. I am really proud.......Such a good growth in your drawing. Keep it up! Shraddha
- on October 8, 2015
Hi Dear , Vow! You are really doing too good in drawing. Amazing artwork.I am really happy , and impressed with your neatness, coloring and the perfection in your drawing.Keep it up my dear son.
- on April 25, 2015
Vow Shaurya you have done a great....... job. Keep it up my dear son.
-- Sudha
- on April 25, 2015