Sadie1704's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Sadie1704's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like the color.
-- Dylan
- on May 26, 2014
I like your shading.
-- Dylan
- on May 26, 2014
Sadie, I would like for you to explain this one to me. Did you do it in charcoal? And tell me what each square or circle represents. I know you are enjoying your art class.
-- Mary Ann
- on May 26, 2014
Sadie, I am always so happy to see your new artwork. I think all of your artwork shows hard work and attention to task. I am always so proud of you whatever you choose to do. Keep up the good work.
-- Mary Ann
- on April 30, 2014
Great Work! You never cease to amaze me with your talents. Keep up the great work.
-- Kyle
- on April 22, 2014
Sadie, of all the pieces you have done, I like this one the best. The colors are bright and the piece really pops. I am so proud of all of your artwork. I'm trying to decide what I want to order. Keep up the good work. It's all very interesting.
-- MaryAnn
- on April 22, 2014
I love the big eyes and pretty colors.
-- Dylan
- on April 22, 2014
this is good i like it good job u put hard work in to this
-- stedman
- on April 22, 2014
Great work. Interesting colors on your hand. Love it.A
-- Mary Ann
- on April 22, 2014
This looks really good and lined out neatly. It isnt all slammed together and it looks awesome!
-- Michaela
- on April 22, 2014