Acacia110's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Acacia110's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Acacia -- this is one of your best pieces. It has great movement and your color choices are really good. I just love your art work Keep it up! Love Emme
-- Emme
- on June 15, 2015
Acacia, this is spectacular! I am truly amazed by your artistry. xoxox -auntie valerie
-- Valerie
- on May 15, 2015
This reminds me of COOKIES!!!! Love the textures!
-- Auntie Val
- on May 15, 2015
Acacia, This is VERY cool! At first I thought it was a plate of Oreo cookies! I really like this and assuming it makes it home in one piece we should put it someplace where everyone can see it! Very proud of your skills and talents! Love, MOM
-- MOM
- on May 15, 2015
Acacia, I'd love to know what you were thinking when you did this piece. I need an email or call so you can tell me what you had in mind when you did this - its really interesting! love, emme
-- Emme
- on March 14, 2015
Acacia! You will need to explain this piece to me. It's very cool! Love, Mom
-- Mom
- on March 13, 2015
Acacia, This is great. What was your inspiration? Does this style have a name?
-- Nono
- on February 4, 2015
This is really interesting. I'd like to know what style you like the best of the ones you've studied so far. We all have our personal favorites and they change over time. It's really fun trying them all out,. Keep up the great work. Love emme and nono.
-- Emme
- on February 4, 2015
I love it! What are you keeping in it?
-- Valerie
- on March 23, 2014
Yet another super cool art piece!! I am so excited for you! You seem to really be enjoying this art stuff!! Keep up the good work!! I am sure Taylor Swift would be honored to see this piece!!
-- Mom
- on March 21, 2014
Amazing use of shading!
-- Valerie
- on January 23, 2014
Dear Acacia, Your drawing is excellent. I wish I knew more about your assignment. It looks like pencil work. Can you post more about what you were portraying? Its really interesting - I just wish I knew more about it! love - Emme
-- Emme
- on January 23, 2014
This is very interesting. I'd like you to explain a little bit more about what you working at here. It looks like you're working with pencils - yes? What was your assignment? Keep on drawing! love, Emme
-- Emme
- on January 23, 2014
Acacia! This is way cool! You should ask Emme to share with your surf instructor!! GREAT work!!
-- Mom
- on January 22, 2014
I love the colors you used in this piece. I'd love to get inside your head to see where the ideas come from! I wish I had just a tiny piece of your creativity - and keep on sending us your pictures. We love to see what you're doing. Emme
-- Emme
- on November 4, 2013
Acacia! I LOVE this! Keep it up!! Love, Mom
-- Mon
- on October 30, 2013
Acacia! I'm so impressed with your color palette, but what I love most is the amazing image on the girl sitting with serenity on the purple animal. love. love. loooove it! -auntie v
-- Valerie
- on October 30, 2013
Acacia - This is...AWESOME! I LOVE IT!
-- Julianne
- on October 30, 2013
Acacia, love the boot!
-- Auntie Kathy
- on September 25, 2013
Very cool !!! Great job
-- uncle chris
- on September 23, 2013
Hi Acacia, Nice boot. Does it come with one for the left foot too? Just kidding! Your artwork is terrific. Love, Nono
-- Nono
- on September 23, 2013
Wow Acacia, this is great! I can't wait to see more of your art! Love, Auntie Jules
-- Julianne
- on September 23, 2013
Wow! I think I have that same boot! Nicely done!
-- Valerie
- on September 23, 2013
Acacia! WOW! This is AMAZING!! Very nice!!! Love, Mom :)
-- Mom
- on September 20, 2013