Christopher15529's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about Christopher15529's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Christopher: All I can say is WOW! It looks good enough to eat! This must have been a fun project to do. Your artwork is getting better and better as you grow older. I hope you, your family and friends have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
- Diane on January 15, 2020
What a wonderful remake of “Son of Man”. Chris, you and your friends did an amazing job providing such a wonderful likeness. Well done!
-- Love Mom
- on April 24, 2019
Our favorite! We all love pizza and Speedy Puzza looks especially yummy! Well done Chris! Keep having fun and let art be an outlet to share that fun with others.
-- Love Mommy
- on April 24, 2019
I love it !!!
-- Judy
- on February 6, 2019
Christopher: This artwork is so cool! You need to frame it and hang it up in your room! You have such a creative spirit - just like your mom - and you need to keep it up! I look forward to seeing your next week of art! Diane
-- Diane
- on June 20, 2018
Christopher: WOW! What an interesting piece of art! I really like the way the top of your head opens up - you are so creative. I always enjoy seeing your art and what you will come up with next. Some day I'll be able to say "I knew him when"! You'll be a famous artist! Diane
-- Diane
- on March 1, 2017
Beautiful ! I love it !
-- Judy
- on December 28, 2016
Nice !
-- Judy
- on December 28, 2016
I'm thinking,very interesting !!
-- Judy
- on December 28, 2016
Looks wonderful! Good job bebe! :*
-- Karla
- on December 28, 2016
Christopher, what a wonderful project for your class to take on! Wow! A totem pole! Your contribution to the project is an excellent piece of work. You and your classmates are always so creative. You love art and it shows! I always look forward to seeing your next project so keep up the good work!
-- Diane
- on December 28, 2016
Christopher, I think you used a wonderful combination of color and images to brighten our city skyline. What a fabulous piece of art! Mommy is so proud of you!
-- Kelly
- on September 20, 2016
Christopher: What a great piece of art! I especially love the color combination - they're some of my favorites. You're learning so much at school this year and you should be very proud of yourself for what you have accomplished. Keep up the good work! Diane
-- Diane
- on April 2, 2016
Christopher: Wow! What a wonderful piece of artwork! You are so talented! I always enjoy seeing what you and your class will come up with next! Aunt Diane
-- Diane
- on March 9, 2016
Christopher: You are learning so much at school! I can't believe you made this monster out of paper - very creative! You have a very artistic side - just like your mom! Keep working at it. I always wonder what you will do next!
-- Diane
- on October 31, 2015
Hi, Christopher! I have to say - your artwork is certainly improving as you get older. This painting is VERY good! I think we should go to see Mastadon State Park - they have real dinosaur bones there! We'll take mommie and go and see them! Keep up the good work!
-- Diane
- on September 20, 2015
-- Cesar
- on September 10, 2015
Christopher you are such a master of contemporary art! Your elephant is wonderfully creative and well done! Mommy is so very proud of your fantastic piece of art. I can't wait to see it in person.
- on September 8, 2015
Great job Christopher !
-- Judy
- on June 10, 2015
Christopher: This piece of art is worthy of hanging on the wall in Mommy's kitchen! You're a very talented artist! It shows that you love art and being creative which might lead you to a wonderful career that you would enjoy. Keep up the good work! I always look forward to seeing your next piece of art!
-- Diane
- on February 11, 2015
- on November 13, 2014
Christopher: Wow! Your art projects are getting better and better! I loved the owl you did on the iPad and now look at this ladybug - she's so cute! You're showing a real talent for art just like your Mommie! I bet she and Daddy are very proud of you and of all the good work you're doing at school. I always look forward to seeing your next project. Keep up the good work!
-- Diane
- on November 12, 2014
Christopher: Happy Halloween! Your monster is spooky! Just look at that long hair, those big eyes, and those sharp teeth! He gives me the shivers! You amaze me with your creativity and I'm so proud of you. You are learning so much at school and it shows that you enjoy it too. I hope you have a wonderful time out trick and treating and that you get lots of goodies!
-- Diane
- on November 12, 2014
Christopher: Your big green monster it spooky and just in time for Halloween! You are showing such a talent with your art and it shows that you enjoy what you're creating! I always look forward to seeing your next project. You are learning so much at school and I'm happy for you. Keep up the good work! Diane
-- Diane
- on October 10, 2014
- on September 30, 2014
Christopher: What a great piece of art! I love the color of the pumpkin. It seems you're learning a lot of different ways to create art at school. Keep up the good work! I look forward to seeing your next project.
-- Diane
- on September 30, 2014
What a beautiful piece of Fall art! I think the pumpkin is so handsome and so full of color! Fall is my favorite holiday and this may be my favorite piece of artwork to date...although, they are all wonderful! Mommy is so proud of your artistic talent Christohper! I can't wait to see your Gallery grow and grow!
-- Mommy
- on September 24, 2014
Christopher: You are learning so much at school! It's wonderful that you're learning the color wheel. Your art projects are bound to be so much better! Your teacher sounds very good and you must enjoy being in her class and the fact that you are learning so much. Keep up the good work. I'm excited to see what your next project will be! Love, Diane
-- Diane
- on September 11, 2014
Christopher: What a wonderful piece of art! I love all the different colors! Keep up the good work because I look forward to seeing more of your art! You're got real talent!
-- Diane
- on September 4, 2014
What a beauftiful piece of artwork Christopher! The different colors and patterns used create a very interesting piece of art. I can't wait to see it in person.
-- Mommy
- on August 21, 2014