Oliver1373's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Oliver1373's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oliver- I love your drawing of the hand, rubics cube, and the brick wall. The shadowing detail shows your tremendous effort. Good job.
-- Susanne
- on May 16, 2017
Cool! Love, Mommy
-- Susanne
- on November 12, 2016
Beautiful tile, Oliver!
-- Mom
- on May 25, 2016
LOVE! I love all the thought you put into this artwork. You are so creative.
-- Mom
- on May 24, 2016
I love your Egyptian foil artwork. Great job, Oliver!
-- Mom
- on March 19, 2016
Love your elephant.
-- Gramma And Baba
- on December 8, 2015
Love your elephant. You have a great imagation.
-- Gramma
- on November 15, 2015
Oliver... Your elephant is awesome! You are sooo talented. Way to go!
-- Mom
- on October 30, 2015
So cute. Looks like Sammy...very good job. You are so talented. Love you
-- Gramma And Baba
- on June 18, 2015
Oliver, so proud of you. I like the stain glass window, the flag, and the cross. Thanks for explaining all of it to me. Love you
-- Gramma
- on December 12, 2014
Oliver - your St. Vincent De Paul poster is awesome! You have quite an imagination!
- on November 4, 2014
Oliver, we are so proud of you. He is a very large snowman....love his blue coat and hat.
-- Gramma
- on November 25, 2013