JOSHUA15917's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about JOSHUA15917's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Joshua, As you know, Gramma and Grampa think that your art work is awesome! And, you know that we bought a mug with this one of your paintings on it and your name and date on the back. We are enjoying it very much. It's fun to have products in our home that have your beautiful art work displayed on them. Keep up the great work, Josh! We love you.
-- Gramma and Grampa H.
- on March 25, 2015
Dear Joshua, Your Grampa and I absolutely love to see your art work. You really have a special talent and you always express beauty and God's handy work in each drawing or painting. Wow! You are very special in so many ways, and your artistic talents out "over the moon" terrific! Love, Gramma H.
-- Jean
- on February 26, 2015
Dear Joshua, What an awesome art work!! You are doing a great job! Love
-- Grampa and Gramma H.
- on November 5, 2014
Dear Joshua, Wow! What a creative art piece! It is really special. YOU ARE SPECIAL! We love you very much. Keep up all of your wonderful creativity and we will enjoy seeing each piece that you draw, paint, color, or make with various forms of materials. We hope to see you soon! Love,
-- Gramma and Grampa Hinebaugh
- on November 5, 2014