Destiny4470's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Destiny4470's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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WOW what amazing illustrations you have created! I love the way you decided to draw the Giant Squid! You really used your imagination. Now you can say that YOU have created an illustration for the story. Hey, that makes YOU an illustrator!. We learned many things about what is "under the sea". I hope you get to visit the ocean this year. If you do, maybe you will see the Giant Squid paintings pictures under the sea? Enjoy!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on May 8, 2014
You have learned how to do printmaking! Good for you! Also you have created a wonderful under the sea world where your fish and play and have a wonderful time. You made good use of your imagination in creating this wonderful art work. Keep up the good work!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on May 5, 2014
I can tell you have really work on creating PATTERNS. Remember, repeating lines, shapes, and colors will make your art so much more interesting because people will have more to look at! Great job. I hope you keep practicing. If you do , your drawing skills will continue to improve. Great job. Be sure to add an artist statement to all of your work. You can do that from home, just follow the instructions. Tell me what you LOVED the best and why. Happy creating!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on February 21, 2014
You have done a great job using the element of art LINE to show movement. Wavy lines for the water, zig zag lines create the icebergs and those swirls made some really fun slippery slides for the penguins to play on! Your cutting skills are improving too. Cutting the corners off squares to create a more rounded shape does take practice. Also cutting triangles for beaks and feet takes practice too. Love your creative penguins. What fun this lesson was. Love the gentle snow fall too. Great work painting with the q-tips! You have achieved all the standards......but remember to keep practicing to improve cutting skills even more!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on January 29, 2014
WOW what a wonderful polar bear all dressed up and ready to celebrate. You did a great job of putting together basic geometric shapes to create this project. You used circles, triangle, semi circles, semi ovals just to name a few. You have achieved the standard of putting geometric shapes together in a unique and creative way to make something new. Your coloring skills are also really getting better. Kudos to a job well done. I hope you enjoyed learning about these basic elements of art, line, shape, and color.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on December 12, 2013
Happy October! WOW these are the most wonderful pumpkins from the pumpkin patch! You are used your imagination in creating such fun fun pumpkins. Yes, It is the GREAT PUMPKIN, Charlie Brown! Right from the WPE pumpkin patch! You achieved the standard of learning how to draw in foregrounds and backgrounds. Your large pumpkin is large so that makes it look very close to the viewer. Also drawing the background small makes it look far away. Good for you! You can add comments to your drawing from home too. Let your family know what fun you had when creating these AWESOME art works!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on December 4, 2013
Very good! You have achieved the standard of identifying and drawing a composition using basic geometric and freeform shapes. These elements of art are the building blocks in learning how to draw well. Another standard of learning how to "fill up the paper" with good composition is also evidenced here. Your use of crayons and fine motor skills in how good you color are also improving. What wonderful art you are learning how to create. Keep up the fantastic work. You have grown much in your artistic development. You are becoming a very good artist!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on December 3, 2013
You all did an amazing job! Your drawing skills are getting better each week. I am so proud of how you blended colors too. These apples look good enough to eat!!! I hope your families enjoy these wonderful Still Life Drawings! Be sure to add comments about what you liked the best and what you learned when making this project.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on October 30, 2013
Piet Mondrian would love how each one of you created a wonderful painting in the style that he created. These are so beautiful. Each one is special and original. I am so proud of what good artists you are becoming.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on October 24, 2013
This was just the best project. I love hearing my little K artists continue to sing and dance the Freeform Shape song in the morning as they greet me in the hallway. I feel certain you have heard it at home too. Remember, putting content to music and rhyme improves retention of any content material. Hugs
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on May 5, 2013
Wonderful paintings using the elements of art line, shape , and colors! I know Mr. Roy G. Biv would be very proud of your work. Also, remember the painting by Mr. Rossine that inspired these! He too would be very proud to see your version of a musical collage! Keep up the CREATIVE work. I am so proud of each and every one of you. Great job!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on February 6, 2013