Angel5393's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Angel5393's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wonderful work. Great coloring. You have really improved in all of your art skills. Keep up the fantastic work.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on May 10, 2014
Wonderful work. Great coloring. You have really improved in all of your art skills. Keep up the fantastic work.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on May 10, 2014
You really must have been inspired by the paintings done by artist Jim Dine because your patterns, lines, and colors are fantastic. Your drawing and designing skills are so very much improved. You have achieved the standard of creating an original art work using 1 shape as the focal point, understanding the art from a professional artist, pattern creations, and coloring skills. If I did not know, I would think that 5th grade art students created these. You have put forth 125% effort on this assignment! Good for you! Be sure to add an artist statement and let me know what you love the most about YOUR heart design. I can see some professional artist in the future from this group of wonderful students.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on February 7, 2014
What a fantastic job you did on your snowman composition and stories. I can tell that you understood the standard. (Drawing close-up and distance). Your snowman sure is close to me and the background is small and far away. Good for you! Now you know how to show distance on a flat paper and make your drawings look 3D and REAL. You are becoming a wonderful artist! Keep up the good coloring and very creative work.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on February 7, 2014