Cole6707's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Cole6707's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Cole, I really like your new artwork. Actually, it reminded me of YOU! When I looked at it I tho't that looks like Cole mite have drawn a self-portrait. This is great & I like the fact that your "self-portrait" if that's what it is, shows the entire body & not just the face like many self-portraits show. I think u have improved in the use of proportion. That is so difficult to master but u show improvement with that as you reveal each picture. The proportion is excellent n this picture, especially considering u just finished the 5th grade. I hope u will work on your art this summer. This is a wonderful hobby! Good job!
-- Nana
- on June 1, 2017
Cole, your new artwork is fantastic! I love it & I was surprised but pleased to get to see this new piece. It certainly requires one to give it more than one glance. It pulls us in on many levels which makes it seem multi-dimensional. I think your color selection contributed to that. I have had to take several looks to study this new art & think about all the elements I put into it. For instance, I think what 1st caught my attention was the "eye." But then, I realized u had another layer with your name. But how did u blend the letters of your name in such a way that they don't control the picture but rather blend somehow. I also really like the fact that u used the entire space; and using so much color gives us a lot to study in this artwork. Great job!
-- Nana
- on January 18, 2017
Cole, my favorites r the 1st 3 doughnuts. They look relish! U DID show the stacked donuts!
-- Nana
- on September 16, 2015
Cole, 1st thank U for allowing me to see ur artwork. I am impressed with this program so that Buddy & I may see ur art work. I have only seen the 1st page so far--where u were trying to show emotions. And show them u did!! I had no idea u were getting some time to develop ur artistic abilities at school, but this is great. U did an excellent job of showing 4 distinct emotions, while using only simple lines. Then to improve each u added more detail (like different lines for eyebrows), as well as using background color to help convey the emotions. I am so proud of u & these look like work done by a much older student. Super job!
-- Nana
- on September 16, 2015
Cole, I really like the bold use of blue and the concentration of it and the green. It's very cool that I can order postcards of your work!
-- Aunt Holly
- on September 15, 2015
WOW, Cole! You really did an amazing job capturing different emotions! I love it! Love from Mom
- on September 8, 2015