Allison6669's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Allison6669's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I know you love pandas! This looks like a sweet one.
-- Granma
- on May 16, 2018
Love your picture ! Looks sort of pre eclipse. thanks for brightening my day.
-- Ellen
- on September 14, 2017
Your great grandmother loved to quilt, so I'm sure she would find this design very interesting!
-- Ellen
- on September 14, 2017
Beautiful!Love the turquoise!
-- Ellen
- on April 20, 2017
Allison Love your use of color on this piece. Hope you enjoyed this type of craft.
-- Ellen
- on April 20, 2017
VERY appropriate! The lettering is beautiful. Granma
-- Ellen
- on January 11, 2017
Beautiful shading and colors. Love GranMa
-- Ellen
- on January 11, 2017
W O W Allison! This is sooooo very good. I am impressed. Love Granma
-- Granma Ellen
- on January 11, 2017
Hey Allison! Love your neat weave. This makes me think of the seaside and the ocean and the sky all in one ! Granma
-- Ellen
- on January 11, 2017
love the color contrast between the background and the green of the grapes!
-- Momma Christy
- on September 19, 2016
Beautiful grapes! All the colors are bright and clearly defined. I love to see you art work !
-- Ellen
- on September 19, 2016
I see you in the highest tower! very nice
-- Ellen
- on September 19, 2016
Love your colors of under the sea. Granma
-- Ellen
- on January 11, 2017
Allison, This is a beautiful picture. I can almost feel the heat of the sun and the prickly cactus.
-- Granma Ellen
- on April 26, 2016
This reminds me an old fashioned quilt pattern where the string is pulled through and tied off. Love the colors.
-- Ellen
- on December 15, 2015
Love your imagination! Love you Granma
-- Ellen
- on October 13, 2015
Hi Allison, This is a very seasonal, Halloweenie picture! Love your colors! Gran ma
-- Ellen
- on April 26, 2016
graphics and exceptional colors are displayed to advantage. Love it!
-- Ellen
- on April 26, 2016
Very unusual. Nice use of color and symetry. Love Granma
-- Ellen
- on January 11, 2017
Lots and lots of color. Sunshine and sunset in a bowl.
-- Ellen
- on January 11, 2017
The colors light up the page - just beautiful! Love GRANMA
-- Ellen
- on January 11, 2017
Allison, You did a wonderful job with the sunflower picture. You are showing a good eye for art! Love, Granma Ellen
-- Ellen
- on January 11, 2017
Allison, Your pretty red cardinal and little mice and green trees were a perfect picture for my Christmas cards. Only special family will get one of them. Love you, Granma
-- Ellen
- on January 11, 2017
The colors are beautiful! I can almost feel the breeze from the windmills. I can tell you thought a lot about your picture. Thank you!
-- Ellen
- on September 24, 2014