Will5540's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Will5540's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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William, What pretty colors you chose in your work on "Owls". It was a little hard to tell online but I love how the owl's "feet" stand out in bright orange but the rest of him is pretty blended into the colors of his environment. I wouldn't want to be an owl because they are nocturnal, meaning they stay up all night...who wants to do that??!! Uncle Taylor loves having owls on the farm because they chase the field mice at night and keep them from eating the organic produce, so owls are useful...especially at night! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on May 28, 2015
William, I looked up the artwork of Piet Mondrian when I saw your art piece, and I have to say that your work is a very clear resemblance to his style! He was a Dutch painter, according to what I read, so I think that your art piece would be very popular here where Grandpa and I live in New York because this area was the home of many Dutch people when it was first settled. Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on May 28, 2015
William, I love your interesting color choices for your study in art of "quilts". I call this Day and Night Quilt Art. The light colored squares really jump out and make me think of a sunny summer day. And the dark squares turn that sunny day into night...a time to cozy up under the quilt until the light of day returns! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on November 26, 2014
William, I see that you were doing this piece of art when you were studying lines. I really like how you showed all sorts of lines in your art....squiggly lines, jagged lines, loopy lines, dotted lines...wow! Who knew lines could be so much a part of life?! Well your artwork makes me want to get in line to see more of your paintings!
-- Nana
- on November 14, 2014
William, I was pretty happy to see what your art was about because right now Grandpa and I are in the state of Vermont on vacation and everywhere surrounding us are trees that look exactly like your artwork in this picture. These same colors that you chose are brightly filling all of the views that surround us on the mountainsides. To see your painting made me feel as though you must secretly be here with us somewhere!
-- Nana
- on November 14, 2014
William, How exciting to see your artwork displayed online now! They say that rainbows remind us that there are promises to be kept, so when I look at this beautiful rainbow I know that there is a promise of more beautiful art to be seen by you during the rest of your first year of school. Can't wait! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on October 8, 2014