Celeste860's Comments (29)

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Below are comments about Celeste860's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow, Celeste! This is very moving, the eyes both wide open and sad at the same time, kind of like they are asking, "Is this IT?" I love the way you have shaded the background in rainbow colors, in a way softening and absorbing the inconsiderate and harsh things people say. I'm glad the face in this picture doesn't have ears! I'm hoping the sayings are sort of floating like mosquitos, hovering around, but not finding a place to land. But it's hard not to hear them . . . . So brave of you to put all this out there! The unspoken gets written and spoken! And then it's just words, and we can change, replace, or ignore them, not just for you, but for everybody. There is something absolutely universal about the pain you're capturing and transforming here. Wow.
- Lucinda (Mother) on November 17, 2020
I love it!! Good work, Celeste Can't wait to tell you a story about my "real" pumpkin. This is great. Good shading and line work! What were the elements you had to incorporate? love, Baba
- Barbara Bach on November 11, 2020
Sweetheart, the "EYE" is watching over us! Thank you so much this image love, Baba
- Barbara on October 28, 2020
Good to see some wonderful summer images, Celeste!!
- Barbara on October 28, 2020
"nespa" Tell me, Celeste, what's this about? This looks incredibly intriguing!! shadows of paper or a drawing? Keep experimenting!! lots of love always, Baba
- Barbara on February 26, 2020
Hi Celeste, I can't remember if I commented on this before or not--I think you made this out of coiled paper, and then you had to draw it? It's a very whispy, ghostly nespa! Fun!! love, Mom
- Lucinda (Mother) on February 18, 2020
Hi Celeste, For some reason this picture makes me think of the Land of Stories, when Goldie and her husband (I forget his name) are hiding out, maybe in the Northern Kingdom? You really get the effect of close up on the right, with the detailed tress, and far away, with the smaller ones! I feel like I must be on a cliff, looking down into a valley! Bravo! Mom
- Lucinda (Mother) on February 18, 2020
Hi Celeste, This coiled piece of paper? or ribbon? looks very tricky to draw! I like the way you show the curves and twists, and the lights and shadows! Wow!
- Lucinda (Mother) on February 18, 2020
Hi Celeste, This drawing and painting of a robin is WONDERFUL! I love, love, love all the contour line details of the feathers--you did a great job! And I love the range of colors, too--so many different shades of brown, and set off so nicely by the pops of pink and green! Bravo, birdie!! xoxoxoxo, Mom
- Lucinda on February 18, 2020
Ah Celeste, Great subject matter. There is nothing better than the PEAR to draw, paint, and eat. A mere drawing can drive one to the market to try to find a good one!! There are many artists who have drawn, painted, and I'm sure, eaten pears. I send you examples of them!! Keep drawing, coloring, and doing art, Sweetie. Love, always, Baba
- Barbara on November 20, 2019
Dear Celeste I really love you drawing! Beautiful detail ! Love from auntie julie
- Julie on November 20, 2019
Hi Sweetie... Experimenting and being inspired by Native American art is great way to look at pieces in a Museum. This piece reminds me of Nate's work. Nice job. I am sure there is a story in the center. Since I never saw this when you did it, it's quite a while ago that you did this. You may have even forgotten what the story in the center is about... but heck, you can make up a new one! I like this.
-- Baba
- on May 22, 2019
Dear Celeste, I never saw this piece way back when you did it ... I hope it is somewhere in your house? It's the first time I have seen it on this website. It's wonderful!! I hope you loved doing it. Do you remember?
-- Baba
- on May 22, 2019
I love this one too, Celeste. I would love to see you do more of this type of work. That values are wonderful with the tree in front of the moon backlighting the tree is perfect. Keep going!!
-- Baba
- on May 22, 2019
Celeste... it was so nice to see your original when I was visiting last time. And, now, I have read your analysis of your art work! You are so clear... and so understanding of the process as well as how you might make another one using your own awareness of what you might do differently. I am so proud of you... I am so proud of your ability to self review your work... and I love the rose!! love, Baba
-- Barbara
- on May 22, 2019
Dear Celeste your talent as a painter is astonishing ! Your shattered image is powerful, it has depth beauty intensity action ! I was so excited by the painting I wanted to see all of your work so I looked at all your work online and I’m super excited by your imagery ! Keep creating! Can’t wait to see more!
-- Julie
- on April 23, 2019
This hand seems like it is waving for help!! but also just saying hello, from the depths of a blue pool? Very vibrant colors and contrasts!
-- Lucinda
- on April 15, 2019
This heart pulsates with life and warmth and joy, and is set off so beautifully by the contrasting green and purple and blue background! LOVELY use of color, and I like the black lines of various thicknesses and styles that pull it all together!!
-- Lucinda
- on April 15, 2019
I love this silhouetted tree against the moon, with the layers of blue mountains (it seems to me) in the background--one of my favorites!!
-- Lucinda
- on April 15, 2019
This superstar image of you ALWAYS makes me smile! You make my heart sing, sweetie!
-- Lucinda
- on April 15, 2019
This picture is VERY dramatic--I really feel like I'm looking through a broken window into a deep, black hole of sky! and it's almost like your signature is a floating neon sign! Fun!!
-- Lucinda
- on April 15, 2019
Does this relate to your study of Egyptians? Will you be able to try printing after the clay dries? I'm curious--looks like a "C" within a "c" within a "c" . . . FUN!
-- Lucinda
- on January 23, 2019
For some reason this is one of my favorites! It makes me think of an ocean wave, humping up, with water being blown up a little by a strong wind across the surface, because a storm cloud is moving in, but the sun is still in the sky, maybe nearing the horizon, so there's really vibrant light. To me the different colors of blue in the "water" convey great depth--literally the "deep blue sea"! Awesome!
-- Lucinda
- on January 23, 2019
This is fun! So bright, and delicate at the same time! Was it fun to make, too?
-- Lucinda
- on January 23, 2019
This eye conveys strength to me--so direct, and not dark-scary, but dark-intense, and dramatic! Very cool! xo, Mom
-- Lucinda
- on January 23, 2019
I love this little shoe drawing.... Nice sturdy shoe... and good interesting background to set it off Baba
-- Barbara
- on January 23, 2019
I know it's harder to paint on plaster... Good job. Can't wait to see it "in person". I can't tell what size... but it looks like a very beautiful "eye" to hang in your room. love, Baba
-- Barbara
- on January 23, 2019
Nate and I both love this piece and I bought a some postcards for you. It is so lively and busy... just like you! love, Baba
-- Barbara
- on January 23, 2019
Hi sweetie! I LOVE this happy scene of sunshine, mountains, animals and flowers! Very beautiful!!
-- Lucinda
- on December 1, 2018