Natalie6565's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Natalie6565's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Natalie! This is a great picture! i like that it's one color on a black background. I see that the girl has blonde hair and bangs, but i'm not sure if she's happy or sad .... I think I'll just say that she's happy! Happy Thanksgiving to you and Imogene and Conrad, and Mommy and Daddy too, and don't eat too much turkey! Love Miss Anita
-- Miss Anita
- on November 27, 2014
Hi Natalie! I think this is a scary Halloween picture! The white face looks a little scary to me! But I like all the bright colors you used throughout the picture. Good job, as always! I liked your Halloween costume and hope you had fun for Trick or Treat. You didn't eat all your candy yet, did you? :)) Love, Miss Anita
-- Miss Anita
- on November 4, 2014
Hi Natalie! YIKES .... that is a scary witch!!! :)) Her eyes look funny - are there 2 or 1? And, as always, her pictures is colorful! I love her green, orange and black hair, and eyes that are 2 different colors!! Keep up your good work!! Love, Miss Anita :)
-- Miss Anita
- on October 25, 2014
Hi Natalie! I couldn't wait to see your pictures for this year, and WOW this one is wonderful!! I LOVE the bright colors and how each section of color is separated. Good job! I was looking through your earlier pictures and really like the tree with the 3-color sky behind it. The tree has no leaves, so I thought it might be a fall picture. Keep up your great work! I hope you're having a good year in school so far, and wondering if you're still taking cello lessons. Please tell Conrad HI from me (I already saw his new picture for the year) and tell Imogene HI from me too (I haven't seen her new pictures yet). Love, Miss Anita PS And HI to Mommy and Daddy too :))
-- Miss Anita
- on October 21, 2014
Hi Natalie! This picture is beautiful! The haystacks look real, and I knew what they were before I read the title of the picture. I think my favorite part of the picture is the pretty blue sky. Please tell Imogene and Conrad that I say HI. I hope you have a great weekend doing some fun things! Love, Miss Anita xoxo
-- Miss Anita
- on March 29, 2014
Hi Natalie! Look at that BLUE DOG !!! He's so cute! I see he's sitting - is he sitting on a yellow chair? Did you give him a name? If not, I think that "Blue Dog" fits him just fine. Keep up all your good work in art and, of course, with the cello. I'm so proud of ALL YOU DO! Love, Miss Anita xoxo
-- Miss Anita
- on March 27, 2014
Hi Natalie! WOW this is a very colorful picture! I knew it was the Statue of Liberty when I saw the crown. Great picture! Was this done with paints? That's what it looks like to me, not crayons. Tell Imogene and Conrad I said HI! Love, Miss Anita
-- Miss Anita
- on March 27, 2014
Hi Natalie! I've been busy eating all the yummy Girl Scout cookies instead of looking at this picture!! HA HA! This is a great picture. I see a jelly fish, a bird, a fish and some stars along with the other interesting pictures. Were they cut out then pasted onto the blue and gray blocks? Tell Conrad I said HI! Love, Miss Anita
-- Miss Anita
- on March 27, 2014
Hi Natalie! This new picture is beautiful! It looks like an pretty aquarium with peaceful and beautiful fish just slowly swimming around the colorful plants. Do you like the way the colors look on the black background? I do! I hope you had a fun Thanksgiving and didn't eat TOO much food! :) Love, Miss Anita
-- Miss Anita
- on March 27, 2014
Hi Natalie! Your colorful fish is really cool!! I saw his eye and thought he was probably looking at you, saying thank you for making me so cool! I hope you're having fun in 1st grade, and wondering if you are reading .... OF COURSE you are! Maybe you can read me a book when I see you again. I hope you had a fun Halloween and please don't all the goodies at one time!! HA! Love, Miss Anita
-- Miss Anita
- on March 27, 2014
Hi Natalie! You've been a busy girl, making all this beautiful artwork! I LOVE this picture of the horseshoe crab on the beach at night (I see the stars in the sky). If you really like horseshoe crabs, please tell Mommy about a book called CRAB MOON by Ruth Horowitz ... it's about Daniel and all the crabs he finds on the beach one night ... Have a great day, and please tell Imogene, Conrad, Mommy and Daddy HI from me! Love, Miss Anita
-- Miss Anita
- on November 2, 2013
Hi Natalie! Your drawing of a little town is great! I love the houses, the cars on the streets, and do I see a swimming pool too? You are such a good artist, especially good for a big first-grader! I hope you're having fun in school, and learning lots of good things too. Are you and your family all settled back in your house now? Do you like this cooler weather? I do! Please tell Imogene and Conrad I say HI!! Love, Miss Anita
-- Miss Anita
- on November 2, 2013
Hi Natalie! Oh my goodness ... I love this painting! The bridge is beautiful and the flowers in the water are so pretty! Another great job by my dear friend, Natalie .. I'm so happy to see your artwork! Love, Miss Anita xoxo
-- Miss Anita
- on April 26, 2013
Hi Natalie! Well, this picture is really beautiful! I love the green leaves, and the colorful designs on the rest of the page are so pretty.... such pretty colors that remind me of spring flowers! Keep up your good work. I'm always so proud of all you do! Love, Miss Anita
-- Miss Anita
- on March 13, 2013
Hi Natalie! WOW, your paintings get better and better! You have so much detail in this pretty picture - the "outside" looking in, the bouquet of beautiful flowers, and the pretty design on the curtains. I'm so happy that I see your artwork and so proud of the great job you do. Please say HI to Imogene and Conrad for me (and Mommy and Daddy too). Love, Miss Anita
-- MIss Anita
- on March 13, 2013
Hi Natalie! I LOVE this picture! It's a beautiful night-time picture of a Christmas tree with snow falling ... It that right? Great job AGAIN! I know you're excited about Christmas being so close now. Santa is really busy now finishing up all the toys and gifts, and I'm pretty sure that your house is on his list of stops on Christmas eve. Have fun! Love, Miss Anita
-- Miss Anita
- on March 13, 2013
Hi Natalie! Your sunrise picture is beautiful! I think the sun is rising over the ocean ... is that right? That pretty sunrise should bring a beautiful sunny day, sort of like right now! Merry Christmas to you, my sweet friend! I hope Santa brings you lots of fun things and that you have a fun Christmas with your family. Keep up your good work! Love, Miss Anita
-- Miss Anita
- on December 20, 2012
Hi Natalie! I'm so happy that I'm on your fan list so I can see all your beautiful artwork! You are so talented but I didn't know that included art work. I love your first 3 pictures, especially the flower picture where you wrote your name so clearly. Have fun today and I hope to see you soon! Please tell everyone HELLO from me - Imogene, Conrad, Mommy and Daddy! Love, Miss Anita
-- Miss Anita
- on November 29, 2012