Samantha12988's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Samantha12988's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Samantha , your art work is brilliant , the color and your style of creating shows you have talent and are gifted. I hope you continue with providing additional work , it belongs in the Guggenheim . It's entertaining thought provoking and a joy to see. I also hope that this message stays as it's my third attempt to leave my comment.
-- Dad
- on November 29, 2013
Samantha, your art work is impressive and vibrant . I hope you continue being artfully creative as it's a gift which you express and share with the world. It's never ending and adds a joy to those that appreciate it which are many. Keep up the great work , Guggenheim is waiting.
-- Dad
- on November 29, 2013
Wow ! Great work Sam, your art work is just like you , ... Very beautiful . I'm very proud of you.
-- Dad
- on November 29, 2013
I love your picture. It really stands out.
-- Tam
- on November 24, 2013