brayden2962's Comments (46)

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Below are comments about brayden2962's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Brayden....this is awesome! You are such a good artist. We love seeing all your artwork.
- PaPa on October 23, 2019
Hi, Brayden! The minute I saw this picture, I knew it was candy corn! I really like the colors, the stripes, the arrangement, the black outlining, and the background. I guess I like everything about it! As a matter of fact, this might be my favorite piece so far this year! Side note: Guess who's a huge fan of candy corn? Aunt Keri! I buy her a bag every fall! Love you bunches!
- Grammie on October 23, 2019
Hi, Brayden! I sure hope your spirit animal is an owl because this looks exactly like one -- all quizzical and ready for Halloween. It also looks like the new kitty your Aunt Keri and Uncle James are getting. Believe it or not, the silly kitten looks very much like an owl, so much that they're calling him "Hootie"!!. Anyhow, all that aside, Papa and I really love your art work and look forward to seeing it. We're really happy that your teacher is using Artsonia. Love you! Grammie (and Papa!)
- on October 23, 2019
Wow, Brayden! This is another really cool piece of artwork! I love the colors and shapes but especially the "drips." You're taking this class seriously, and I think that's awesome. Love you!
- on September 13, 2019
Hi, Brayden! Your collage is very cool! Papa and I really like its abstract shape and the way you blended the colors. It looks like a jigsaw puzzle piece (from a really hard puzzle!). Keep up the good work! Love,
- on September 13, 2019
Hi, Brayden! What a cool sunglass portrait! You do SUCH a good job with faces! (I could NEVER draw them, and I still can't!) Very, very well done. Also, thanks so much for coming to my retirement party and for playing so well with all of the other kids. So many of my friends commented on how well behaved you were. Thanks a bunch! Love you! Grammie (P.S. Enjoy your last few days of school this year! Can't believe you'll be in second grade!)
-- Grammie
- on September 13, 2019
Brayden, This is awesome! I love it. It looks just like you. You are getting to be quite the artist! Keep up the great work... Love, Papa
-- Papa
- on September 13, 2019
Another great job, Brayden! Your artwork is fantastic, and I really look forward to each picture! Everything about this is beautiful! Love you!
-- Grammie
- on September 13, 2019
Hi, Brayden! Your sunflowers are awesome -- very colorful and cheerful! I wish we could grow them in our garden (except that the squirrels would eat off the tops before we had a chance to enjoy them! That's what they do!) Great job! Love you bunches! Grammie P.S. Our neighbors threw back 2 wiffle balls that were hit over the fence, and Papa and I bought some more -- in flashy colors! -- for when you come to our house to play next time. = )
-- Grammie
- on May 6, 2015
Great job!!!!
-- Papa
- on May 6, 2015
Hi, Brayden! Papa beat me to the punch this time! I just saw your artwork, and it's fantastic! Your flowers are beautiful, and I can't believe you can draw hands so well. That's really hard to do! (Are you sure your favorite class is gym? You do so well in art!) Loved going to Build-a-Bear, lunch, the pet store, the movie, and Olympia with you! We had a great day! Love you bunches! Grammie
-- Grammie/Mary
- on April 17, 2015
Great work Brayden!!! You are such the artiste!! Love, Papa
-- Kevin
- on April 17, 2015
WOW!!! You did a GREAT JOB on this picture of the Statue of Liberty!! Keep up the good art work!
-- Kathy
- on March 24, 2015
Your art work is awesome! It's perfect! Great, great job! Love, Papa
-- Kevin
- on March 24, 2015
Brayden, I love this picture of the cat and the bird!!!!! The colors you chose are just so beautiful together. Keep up the great art work!!!
-- Grandma Wolters
- on March 17, 2015
Hi, Brayden! Another great picture! You are becoming quite an artist! I love the colors of your heart -- they remind me of a rainbow! And the black spikes around it will be sure protection that it won't get broken, right? I love you bunches and can't wait to see you and spend some time together. Papa misses you, too! Love and hugs, Grammie
-- Grammie
- on March 17, 2015
Wow, Brayden! Papa and I can't get over how excellent your artwork is! You have an eye for detail and color that is pretty special! We love seeing your work! Btw, how about a date with us during your spring break? We would LOVE to spend some time with you! XXOO Grammie and Papa
-- Grammie/Mary Papa/Kevin
- on March 17, 2015
Hi, Brayden. I got up early this morning to grade some essays, and I wasn't too happy about it -- until I opened the e-mail and saw your artwork! Your cat (and bird!) are terrific! The cat looks like Emmie with its green eyes, and the detail is amazing! I knew right away that it was one cool cat! I really love seeing your drawings! Keep up the great work! (Papa and I miss seeing you. We are going to have to do something special together soon -- just the 3 of us!) Love and hugs, Grammie
-- Grammie/Mary
- on March 8, 2015
Holy Toledo, Brayden! Papa and I opened up your artwork and knew IMMEDIATELY that it was The Cat in the Hat! It's absolutely awesome! I'm going to show it to my college students who are in my Children's Lit class. They are going to be SOOOO impressed! Amazing job! Dr. Seuss and The Cat in the Hat would be excited, too! Love, Grammie and Papa
-- Mary
- on February 17, 2015
Hi, Brayden! It's Grammie again! I'm still not getting your artwork, but I'm glad Papa is, so I can see it, too! Your "geometric man" is really cool. I like the colors and especially the eyes. They're very expressive! (He looks sort of angry and confused!) Keep up the great work! Love you bunches, Grammie
-- Mary
- on January 29, 2015
Hi, Brayden! Wow! That is an AWESOME bear! You did a really good job on it. Papa and I are very impressed! Keep up the great work! See you soon! Love, Grammie and Papa
-- Mary
- on January 25, 2015
Hi, Brayden. It's Grammie again! I still haven't gotten any notices about your artwork, and this time, Papa didn't either until he got an e-mail saying that no one had commented on your latest project. We think Artsonia has a glitch somewhere. You probably haven't gotten any comments because no one is getting their e-mails. Anyhow, your latest art is really cool. I love the colors, and it must have taken a lot of time and patience to cut all those little squares and get them into place. Great job! Love you! Can't wait til Christmas! Love and hugs, Grammie
-- Kevin
- on January 25, 2015
Hi, Brayden. This is Grammie, not Papa! For some reason, I haven't been getting e-mails about your artwork. Please ask your mommy to check into it? Anyhow, I saw your Santa and now your tepee, and they are wonderful. Your Santa is really cute, and your tepee is so well shaped and colorful! You certainly are growing as an artist! Love you bunches! Grammie (P.S. I can't believe what a good reader you are, too! Thanks for reading the cat book to Ben and me today! XXOO)
-- Kevin
- on December 10, 2014
Brayden, Awesome job! That is one scary germ! Papa
-- Kevin
- on November 4, 2014
Hi, Brayden! I LOVE your Frankenstein! The colors are great, and he's scary without being TOO scary! Very cool! By the way, I wanted to say that I miss you a lot. I really miss picking you up every Tuesday like I did last year when you were in kindergarten. You and Papa and I need to find something fun to do -- just the 3 of us, so we can spend some time together. Hope to see you some time this week. Papa and I have little treat bags for you and Ben and Bridget. Love you bunches! XXOO Grammie
-- Mary/Grammie
- on November 4, 2014
Hi, Brayden! What a great portrait! Your artwork just keeps getting better and better! Thanks so much for sharing it with me. Have a great week at school. Love you bunches! Grammie
-- Mary
- on November 4, 2014
Hi, Brayden! Your sun made me smile right away. It's so happy! It reminds me of you, Mr. Sunshine! I miss picking you up at school. Maybe I can pick you up one day next week? I'd love that! Thanks for doing such great artwork and for sharing it with Papa and me. Love you! Grammie
-- Mary
- on May 24, 2014
Hi, Brayden! I love your ladybugs! I wish Papa and I could have some of them for our garden. (They eat bad bugs like aphids that chew up our plants!) Your artwork has gotten better and better this year. You've become quite the little artist! Thanks for sharing. Love, Grammie XX00
-- Mary
- on May 24, 2014
Hi Brayden, I just love your ladybug art! It is very realistic and fun to look at. I think you have grown as an artist this year. I hope you enjoy it . Your school year is almost over and have a great summer! soon you will be a first grader!
-- Mrs. M
- on May 18, 2014
That is beautiful, Brayden! Not only is your artwork perfect for "love the Earth," but you DO love the earth every time you recycle, don't litter, and help Mom and Dad work in the yard -- and I know you do those things all the time. Great job -- as always! Love, Grammie
-- Mary
- on May 18, 2014
Hi, Brayden! I really like this artwork! It's like looking into a kaleidoscope -- a really pretty kaleidoscope! Another great job! See you soon! Love, Grammie
-- Mary
- on May 18, 2014
Brayden, this is beautiful! Keep up the great work, kiddo! Love, Mommy
-- Bethany
- on May 18, 2014
Wow, Brayden! That picture is beautiful! I love the colors and the way you swirled them. Awesome job! Love you! Grammie
-- Mary
- on May 18, 2014
Hi, Brayden! I love your colors and the contrast between your heart and your background. The hash marks are cool, too. Very artistic! I also love picking you up at school on Tuesdays and getting to see you every week (except when there are snow days!). Love you bunches! Grammie XXOO
-- Mary
- on April 16, 2014
Hi, Brayden! Your George Washington portrait is awesome! I especially like his hair and his collar. Very authentic! (Mommy can tell you what that word means!) I absolutely love seeing your artwork. You just keep getting better and better! Love and hugs, Grammie
-- Mary
- on April 16, 2014
Hi, baby! Beautiful work! You make me so proud! Love, Mommy
-- Bethany
- on January 31, 2014
Wow, Brayden! Your artwork just keeps getting better and better! Your landscape has beautiful colors and so much detail -- even down to the traffic lines on the road! Amazing! Also, thanks so much for coming to the college with me yesterday. I loved having your company and introducing you to some of my friends. (I'm very proud of you!) You did a great job picking out treats, putting the money into the machines, pushing all the right buttons, and picking out Mommy's coffee flavor! Love you! Grammie
-- Mary
- on January 21, 2014
Hi, Brayden! I haven't checked my e-mail in awhile -- too busy getting ready for Santa! I just saw your latest artwork. It's awesome! Your birds are so pretty. (They look like cardinals to me! Am I right? = ) They are perched safe and snug in that tree to keep warm in the snow. What a great job! Love you much! Can't wait to see you Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! Hugs! Grammie
-- Mary
- on December 23, 2013
Brayden, I LOVE your Christmas tree art! It makes the tree look glowing and bright. You are really becoming a good artist and I love seeing what you have made. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas! Love, Mrs. M.
-- Cindy M
- on December 23, 2013
Wow, Brayden! I just saw your Christmas tree! It is FANTASTIC!!! I love all the decorations, the star -- everything!!! I saw your Santa, too. It's amazing! You are becoming quite the little artist! By the way, Papa and I really enjoyed our day with you and Ben. We are always so proud of you. Love and hugs, Grammie
-- Mary
- on December 7, 2013
Hi Brayden, I love this Santa artwork. I think you should design my Christmas cards!!!! Keep up the good work
-- Grandma
- on December 4, 2013
Hi Brayden, I wanted you to know how much I like your alligator! You blended the colors so nicely and his scales make him look real! You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work! It is so much fun seeing artwork of my former preschool students!
-- Cindy M
- on November 12, 2013
Wow! That is a terrific alligator, Brayden! It has scales and teeth and the perfect color. Papa and I LOVE it! Great job!
-- Mary
- on November 3, 2013
Hi, Brayden! What a cool pumpkin! We love his eyes and eyebrows, and the way you decorated around him is perfect! Great job! Love, Grammie and Papa XXOO
-- Mary
- on October 14, 2013
Brayden, this monster is sooooooo cool! The colors remind me of Halloween and autumn leaves. Keep up the good work!
-- Mommy
- on September 24, 2013
Hi, Brayden. I LOVE your artwork. Your self-portrait was awesome! (We showed it to Aunt Keri when we visited her, and she loved it, too!) Your monster picture is perfect, especially with Halloween coming up! It's colorful and scary -- just the way a monster should be! I love you bunches! -- Grammie
-- Mary
- on September 24, 2013